Xiaoxiao hid behind her car, watching her mother talk to uncles and aunts she didn't know.

Behind her is a group of little peas from the kindergarten. These little peas are the attendants of sister Xiaoxiao.

While observing the enemy's situation, Xiaoxiao also warned her little brothers and sisters: "It's this pretend~ TV station, it will turn people into little ones, my brother is stupid, they have been changed twice by them."

"We are already small."

Xiaodouding is talking.

Xiaoxiao told her solemnly: "You can't let the TV station come over, they want to turn us into little ones. It will become so little and so little."

In order to increase her persuasive power, she also pointed out her little finger: "So small."


"very scary."

"Are they bad guys?"

"I don't want to be a little silly."

The little beans were in an uproar.

These little peas have had enough of life at home, and they all hope that they will grow up quickly so that they can become older brothers and sisters.If someone wants to destroy their dreams and turn them into a small one, they will fight these bad guys.

"Go away!"

"Don't you!"

A group of little peasants were chirping, and they showed hostile eyes.I don't know who took the lead, and began to throw a toy at someone. Others immediately followed suit, and the toy storm crackled over.

Although the little peas can only smash the knees of adults because of their small strength, their resolutely confrontational attitude shocked the adults.

Fang Shuying saw that the children didn’t like strangers entering the kindergarten, and she was not used to facing the camera, so she said a few words in a coping style and sent the people away, letting this interview end hastily. The reporter was so depressed.

They can't figure it out, and they don't look scary. Why do children hate them so much and throw toys at them collectively.

Could it be that they have always misunderstood their looks?

Will not.

The reporters are comforting themselves, it must be that the aesthetics of children is different from that of adults.

Yes, it must be so, definitely not because of our ugliness.

Xu Ang, who is far away on the other side of the ocean, didn't know that his stupid sister mobilized the masses and successfully let the interview team go down and raised the kindergarten's prestige, which fully proved that the number of people is powerful and correct.

Xu Ang is currently observing his opponent in the game. He had good luck today, and he drew a sign as soon as he opened his eyes.

"You have completed the daily check-in and received a random reward: Go all out (you will be able to exert one hundred percent of your physical attributes within ten seconds, limit the number of uses: once)."

Obviously, having this reward guarantees that Xu Ang will not go wrong in the finals, leading to inexplicable loss of the game.With Xu Ang's current strength, if he can play normally and win the game, his performance will be infinitely close to 100%, not to mention that he can still play at full capacity.

This wave is as steady as an old dog.

However, the lion fights the rabbit with all its strength, in order to avoid capsize in the gutter, Xu Ang will not take it lightly.

Going all out must be used when staying in the finals, and Xu Ang's own strength is needed in the group stage.

Generally speaking, it is impossible for Xu Ang to even qualify for the group stage.

But if you don't be afraid of ten thousand things, you are afraid of accidents.

What if something goes wrong?

Just in case!

From this observation, Xu Ang found a black brother who made him feel special.

In fact, when you change to anyone, when you find another person is always staring at yourself, and after you noticed his movements, his eyes have not moved away, instead he will meet your eyes and look at you, showing his raging You will not neglect this person when you are fighting and winning confidence.

Although Xu Ang is a bit blind, when he sees the black buddies, unless he has characteristics, or has had contact, he can't match the real person only by looking at the information on the paper.In his eyes, most black brothers look the same, and they don't feel any difference.

Fortunately, each player has his own name on his clothes. Xu Ang took a closer look and found out who this black brother is.

Donovan Bailey?

Who is he?

Xu Ang said that he was ignorant and didn't know him.

If it was Pele who played football, he knew one.

If you don't know you, Xu Ang won't ignore each other.

As the creator and holder of the current world record, it is impossible for the opponent to know his sprint strength, but Donovan has the confidence to defeat him. This person is either blindly arrogant or a powerful faction.

Contempt opponents strategically, and value opponents tactically.

Even if the opponent is blindly arrogant, Xu Ang has to be the latter.

If Donovan is a powerful faction, then he must be trying to beat himself in this Olympics, which is a blockbuster.

If he can get rid of himself in the group stage, he will replicate his fame in the Qatar Invitational.

With Xu Ang’s current status in the men’s 100-meter sprint event, it’s not that the higher you stand, the farther you can see, but the higher you stand, the heavier you will fall. Xu Ang is never careless about the race. of.

Because of this, Xu Ang quickly recalled the opponent information that Zhang Ming had collected for himself before the game.

Donovan Bailey, a player from Canada, is from Jamaica.

Not to mention anything else, Xu Ang didn't dare not take it seriously just seeing that this black brother was from Jamaica.

Flyer Bolt also came from this country.

No one dares to underestimate the strength of the Jamaican black buddies in the sprint competition.

Xu Ang secretly reminded himself to wake up: It seems that he must pay attention to it, otherwise there is really a possibility that the 80-year-old mother will be upset.

In other words, this black brother named Donovan and himself were assigned to a group. Is it a coincidence or someone deliberately did it?

Many things that happened in later generations made Xu Ang never use the greatest malice to speculate on certain people, who made Atlanta the American territory.

However, it is useless to think more.

Now that you are on the playing field, you will be entangled in whether someone has made the method meaningless, but will divide your heart.

With a light pat on his face, Xu Ang focused on the game.


The flare gun sounded, heralding the start of the game.

Xu Ang used his feet fiercely, like an arrow from the string, swished out.

The referee standing at the starting point just pulled the trigger, before releasing his fingers, he felt a flower in front of him, and then heard a whirr, and then the strong wind blew, and it was then that he reacted—— A player ran in front of him.

My God, he is so fast.

Turning his head and looking over, the referee saw the figure rushing in front, and could not help but smack his tongue secretly, surprised at Xu Ang's speed.

It's not that he has never seen him running fast, but it is the first time he has seen him running as fast as Xu Ang.

The referee began to silently mourn for the players in the same group as Xu Ang. You guys are also unlucky. Look, you were thrown off by two positions less than one-third of the schedule. You have no hope of qualifying.

What pity the referee even more was Donovan who ran second.

Xu Ang shook off the other two positions, but only led Donovan by one position.

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