Bill once commented on Steve, saying that this is a cunning opponent who can never be underestimated.

Of course, this is something that Steve said after he became the leader of Joe’s gang when he started the era of smart phones, which is somewhat of an afterthought.

If Bill really valued Steve so much and never let go of his vigilance, the latter would not be able to stand up so easily.

You must know that there is a grudge between the two, and Steve is the one who suffers.

Unless the loser loses power, he will retaliate.

When he got the improved model that Steve gave him, Xu Ang agreed with Bill to a certain extent.

Compared with the new model that Steve will actually put on the market after the improvement, the sample machine is a big difference.

The gap is not in the hardware and performance of the machine itself, but in the software.With the addition of a new piece of software, there will be a huge highlight, and the space available for operation inside will increase accordingly.

"I have to say, Steve, you are really good."

After trying it out, even though it could not be popularized at the current Internet speed, Xu Ang knew that this was a prototype and an industry would be born in the future.

"Let me think about..." Xu Ang thought for a long time before saying to Steve, "The software you made appeared very timely. With it, you can avoid a lot of trouble. Although the group of vampires on Wall Street does make people Disgusted, but the power in their hands is equally daunting. It is the best choice for us to have a buffer and not directly conflict with them."

Xu Ang didn't say the second half of the sentence, and that was only when we were still weak.

There will be hope only if you survive, so the first thing the weak must consider is how to survive.

Taking out his cell phone, Xu Ang called Mark in front of Steve.

"Boss, are you looking for me?"

"I thought of a good idea, Mark." Xu Ang said to Mark. "It will make Twitter more valuable. I need you to open a dedicated channel the day after tomorrow. Remember, the Internet speed must be fast enough to carry There must be enough visitors."

Mark asked: "There is no problem with the dedicated channel. The company originally has a spare. Just choose one from it. But the boss, you need to tell me how fast the network speed is and what the maximum number of visitors is. I have to know the specific numbers. arrangement."

You ask me specific data, how do I know?

Xu Ang took out the colorful black and magnificent white aura of Party A’s father. He told Mark: “As fast as you can, there are as many visitors as you can, so you don’t get rushed. These are you. It's up to you, and you can tell me when you do it.


Listening to the blind beep from the phone, Mark messed up in the wind.

Even if you are the boss, you can't bully me like Party B's son. You make it difficult for me to handle it.

If Mark did not have a share in Twitter, and if Xu Ang did not designate him as one of the two permanent partners of Twitter, Mark would probably hand over a letter of resignation, saying, "I can’t do anything for you with your money. "I fired the boss for reasons.

However, there are no ifs in reality, so Mark can only get a headache by himself.

Putting down the phone, Xu Ang said to Steve: "You can rest assured about Twitter. The dedicated channel is always available, even if you want it now. What I am worried about is that the time is so rushed and the site layout of the product launch will be too late. The most important point is that those investment banks have already set their sights on the fruit company. As long as the venue of the press conference is set up, they will get the news immediately. Are you sure you can hide from them, or do you think their response speed is not as fast as you Fast hands?"

Steve smiled triumphantly.

"The company is in Cupertino, but no one stipulates that the product launch must be held in the company. Los Angeles is so prosperous, wouldn't it be better to put it here?"

Xu Ang immediately reacted: "Are you ready for the next move?"

Steve corrected: "I'm just used to arranging things in advance."

However, Xu Ang has seen everything through.

You can guess by looking at Steve’s reaction and knowing his past. Even if there is no news leaking this matter, even if he is not targeted by Wall Street investment banks, he is ready to hold a press conference before the launch of the new Big Banana Boat product. .Using Guogou's new ultra-thin laptop to give this company he created but was manipulated by capital, he swept the founder out of the house with a fatal blow.

Because only by pushing the Big Banana Boat into desperation, Steve can acquire it and realize his wish to re-enter the Big Banana Boat.

After spending so much effort, don’t you just want to return home?

Okay, then I will help you to make your homecoming group.

Steve, who had achieved his goal, left. He didn't know it. After Xu Ang sent him away, the smiling expression was immediately taken away, and he thought about himself.

When Xu Ang closed his eyes and thought, someone walked out of the side hall.When they saw Xu Ang thinking about something, they immediately relaxed.

"Senior, senior sister, please sit down."

No matter how light the footsteps are, Xu Ang will not be unconscious.

He invited people to take a seat first, and then he said: "What do you think about Steve's desire to take the Big Banana Boat?"

"With all due respect, winning such a well-known American company is a great thing for Guo Guo, but it may not be necessary for you personally."

The speaker was a senior who was several years older than Xu Ang. This Zhao Zhanglong stayed here after going abroad for further study and successfully entered an investment bank on Wall Street. He thought he could make a big splash by what he learned, but he was helpless. After entering the local workplace, I realized that this country is not as good as it promotes.

The various discriminations in the workplace, the invisible but existing ceiling, the various restrictions, and the visible and invisible constraints quickly made Zhao Zhanglong disappointed here.

The reality is like a basin of cold water, which poured him soberly and made him completely awake.

No matter how good others are, they belong to others, and no matter how poor or broken one's own home is, it is always one's own home.

Only those who have lived and worked abroad can realize how happy it is to have a strong motherland behind them, or how to say they will be more patriotic after going abroad.

Had it not been for Xu Ang who needed someone here, and he had been found through the school relationship, Zhao Zhanglong had now returned to China to prepare for his own business.

In the original time and space, this is one of the successful returnees, is a man of the domestic investment circle.

Xu Ang knew his ability, so Xu Ang motioned him to continue.

"Mr. Steve is the founder of the Big Banana Boat. Don't look at him after leaving the Big Banana Boat for several years. From the fact that Woz will tell him the secrets of the Big Banana Boat, you can know that he still has an incalculable influence inside it. If the two parties become one, it will inevitably dilute your equity, but his right to speak will increase greatly, thereby weakening your control of the company."

"Speaking more seriously, in case your opinions diverge in the future, Steve can take the company's talents away and start anew, then your loss will be great."

Xu Ang nodded, he naturally thought of this.

"Steve is not a simple character, otherwise Bill wouldn't call him cunning like a fox. He wants to bury me a nail quietly and use huge profits to seduce me. Really think my young mind is simple? Haha!"

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