Almighty sign in

Chapter 239 - Great White Whale

"This month's check-in task has been refreshed."

"Please sign in on a rainy night in the Lake of the Unknowns, sign in reward: a Great White Whale physical object and related manufacturing technology."

What the great white whale was Xu Ang didn't know, he reckoned it should be the name of a ship.

As for whether it was a warship or a civilian vessel, he really didn't know.

There is no need to dwell on what it is, and everything will be clear by the completion of the check-in task.

"It's raining tonight, that should be right, I remember the weather forecast said so."

Xu Ang asked Old Meng uncertainly.

The school director had a lot of things to do, so Old Meng, who accompanied Xu Ang at dinner and was also closer to him, became the monk who gave him away. At first, Old Meng didn't think this mission was a big deal, but at most he was just walking with Xu Aang, but when Xu Aang came to Wei Ming Lake, he suddenly stopped and asked an odd question, and Old Meng began to feel that something was wrong.

"The weather forecast may not be accurate, and who knows if it will rain at night." Old Meng didn't mean to belittle Xu Aang by saying this.

Old Meng didn't mean to belittle the meteorologists by saying this, but in this era, due to technical limitations, the weather forecast is not that accurate.

Worried about Xu Ang's demons, Old Meng didn't dare to keep him, and pulled Xu Ang away: "It's already dark, don't hang around outside.

Xu Aang didn't move.

Xu Aang didn't move.

Pull again.

Xu Aang didn't move.

Old Meng said under his breath: "This is bad food, this kid is really going to be a demon.

He saw Xu Aang was staring at the lake, and he was worried.

This jerk won't do anything ......, right?

Before he could finish this thought in his mind, Xu Ang pointed to Lake Wei Ming and asked him: "This Lake Wei Ming is said to be an artificial lake, what is the bottom of the lake like? Is it rotten mud, or did you lay stones while digging?"

Old Meng slapped his forehead, what did he say, what did he just say?

This kid Xu Aang is going to be a demon!

Surely, it's here now, isn't it?

"What do you think you're interested in the unpaved stone at the bottom of the lake for, and what does it get in your way?"

Old Meng tugged on Xu Ang's arm, trying to pull him away.

After trying several times and seeing that he really couldn't pull, Old Meng could only say, "If you really want to know, I'll find someone to look into it tomorrow and give you an answer soon."

"How can it be so troublesome? Just go down and take a look."

"You can solve your own problems, why bother others when you can find the answer yourself?"

Old Meng's heart was not good, but Xu Ang moved too fast, and before he could react, Xu Ang broke his hand and sprinted with his feet, and Old Meng tried to grab his clothes but could not.

It is worthy of being a world record creator who has broken the limit of human speed.

No, what was I thinking? Now is not the time to lament whether Xu Aang is fast or not.

Old Meng had just regained consciousness when Xu Aang had rushed to the shore, then made a flying leap and jumped directly into Lake Miming.


A big splash.


On this rainy night it spread far and wide.

A rainy night?

Yes, it was a rainy night.

The reason why Xu Ang was so impulsive was because of the fine raindrops falling from the sky while he was talking to Old Meng. The moment the raindrops fell on his face, Xu Aung knew he had to take the opportunity to do the mission quickly. Who knows if it will still rain in Beiping this month, and if it does, it will not rain on the area of Lake Meiming.

It's hard for people who care too much about what others think to be successful.

The moment he fell into the lake, the cold water soaking his body, Xu Ang said under his breath: check in.

"You have completed the check-in mission, and received the check-in reward: a Great White Whale physical object and related manufacturing technology."


Li Ke and He Xing screamed and ran toward the spot where Xu Aang entered the water.

It happened so suddenly, and they were so far away from Xu Ang that they did not react at all.

They never expected that their boss would suddenly jump into the lake.

When they arrived at the lake, Xu Aang was already on shore.

Xu Aang was not stupid, so he couldn't have jumped too far.

"Haha, haha, hahaha ......"

He was soaked to the skin but laughing at the sight of Xu Ang, Li Ke and He Xing looked at each other.

What's wrong with our own boss, can't be a sudden brain tease it.

A good walk on the road suddenly played jumping into the lake, he got himself into a drowning chicken and still so happy, what kind of brain circuit is this?

Li Ke and He Xing could not understand.

They could only think, "Could this be the difference between a genius and a mortal?"

There was only a wall between the genius and the madman; the former was outside and the latter was locked inside.

"It's finished." Old Meng scratched his head in distress, "It's hard to explain."

It is said that Beiping University produces geniuses, and this is not nonsense. Beiping University seems to have a kind of magic power, and there are quite a few eccentrics among the celebrities after the university was founded. The old Meng looked at Xu Ang quite normal, but he was not affected, and he jumped into the lake for no good reason, which is not the truth of this statement?

In the past few years, we have seen a lot of people jumping into the lake, and we have seen a lot of students jumping into the lake.

The next step is to spread the news to the whole of Beiping, and it is only a matter of time before the whole country knows about it.

As a witness to this, Lao Meng estimated that he would have to be summoned by the school leadership, and it was unlikely that there would be a three-class meeting.

In addition to the school leadership, colleagues of the inquiry, friends of the gossip will not be less, there is a period of time is not clear.

A headache.

Old Meng's troubles were unknown to Xu Ang, just as Old Meng did not understand Xu Ang's happiness.

What really made Xu Ang laugh was the reward from the check-in mission.

The Great White Whale is not a ship as Xu Aang thought, but a large transport aircraft, and it is one of the top ten transport aircraft in the world.

Although its ranking is low, it is a large cargo plane.

In other words, Xu Aang can use it for commercial purposes.

Otherwise, if it were a military model, the mission reward would be a hot potato for Xu Aang to handle.

The Great White Whale, in fact, is an Airbus A300-600ST supercargo, a special model created by Airbus based on the A300-600R airliner.

What does this mean?

Buy one, get two free!

Well, the derivation is not necessarily easy, and Xu Ang does not intend to do that. He was more interested in the manufacturing technology of the Great White Whale, like the engine!

Aero-engine, that's quite a cutting-edge field, and the domestic in this regard, although Shen Hoy and other institutions have been catching up, but still lagging behind the world's advanced countries.

Xu Ang is considering whether to play a big game, to enter the aviation manufacturing industry.

But this also involves the patent issue, who let the great white whale has been put into use by the Airbus Group in October last year. Xu Ang may not have a problem if he just uses the physical plane himself, he believes the system will give him the relevant hand-tailing work, but for production absolutely not.

So much noise, do you really think others are blind?

Therefore, it has to be disguised, but Xu Ang does not understand this aspect, and it is almost impossible to find people who can understand the manufacturing technology in China without cooperating with the authorities.

Thinking of this, Xu Aang's excitement was slightly reduced.

Perhaps, I should find someone to discuss with.

With the image of Tang Lu floating in his mind, Xu Ang decided that he would fulfill the promise he had made to the girl - to visit the class.

"Li Ke, He Xing, let's go to the airport."

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