Almighty sign in

Chapter 260 - Bid Ranking

The two little sisters were immediately energetic when they had goods in their bellies. The two little sisters were so energetic that they ran away with the little girl who had changed her dog costume, but she didn't forget to say goodbye to Xu Ang on her way out.

Fang Shuying hurriedly chased after her, and she had to supervise the two puppies' entry into the kindergarten so that they wouldn't find their way into the kindergarten and have to wander around the neighborhood.

If the two cute puppies were carried and secretly raised, it would be everyone's loss, and Fang Shuying would never allow that to happen.

The laughter of the two children outside the door gradually went away, and Xu Ang did not rest after breakfast. If Xu Aang's estimation was correct, Li Yanhong should be coming soon.

He was right, Li Yanhong did come, and on the way he met two puppies who were caught trying to run wild, and Fang Shuying was escorting them to the kindergarten.

"Boss, you're amazing, you've actually built a T4 server room in China."

Li Yanhong was overcome with emotion.

The server room that protects the data center and large servers is not as simple as building a house, which requires materials and design that Li Yanhong actually doubts can be built with today's technology in China.

"Old Xu has already left for Lin Cheng, and once he has done the preliminary work there, the company will begin the data center migration."

Unsure whether the server room in Lin Cheng was immediately available, and whether its quality was really up to T4 standard, Li Yanhong sent his best helper over.

As soon as things were confirmed, he would act immediately.

"You just watch over it."

Xu Ang seldom intervened in specific matters, and this was his promise to Li Yanhong, Steve and the others. Li Yanhong and the others also knew that just because Xu Aang didn't get involved in specific things didn't mean that his control over the company was weak. As far as Li Yanhong knows, there are a number of people sent by Xu Ang in the important department of Doudouniang alone.

"Today you come just in time, I want to talk to you about the next Doudoune moncler profits."

Hearing these words Li Yanhong face a solemn, he knew the main event is coming.

The search engine how to profit, this is something that Li Yanhong has been worried about. The investors who had promised him to withdraw their investment at the last minute were also stuck on this issue.

How can a company that can't make a profit make money for its investors?

If investors don't see any hope of making money, why should they invest money in you?

Support your dream?

It's not a joke, people with money won't enjoy themselves, they have to give you a float.

Don't look at Du Niang now development momentum is good, even the rice country also because Xu Ang in the fruit company's product launch took them a ride and fire up, attracted a lot of venture capitalists are paying attention to them. The fire will soon be extinguished if Du Niang can't give his own profit model.

"The first full force to occupy the market, until the market share is large enough, after the users are used to using Douniang to search on the Internet ...... "Xu Ang said the damned four words, "bid ranking. "

Li Yanhong gave it some thought, and soon his eyes widened.

That's right, this is it, a stable and long-lasting profit model for search engines.

The problems that plagued him before disappeared under the bidding ranking.

With this method, I believe it will be enough for investment banks to see the company's money, and then accept their financing, use their channels to expand the company's market share and go public on ......!

I didn't expect the search engine's profit model to be so simple.

Li Yanhong lamented in his heart.

He didn't have any other idea, because he understood that the hardest thing is not from one to ten thousand, ten million or even billions, but from zero to one.

The most difficult thing is to go from nothing to something since ancient times.

Don't think about how long Li Yanhong was upset when Xu Ang didn't say those four words, but he understood immediately after he said them.

It's easy to break the windowpane, but it's hard to break it before someone else does.

This truth seems to be similar whether it is applied to the things between men and women, or to women's clothing. After all, there are only zero times and countless times for women's clothing.

Although bid ranking is a four-letter word and sounds simple, it is not easy to implement.

It's not just a matter of time before we get to the bottom of it," he said. Xu Ang did not intend to do these things himself, he left them to Li Yanhong and his team.

Li Yanhong had no problem with this, and was even eager to try it out.

The time to show their value has come, who does not want to show some good performance.

By the time Li Yanhong was sent away, the time had come to ten o'clock in the morning.

"It's that time again."

It's hard to say if it was a coincidence or if Li Yanhong was stuck in time, but Xu Ang felt that there was something about old Li.

But all those who can succeed, there must be a bright spot in their bodies.

Gently pressing his temples, Xu Aung was soothing his tired brain. He hadn't rested since his flight back to Beiping. He was excited about the negotiation with Li Yanhong, but as soon as the momentum passed, the soreness and pain hit his brain.

He had no desire to eat lunch, and Xu Ang planned to have a good sleep first to refresh himself before doing anything else.

Originally, he thought he would wake up in the afternoon at the most and still be able to make it to dinner, but he never thought he would be able to make it to dinner, but not to breakfast.

When he opened his eyes and woke up, he found that it was already early in the morning.

"I can't believe I slept for so long!"

A little surprised, Xu Aang counted the time and found that he was not jet-lagged, but still was on Mi time. It's early morning in Warsaw, and it's daytime in Midea.


After such a long sleep, his spirit was just right, and he definitely couldn't sleep, so Xu Aang washed his face and left the bedroom. He was hungry and needed to eat.

Looking for food in his own home, he naturally had to go to the kitchen.

As he walked from the bedroom to the kitchen, Xu Aang also signed in.

"You have completed the daily check-in and received a random reward: a patent for WIFI-related technology (802.11 specification)."


Xu Ang pressed down on his excitement with a sharp pause in his steps.

What does it mean for WIFI to appear at this time?

Not to mention its significance for the popularization of the Internet, but the resources Xu Ang now holds in his hands will have immeasurable benefits. You should know that the laptop produced by the fruit company actually supports wireless networks, but with today's technology, people only take it as a gimmick, and did not pay attention.

Even if they did, it would be of little use. At this time, the WIFI Alliance had not yet been established, and at most, Lucent was preparing to create its predecessor wireless network protocol, WLAN.

Xu Ang remembers that in the beginning, people were more optimistic about Bluetooth transmission technology, which made WLAN fall out of favor for several years.

It was destined to make the company very rich.

Xu Ang took out the phone and put it back.

There's no need to be in such a hurry, there's no end to the work, so let's fill our bellies first.

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