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Chapter 238: The First Year of Self-Directed Employment

"I said why is the sun so wrong today, rare visitors, rare visitors."

As soon as he saw Xu Ang, Old Meng was furious.

"Putting aside the opera, Old Meng?" Xu Ang tsked in his mouth, he looked Old Meng up and down for a few eyes, his mouth exclaimed, "You don't say, this yin and yang accent ordinary people really can't learn, worthy of a professor."

Old Meng pointed at him and wanted to scold him, but he could only say hatefully, "Bastard!

"You said you're not young, why are you still so angry."

Xu Ang handed over a pack of cigarettes.

"Here, have a cigarette to cool off."

Old Meng snorted angrily, "Don't give me that."

He fixed his eyes to have a look.

Red Tower Mountain!

Then Old Meng's hand came out and took the cigarette and put it in his pocket.

The whole process was as natural as flowing clouds and water, without a trace of fireworks.

What is a scholar?

This is the scholar.

The average salary now is just a few hundred yuan, and the cigarettes have to be sold for ten yuan a pack, which Lao Meng usually can't afford to buy.

Old Meng was usually reluctant to buy them.

Old Meng's face finally looked a little better, and he said to Xu Ang: "You, you, what can I say. The university gave you great convenience, there is no mandatory requirement for you to attend classes in the university, as long as you do not fail, complete the social practice given by the department and do a good report. But you, why don't you think about repaying the school a little?"

Xu Ang was puzzled.

He had thought that Old Meng was angry because he was basically invisible in the school, but it wasn't for the other reasons he thought.

"What's wrong with me, you're so angry?"

It's a good habit to ask if you don't understand, and all misunderstandings in the world are the product of not communicating in time.

"Also what's wrong with me, isn't it what's wrong with you?"

Old Meng's exasperated look was quite like a young daughter-in-law with a grievance in her heart.

He questioned Xu Ang: "As a member of the school, don't you have any consciousness to contribute to the school? Little comrade, don't be so low in ideological awareness. The big leaders have said that we should get rich first, and then we will get rich later. If you get rich first, your older brothers and sisters won't. Last year, the state launched its first graduate talent market, offering students and employers a two-way choice. Last year, the country engaged in the first graduate talent market, providing two-way choice between students and organizations, only one tenth of the fresh graduates can enjoy the state allocation of work, this year even the tenth of the quota is not available."

Old Meng gave Xu Ang a 'you know' look.

After Old Meng reminded Xu Ang, he remembered. This year, the country began to introduce the "Interim Measures for Selecting Jobs for Graduates of Post-secondary Institutions without State Allocation", and from then on, the country began not to allocate jobs to domestic students after they went to university, but to make them choose their own jobs.

Two years later, it was implemented on a large scale, and the word "temporary" was removed in the millennium.

With the status of Peking University and the quality of its graduates, it is not difficult to find a job, especially at a time when there is a shortage of talent in all walks of life in China.

The problem is that the emergence of a new thing often comes with anxiety.

It used to be that people would just study until they graduated and then follow the country's lead. Even people who thought otherwise were energized by the prospect of a future with a state-assigned job.

But it's different now.

From this year on, the state is not going to be a bottom feeder anymore, and everyone is at a loss.

Students are anxious, and schools are anxious, too.

Students are worried about their future, and they find that they have to think about their future while not only focusing on their studies, but also on their studies, and this change will inevitably make them uncomfortable, and many of them even feel confused.

The school is worried about the employment rate of its graduates, and school administrators, if they are not too stupid, can see that the employment rate of students after self-selection will become an important indicator of the quality of a school. If you want to receive quality students again, the employment rate should not be delayed.

The relationship between Beiping University and the vocational college in Wudaokou is like a brotherhood of love and kill, no one wants to be weaker than the other.

Xu Ang understood that the school was waiting for his expression.

Before, it could be said that he concentrated on preparing for the Olympic Games and didn't have time to care about other things, and Lao Meng and the others were inconvenienced. Now that he has finished the competition and has been back to Beiping for some days, but he has not expressed his intention, people are anxious, thinking that he is going to sit on the sidelines, and inevitably they are unhappy.

"Such a big thing you should directly communicate with me, so that I thought the senior sisters were not worried about choosing a career."

Xu Ang is definitely not going to take the blame, and even if there is a pot, it's definitely someone else's.

"So you are planning to come to the school to recruit people, how many?"

Old Meng doesn't care if he takes the blame or not, what he cares about is how many jobs Xu Ang can provide that are suitable for Beiping University graduates.

"I'm asking for a lot of people."

"Quite a lot is how much?"

Old Meng broke the casserole to ask the bottom line.

After thinking about it, Xu Ang said, "It's hard to say exactly how many people are needed. I am going to start a big project in Mordor, and I need to invest a lot of money. The intention has already been reached with Mordor, and my people are now discussing the details with them. In my vision, I want to set up my own business team, and not just one, there is a huge talent gap."

"In addition, you should also be clear about the domestic situation, I want to do big projects in Mordor, so naturally I have to help them solve some problems. Many enterprises' workers' re-employment problems have to be handled by me, and the good thing is that I have already made a good plan to build a large small commodity center. If the seniors don't mind that this temple of mine is small and are willing to try to learn management in a small enterprise, I really hope they will come to help."

Old Meng grabbed Xu Ang's arm and dragged him toward the school director's office.

"Let's go, let's go talk to the principal."

Xu Ang felt that Old Meng was making a big deal out of it, but it was just recruiting graduates, was it worth having the principal come out?

This is Beiping University.

The most important thing is that people are not aware of the importance of choosing their own career, so it is not surprising that there is such an emphasis on it.

As for the quality of the graduates, Xu Ang is not worried.

The quality of college students in this era is still very guaranteed, not after many years of expansion, 'elective courses will escape, compulsory courses choose to escape' kind of university all rely on the mixed situation. They may have poor hands-on ability and lack of experience, but their theoretical knowledge is solid enough that they can quickly show their advantages in their work as long as they really put their minds to it.

Originally, Xu Ang was worried about his talent gap, relying only on the headhunter to find the little people are far from satisfying his needs. Now it's a good thing that he is at Beiping University, which is where the talent gap will be solved, because the country officially implements self-selection for university graduates.

It seems that my luck is really good.

After having dinner at the school, Xu Ang did not leave the school, but came to Wei Ming Lake in the night.

This is where his August check-in assignment would fall.

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