Gong Luming is training the men's basketball players to let the boys adapt to the environment here.

Although the General Administration asked everyone to play lightly during this expedition, it did not set this goal as it did at other times, asking everyone to make breakthroughs and other things, but the head can reduce your burden, and you can't do nothing.

Gong Luming still understands this truth.

People who don't understand can't sit in his position.

While training, he saw Zhang Ming and Xu Ang coming with big and small bags.

"Lao Zhang, why are you here?" Gong Luming greeted Zhang Ming first, and then said to Xu Ang, "Xiao Xu, hello."

I saw a lot of training players, although they were doing training, but their eyes glanced here from time to time. It was obvious that they were not thinking about training. Gong Luming simply let them rest.

When a group of players gathered around, Xu Ang handed out gifts while saying: "Everyone has a hard time coming to the United States, but you can't bring nothing. You are not like me, who are just walking around all day, so I just make my own decision. I've got some local products for everyone. Come here, don't be polite."

Gong Luming was the first person to be assigned a gift. He was the team leader. How could he dare to pick it up without others?

After taking it, Gong Luming secretly said: It's really a local product.

In addition to some souvenirs about the Olympics in the bag, there is also a set of U.S. dollars with the same tail number and different face values.

In addition to the United States, other countries are really not producers.

Isn’t the U.S. a native product of the United States?

If you give money directly, no one will dare to accept it, and no one will accept it. That is an insulting behavior.

But if it is given in the form of an Olympic special edition gift, everyone will take it cheerfully.

What's more, Xu Ang didn't give it to someone or a small group of people alone, but had a share in the audience. As long as the entourage had any status and status, everyone would have no scruples and no one would refuse.

Can't you pretend to be Qing Gao and let everyone follow Qing Gao.

The contents of the gift bags add up to a thousand dollars. Most people's lives are not very rich, and many people can't bear to push it away.

Gong Luming secretly said: The young man is really good at life. No wonder his career can develop so well.

The players who are immersed in training may not know it, but how can Gong Luming know that the boy in front of him is already the owner of an NBA team.

He Gong Luming is not stupid, but he doesn't really think that a four-year-old little Douding can spend one or two billion dollars to buy the Los Angeles Clippers.

Isn't everything a genius brother Xu Ang, who is known to all, is in charge?

Thinking of professional basketball in the United States, Gong Luming couldn't help asking: "How much do you know about professional basketball in the United States, can you talk about it?"

The strength of the US men’s basketball team is dominant in the world basketball world, not only because of its strong players’ personal strength, but also because of their leadership in player selection, team tactics, and player training. .

This kind of lead is omni-directional, which creates an almost impossible gap in strength.

As a basketball player of China, after Gong Luming came to the United States, he naturally wanted to learn something to improve China's basketball.

"You said professional basketball in the United States. I really can't tell the reason."

Xu Ang thought for a while and put forward his own suggestion: "Coach Gong, do you think this will work? We are trying to organize a joint training camp. During the offseason, if domestic professional players are willing to come, they can go to the Clippers. Experience NBA-level team training. My idea is to try to run one or two sessions first. If it works, we can cooperate for a long time."

Xu Ang is naturally willing to do something for China's men's basketball team.

When Gong Luming heard that there was still this good thing, he hurriedly agreed.

Regardless of whether it can be done or not, you can take it into your own bag first.As for whether the joint training camp can be organized, we will discuss it after we return.Didn't Xu Ang say everything? Domestic professional players are willing to come. This is a matter of personal volition.If it fails, just say the players are unwilling, just give each other a step down.

According to Xu Ang's estimation, the players are definitely willing. For example, the bus has the willingness to come to the United States to play professional basketball, but the team will say otherwise.

Especially roughly, his status is special-after all, if the Bayi team doesn't agree, he really can't come.

It took most of the day to deliver the gifts to everyone. Xu Ang didn't do anything else. He started to recharge and waited for the opening of the Olympic Games.

The Huaxia Sports people who accepted his small gift and felt his kindness became more friendly towards Xu Ang.Even Xu Ang himself did not know that his reputation in the domestic sports world would be so positive.

It is a real honor and recognition to be a flag bearer at the opening of the Olympic Games, but the fly in the ointment is that my mother and sister cannot come to the scene to witness this glorious moment in person.

Fang Shuying and Xiaoxiao stayed in the country and did not come to Atlanta to cheer for Xu Ang.

It’s not that my mother dislikes this son, nor that my sister doesn’t like his elder brother, but after contacting other children in the kindergarten and communicating with Teacher Xiao Song and others, Fang Shuying found that Xiaoxiao’s education has fallen Behind.

The little peas in the kindergarten have already recognized a lot of characters, and can read and write, but Xiaoxiao can only write her own name, and the characters are written like a dog, the zigzag collection of earthworms and The other children in the garden are simply incomparable.

It is hard for outsiders to imagine that Chinese parents attach great importance to children's education.

After Fang Shuying discovered this problem, she became so anxious that her mouth was sore.She is now thinking about seizing the time, so that Teacher Xiao Song and the others can make up for Xiaoxiao's lost studies.

How can the education of the youngest daughter be important to come to the United States to watch a son's game?

Anyway, this is not the first time that my son has won a gold medal.

"Xiaoxiao and I won't be able to help you, but will distract you. I can hear people say that even guns can be bought and sold in the United States. How can we be safe here."

The control of guns in China is very strict, but there are many gun shops in the United States.Shuying in front of me didn't understand, and thought that the United States was similar to the country. Now she learned about it in a chat with a parent in the kindergarten, and she didn't like going to the United States, even less willing to go.

My mother was reluctant to come for safety and to make up lessons for her sister, and Xu Ang did not force it.

In any case, he is now a competitor representing China, and he must be conscious enough to restrain himself in accordance with the management rules of the competitor.Even if he took his mother and sister over, he would not be able to accompany them. Maybe he would worry about his family because of the proliferation of guns in the US.

Relatively speaking, it is better for the family to stay in China in this situation.

Amidst the noise, the Olympic Games began.

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