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Chapter 259 - Little Qingzi

"It's my sister."

Xiao Xiao answered Xu Ang's question, but her little sister's answer was clueless, not only did it not clear Xu Ang's doubts, but made him more and more confused.

How come I didn't know I had a younger sister?

Still, Mom Fang Shuying gave the right answer: "It's a classmate of Xiaoxiao's from kindergarten."

So that was it.

Xu Ang was relieved, he thought it was someone else, a sister popped up for no reason to scare him.

It was also the fault of Xiaoxiao. If not for the ambiguity of the child's words, Xu Ang would not have been shocked.

As punishment, Xiaoxiao received a slap on the bottom of her buttocks.

Although Xu Aang didn't use any force and Xiaoxiao didn't feel any pain, the little girl was still very angry. She grumbled and twisted her little body to get out of her brother's arms. Worried that she might fall, Xu Aang could only put her down.

As soon as her feet hit the ground, Xiaoxiao stretched out her little hand to hold Xu Ang's calf, then lifted her little jiojio and gently kicked at her brother's leg.

Xu Aang: "?"

What's wrong with the little sister, she didn't get on her nerves, didn't she love her brother just now, and now she's turning against him all of a sudden?

"You bully children." Xiaoxiao accused her brother, and she shouted at him, "I'm not afraid of you."

At this time the little girl who was timidly hiding behind Fang Shuying anxiously ran over, pulling a corner of Xiaoxiao's dress and calling out in a voice as small as a fly, "Sister Xiaoxiao."

"Little Qingzi you don't be afraid, sister protects you."

Xiaoxiao looked back, turned around, reached out and grabbed the little girl's face, and laughed incessantly.

When Qingzi saw Xiaoxiao laughing, she laughed and giggled as well.

Two silly children.

Xu Aang instantly made a judgment.

Perhaps to verify Xu Aang's guess, Xiaoxiao, who pinched Qingzi's cheeks, went to hug her, but did not want her to be small and weak, even though Qingzi was half a head shorter than her, she could not hold her.

She was not able to hold anyone even though she did not stand firm, and she fell down with the person she was holding.

Thanks to Fang Shuying, who knew that children like to run barefoot in the house without shoes and socks, she laid a carpet in the house, or else both children would have fallen down.

"Oops, we fell down."

Xiaoxiao said and then giggled again, looking as if she was happy about her fall. Her laughter drove Qingzi and made the little girl smile as well.

So, laughter is contagious, and so is happiness.

The two silly children were lying on the carpet, hugging each other and being silly, and Xu Ang went around them and went over to Fang Shuying.

He wanted to know what was going on, even though they were Xiaoxiao's kindergarten classmates, and it was normal for the two children to play together, but the timing wasn't right.

Isn't it too early for a child to come to the house at this time of the day to play with Xiaoxiao?

She pulled him far away and whispered to him: "Qingqing is a poor child, and her family lived in the house after the New Year. The family was originally a family of three, but her grandparents always disliked Qingqing's being a girl and insisted on having a son, and Qingqing's mother didn't agree to have a son because of her job. Now Qingqing's mother has to work and take care of her alone, and she is too busy to do so. I just thought I could help out a little bit, so that she could send the kids to me when she's not here to take care of them.

The preference for male over female.

Xu Ang understands.

Older people are born in the old society, and the ideas they are exposed to since childhood have a great influence on their lives.

In fact, civilized society is fine, but the old society is intolerable. In many places, if a baby girl is born, she will be killed and thrown away, or just thrown in a remote depression and left to die.

Xu Ang didn't ask about Qingqing's father's attitude, but Qingqing's parents were divorced, so there was no need to ask about Qingqing's father's attitude.

The man who is not up to the task.

I'm not going to say that I've never been in a difficult situation in my life, but I don't want to be the kind of guy who leaves his wife and kids behind.

"So she stayed overnight at our house?" Xu Ang looked at Xiao Qingzi, who was being pinched by Xiaoxiao, and suggested to his mother, "She's not the only one who can't take care of the children in the kindergarten because the parents are busy.

"Okay, okay, I was just about to tell you about this too."

Seeing his mother's reaction, Xu Ang knew he was right.

The first time I saw her, I thought that she was going to tell me about it, but she didn't. She didn't have to explain to her about Qingzi, but she did. Rather than wait for mom to say it, she should be a considerate jacket for once.

"Mom, you're the director of the kindergarten, you think it's okay."

"A family should have discussions, Mom has to respect your opinion."

It's fine, as long as your old man is happy.

Xu Ang reminded his mother: "If you want to take care of a child, you have to hire someone, preferably someone who knows some medical care, and you also have to buy some related supplies."

Fang Shuying was surprised to hear that, just when the parents are too busy to take care of the child, well, how can it be so much trouble.

"If you think it's too much trouble now, you'll only know what trouble is when something happens."

Only when you are prepared will you know what trouble is.

Even adults, let alone children, can't be sure they won't have an accident next time. It's only right to be prepared and not to be in a hurry until it's too late.

"Brother, come quickly," the little sister is calling out to her brother.

The little sister was calling out to her brother.

"I fell down, and I need to be held by my brother to get up."

Is this a sign of reconciliation again?

Xu Aang squatted down, helped Xiaoxiao up and stood up, and gave Qingzi a hand in passing.

The child is different from the child, Xiaoxiao grin, little Qingzi is timidly holding Xiaoxiao's clothes, with her small head down, not daring to look at Xu Aang.

As a result of too little contact, Xu Aang didn't know if the little Qingzi was too timid or shy.

Stroking Xiaoxiao's little head, Xu Aang said to her, "Eat breakfast first, then follow your mother to kindergarten."

The little hand grabbed her brother's finger, and Xiaoxiao asked her brother with an expectant face, "Send little Qingzi a doggy uniform ba ba, okay?"

How can you not have a dog suit if you are from the dog family?

"Yes, I can."

As an older brother, Xu Ang naturally won't let his sister down, and children grow up fast, the first batch of dog suits she made before can no longer be worn, look at the little Qingzi's size is just right.

"Brother, my sister loves you, yo!"

Xiaole Haha pulled Kiyoko along with her and ran upstairs to present Kiyoko with the dog family's uniform.

"Thank you."

Little Qingzi's voice was so small that if Xu Aang wasn't close enough she wouldn't even know she had spoken to her.

As her little sister's second best friend, little Kiyoko's personality was very different from Sisi's.

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