Almighty sign in

Chapter 246 Software

A person who only knows to ask a problem but can't come up with a solution is not a talent. Of course Zhao Zhanglong will not be that kind of person.

His solution is simple: "While others haven’t got the news, go short the Big Banana Boat, then even if the two are combined into one, your equity will not be weakened, and you will still have absolute control of the company. At the same time, borrow The company’s shell and resources cultivate our own talents and ensure that even without Steve’s operations and research and development, we can proceed normally, so that you will have sufficient deterrence against Steve."

As he said, Zhao Zhanglong laughed at himself: "I have stayed in the U.S. for the past few years. I have not seen anything else. I can see clearly the nature of the people here. They are all dog-faced, and they will show up when they need you Be kind and make you think that they are your friends. When they are strong, turning your face is faster than turning a book. If you don't have your own talent team, if you lose absolute control of the company, Steve will definitely Keep challenging you until you or the other party completely surrender."

"As for the source of talents, we can screen them among the major universities in China. The idea of ​​studying well this year and going abroad for further study... Hey."

Zhao Zhanglong obviously sneered at this, but when he thought that he was one of these people, he could only end with a sneer.

"Not only need to short the big banana boat, we also need to arrange other companies."

It was a woman who was speaking. She was not an alumnus of Xu Ang, but was recommended to Xu Ang by a professor from Peking University on the trust of a friend.Before accepting Xu Ang’s invitation, she majored in business administration at the university. As a teacher at the University of Finance and Economics, if she is not quiet, she does not want to stay in school for the rest of her life. If she wants to enter the business world to practice what she has learned, Xu Ang has the heart. Please move.

I really have to wait for this person to come out, and it will have to be the dual identity of Jack Ma’s Ali as a friend and former colleague when he was founded.

Xu Ang said to her: "I agree with your idea, Sister Peng. How about practicing with these technology companies in the United States?"

"As long as you are not afraid, of course I dare."

"If there are seniors and senior sisters, I am waiting for a good harvest."

After that, Xu Ang asked Zhao Zhanglong and Peng Xue: "Our team was built at the beginning. Although the two teams can complement each other, they are all newcomers. The seniors who just graduated are very motivated, but they have little experience. Knowing that the doorway inside is easy to suffer, you have to take care of it."

Steve is cunning like a fox?

It is a pity that no cunning fox can beat a hunter with a shotgun.

Backed by Huaxia, it happened to be in the first year of self-employment, and Xu Ang, the talents of major domestic universities, was not at all polite.

The most important thing is that Xu Ang has enough bullets-money in his hands to support his multi-line development.

This is what Steve lacks most.

In this country where money is supreme, even if Steve has great abilities, he can only stare without money.

He might have guessed that Xu Ang would move, but what can he do?

Apart from praying that Xu Ang's mind is as young as Xu Ang's age, not mature enough, and not comprehensive enough, Steve can actually do very little.

After arranging his own back hand, he sent Peng Xue and Zhao Zhanglong back to the two annex buildings that Xu Ang cleaned out for the team of them. They originally belonged to Zhang Ming and his coaching staff.After finishing all this, Xu Ang, who returned to the bedroom, picked up his mobile phone and dialed his mother's number.

"Son, what happened to you calling mom so late?"

It took a long time for Fang Shuying to answer the phone. She didn't say anything else but cared about Xu Ang with all her heart.

Patting his forehead, Xu Ang realized that he had done a stupid thing.

There is a time difference between the United States and China. It is still daytime here, but China is already at night.

Maybe my mother was already asleep, but was woken up by his call.

Originally, Xu Ang wanted to say that it was okay and let his mother continue to sleep, but Xu Ang, who knew his mother's temper, understood that if he really said that, his mother would not fall asleep because of worry.

In order not to make his mother think too much, Xu Ang could only tell the purpose of this call: "Mom, can you use the computer I gave Xiaoxiao? There is an email in it, and the account and password are in the desktop file. You Open it to log in, I sent you an email, you download the attachment and install it."

Xu Ang said it well, and Fang Shuying's answer was just one word: "Huh?"

Xu Ang knew just this one word, his mother would not use it.He can only say: "Mom, if you find Zhang Qiong before dawn, she should be. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry, just install a software, and we will communicate with videos on the Internet."

"What exchange?"

"It means that you can see each other through the photo on the computer."

When Xu Ang said Fang Shuying, he understood: "Mom can see you here? This is better, much better than the phone. You can tell mom how to get it."

"Don't worry about this, wait until dawn to find Zhang Qiong, you should rest first."

"No." Fang Shuying refused, "We are in the daytime, you are at night, you don't need to sleep?"

Xu Ang wanted to reply: "Then you don't need to sleep?"

But when I thought that this was my mother thinking for her own sake, she would rather lose herself than let her as a son stay up late. The love from her mother made him unable to say that.

"I will!"

A little milk voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Little baby will!"

The little child was awakened by the ringing of the phone and heard the conversation between his brother and his mother.

Sure enough, my mother is stupid.

Xiaoxiao only dared to mutter these words in her heart, but she didn't dare to say it, otherwise-the petty ghost drinks cold water, and her mother will beat her palms.

Fang Shuying asked subconsciously: "You really can?"

What mom doesn't know, you, a four-year-old little beanie, is not a lie.

Xu Ang was not surprised at all.

Thinking about the children of later generations, after getting a smart phone, they can learn without a teacher in a few clicks and play more smoothly than adults.A laptop with few software installed in Xiaoxiao's hands is not short, she can use it normally.

So Xu Ang said to his mother: "Mom, give Xiaoxiao your phone, and I will tell her what to do."

It turns out that Xiaoxiao didn't lie, she really did.

Fang Shuying watched her daughter turn on skillfully, and then opened the document according to Xu Ang's prompts. After a long time poke on the keyboard, she successfully logged in to the mailbox, downloaded and installed the software Xu Ang sent, and she felt complicated.

Even my daughter knows how to use a computer, but my mother doesn't.

Fang Shuying has decided that she wants to learn computer.

Don't ask for proficiency, but you must know how to use it, and you must not let your daughter compare, otherwise her mother's face will be put.

"I see my brother, hey hey hahaha..."

The little sister's laughter turned Fang Shuying's eyes to the computer screen.

Sure enough, the figure of his son appeared on it.

Although the picture quality was poor and the movements were inconsistent after meal after meal, she might have seen her son across the ocean, and Fang Shuying did not ask for more.

"Let mom see."

The little sister was happy, but she didn't want her mother to suddenly squeeze over and take her place.

This made Xiaoxiao angry. She snarled at her mother: "Ah~~~Bad mother!"

Fang Shuying turned her head, her eyes fell on the little sister's face.

Xiaoxiao was surprised: "Did the baby just say Sen? Ha ha ha, my mother, you love me the most, you are the best mother in the world, my baby loves you."

"Oh... Mom, you let go of the little baby... Mistakes, it's all mistakes. The little baby said in his sleep when he fell asleep. Mom, don't worry... Brother save my life!"

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