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Chapter 275 - The Little Dogs' Den

Xu Ang did not expect that he would come home and get out of the car to greet him is actually three little farts on the roof of the RV.

Well, Cissy is nine years old, and will soon turn ten, and there is a difference between her and the other two three or four year olds, so her is not a little butt, but a middle butt.

Without rushing back to the house, Xu Ang opened the door of the RV and walked in.

This RV, which is almost equal to the entire fortune of some big entrepreneurs and businessmen in China, has long been commandeered by Xiaoxiao and has become a playground for puppies because Xu Aang has not used it for much time and because of its spacious and comfortable interior.

In layman's terms, the purpose of this multi-million-dollar RV in Xu Aang's home is two words - doghouse.

The puppies' den.

Even though Xiaoxiao is only four years old and still a silly little puppy, she needs her privacy. Her little sister may not be aware of it, but some of her actions have shown the beginnings of that awareness.

Xu Ang doesn't care about his boutique RV turning into a dog kennel.

Things are just for use, and you don't have much time to use them, so can't you give them to your little sister?

After entering the RV, Xu Ang's eyes were filled with children's things.

Buzz Lightyear, Sheriff Hootie and other puppets were placed in various locations in the car, some by the window, some in the aisle, and some on the stairs. The presence of these puppets made the people who entered the RV immediately feel that the RV was full of people, and it was a pleasure to have so many cute and interesting puppets to welcome them.

Accepting the welcome of the Muppets, Xu Ang carefully passed over them and walked towards the upper level of the RV.

When he arrived at the second level, he found that the layout here was different.

Little trains, cars, toys and so on were the theme here, and those were the toys that the little sisters loved to play with. Xu Aang also saw Xiaoxiao's little water gun. This little guy, who had lost the ability to spit bubbles due to his brother's absence, had been refrigerated and could only stay in the car, unable to go out for air.

This little water gun is not ordinary, it was used by the little sister to nourish Xu Aang's face, is the most special of all toys.

"Woof! Woof!"

Xu Ang heard the barking of a ball of string, a real dog alerting its young master that someone was coming up. Unfortunately, its efforts were doomed to be in vain, as the three little sisters were leaning on the railing on top of the RV, playing house.

Before Xu Ang could walk up, he heard Xiaoxiao's voice: "I'm Baby Xiao, you're Baby Qing, you're Baby Si, and now Baby Qing is sleeping. Little Qingzi, you should go to sleep, you're asleep."


This silly reply, it was obvious that it was from the mouth of Little Qingzi.

When Xu Ang walked up to the car, he just saw Qingzi lying on the ground.

If it wasn't for the fact that the carpet was laid out on top of the car when the sisters came up, Qingzi would have had to lie down on the roof of the car.

Because of the angle, Xiaoxiao and Sisi couldn't see Xu Aang, and only Qingzi was facing the entrance. When the latter saw Xu Ang appear, her small face showed a distinctly dumbfounded expression, and her movements came to a halt.

Xiao Xiao saw that little Qing Zi did not sleep, reached out and cupped her face, criticizing her: "Baby Qing should listen to your sister, be good and sleep, not naughty."

Xiao Qingzi timidly pointed to Xu Aang and whispered to Xiaoxiao: "Brother is back."

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers. Furthermore, Xu Ang is not opposed to having such a timid dog call himself brother.


Xiaoxiao turned her head, right in line with Xu Ang's gaze.


It's really brother!

The little sister happily pounced over.

"Hey hey ha ha ha ha!"

The little sister was happy to see her brother, who had been away for so many days on her vacation for three fingers, finally come home today.

If he hadn't come home, his little sister would have thought he was lost and would have gone to the police for help.

Hugging Xiaoguizi, Xu Ang squeezed her cheek, and then touched her little head.

Do you think this is the end of it?

Of course not.

There were three puppies on it, and Xu Ang couldn't let them be unevenly distributed.

So, he squeezed their cheeks one by one, touched their heads, and made the other two puppies look shy.

"Woof woof woof ......"

The ball of string was in a hurry.

It circled around Xu Ang's feet, and reminded Xu Ang with its voice.

Here, look, there's another puppy here, come and jerk me off!

However, like this kind of dog that comes to your doorstep, Xu Ang is not interested in jerking off, just like a goddess is a goddess because licking dogs can never get it.

Ignoring the request of the line group for a handjob, Xu Ang accompanied the little sisters to play the game.

He did not like the children's house at his age, but he liked the three cute little dogs, and he liked to listen to Xiaoxiao's happy laughter and see her smiling face bloom, so he just did it once to play with her.

Xiaoxiao was very happy because her brother was playing with her, and her little sister Qingzi and Si Si were also playing house with her, filling her little heart with a sense of happiness.

She didn't know that Xu Ang was playing with her because he wanted to make her happy, but also because he knew he didn't have much free time left.

No, he hadn't been playing with Xiaoxiao for half an hour when his cell phone rang.

Tang Lu told him on the phone: "My father told me to tell you that he will be in Jinhua the day after tomorrow and he wants to talk to you first."

Xu Ang knew that this was for the Hengdian matter, at any rate, it was such a large investment that it could almost change the pattern of the entire Jinhua City, affecting the future development of the entire city, as well as affecting Tang Liming's future. It's a big deal, and Tang Liming can't afford to ignore it.

"Okay, no problem."

Xu Ang agreed, then he smiled and asked Tang Lu: "What does Dad like, I can't come to the door empty-handed. Otherwise, it's a small matter if people say I have no manners, but it's a big matter if Dad loses face."


Tang Lu pooh-poohed him and hung up the phone without saying a word.

Xu Ang, this guy is getting more and more shameless, why didn't I see that he was this kind of person before, or is it because the relationship between them is different, that's why they have a different attitude?

The company has been in the process of developing the new product for the past few years, and the company has been working on it for a long time.

The number of people eating at their home today is much larger than usual, and not only did the timid little dog have to eat at her godmother's house, but she also had to add a pair of chopsticks for Sisi.

Xiaoxiao, her two best friends, and the three little dogs are having a meal together, so the mother and brother will have to come out to support the little sister and work together to make a good meal for her.

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