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Chapter 276 - The Tenth Point of Intelligence

Tang Liming never expected that he would have such a solemn day to receive Xu Aang.

He still remembered the first time when he first met Xu Aang, he was still a young boy.

Of course, Xu Aang is still a young man from the outside, but the same person, due to the difference in family and status, is different in the eyes of others.

Tang Liming is no exception.

The former, in his eyes, revealed poverty in his youthfulness, while the latter had a wealthy spirit that could not be concealed by youthfulness.

"I've lost sight of it."

More than once, Tang Liming lamented so in private.

He had never thought that a grassroots backlash could still occur after society had developed to this point.

And Xu Ang's backlash was not a success that took many years to achieve, nor was it a recognition that came only after the gray hairs on his head, nor was it a class leap that took a lifetime to complete.

Xu Aang was able to complete a magnificent turnaround in just a year or so.

From a penniless poor boy, Xu Ang has become an international tycoon with tens of billions of dollars in assets.

The family was squeezed into an old one-bedroom apartment in an old tube building, and they didn't even have a bedroom, so they had to sleep on the ground floor of the living room.

Tang Liming didn't know how Xu Ang felt, but he had the illusion that he was in a dream.

What Tang Liming didn't expect is that this poor boy who opposed his daughter's relationship with him could actually affect his future, so that his career path, which could only go up a little bit step by step, could see the hope of making great strides forward.

The most important thing is, this hope is also very big.

Tang Liming himself also has his own political ambitions, if not, with his background, he could just stay in Beiping and live out his life, why would he take his wife and daughter to a small county like Xu Ang's hometown, which is not even ranked in the country, to go to the grassroots.

Of course, if he only stayed in Beiping to enjoy himself and live like a young master, it would be impossible for Tang Lu and Xu Ang to have any interaction, let alone get to know each other.

After a conversation with Tang Liming, Xu Ang soon understood why he wanted to meet with Tang before signing the contract to finalize the Hengdian Film City project.

It turns out that Tang Liming didn't just want a Hengdian Film and Television City, he wanted more.

If you want to talk about Jinhua, it is a magical city. Its jurisdiction includes not only Hengdian, but also One House.

That's right, it's the One House City.

Xu Ang just knew that the planning of One House City was very unusual, in name One House is a city, but its parent unit is Jinhua City, which is also a city.

The useful knowledge increased again.

"Uncle you are looking for another project that can boost the economy in addition to the Hengdian film and television base?"

Xu Ang hardly needed to think, and gave his answer directly.

"Pick one house, let one house make small commodities. If it can become a distribution center for small commodities, it can boost the nearby economy, and even create an economic circle. If it does well enough, it could become the world's largest distribution center for small commodities."

The opening words are the world's largest, which ...... Tang Liming didn't think there was a problem.

If other young people dared to speak so boldly in front of him, Tang Liming wouldn't even pay attention to it, but Xu Ang was different.

Successful people always have privileges, and every word they say will be treated differently.

Obviously, Tang Liming was like that with Xu Aang.

"It's true that making small goods can solve a lot of employment problems, but I remember that you have an agreement with Mordor and are helping them make a small goods center. Would it be appropriate if we did the same thing in the same house?"

The intelligence is very well done, uncle.

Xu Ang smiled and explained in detail: "A house is not the same as Mordor. The Small Commodity Center in Mordor is to solve the problem of re-employment of workers in enterprises that are lagging behind the times, and whose technology is not up to date with those on the verge of bankruptcy, but is difficult to integrate. I don't expect them to achieve too much, because they used to eat in big pots and had bad habits.

"It's different here in One House. I suggest uncle that you don't go the public route, but instead you provide good policies and let the private sector do it."

"You mean the private sector? Can they do it right?"

Tang Liming thought about it and said, "That's a good way to try it."

In fact, what Tang Liming was thinking was not as simple as what he said.

If done well, it could become a model, a model that could be named in the name of One House, or Jinhua, and then spread throughout the country.

What is this?

This is the capital of Tang Liming's career, this is what he has made during his tenure, and by then it will be easy for him to move up the ladder.

The reason why Tang Liming tried to make light of it is not that he didn't value it, or that he didn't understand it, but that his personal feelings were at play.

It's not that he doesn't understand, but it's just that his personal feelings are playing tricks.

The father-in-law will always have this kind of emotion in his heart when he looks at his future son-in-law.

In particular, Tang Liming knew that Xu Ang and the actress Yang Xiaomei were not clear about each other, and this displeasure grew more and more. In the past few years, there have been a number of cases in which people have been told that they have no choice but to go with their grandson.

It's also a good idea to have a good relationship with your daughter.

It is a good idea to be strict with people and lenient with people, which is how Shuangbiao is so righteous and strong.

Xu Ang, of course, is aware that Tang Liming has opinions about himself, although the other party is Tang Lu's father, but if he wants him to use a hot face to stick it, he is not very happy.

So, after making the suggestion, he didn't talk with Tang Liming for long and left after half an hour.

The latter returned to his office after seeing him off, and began to ponder the feasibility of Xu Ang's suggestion and how to implement it.

He didn't know that Xu Aang didn't go to the hotel he had booked, but went back to his private jet first.

"Karina, from now on you are on standby. No one is allowed in the cabin except for you, not even Rico and the others."

The reason Xu Ang was so cautious was because of his reward for today's daily check-in.

"You have completed the daily check-in and received a random reward: one point of intelligence (each point of intelligence increases brain development by one thousandth of a degree)."

With this, Xu Ang had randomly reached ten points of intelligence.

He had a feeling that this one point of intelligence would be enough for a qualitative change.

Box after box was opened, a full twenty boxes filled with high-energy nutrients, and they were filled to the brim.

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