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Chapter 278 - Sister Hua

"I have long heard of Mr. Xu's great name, but unfortunately I have never had the chance to meet him in Beiping, so today I have finally fulfilled my wish."

"When I see Mr. Xu, I know that a hero is a young man, it is better to meet him than to be known."

As soon as they met, they gave people a compliment, really deserved to be able to make a good living sister Hua.

Xu Ang really wanted to ask her: do you usually praise people like this?

Of course not.

Perhaps when she first started working as an agent, Sister Hua would assume a low profile and pour out pretty words like no money when she met people. Since she signed Uncle Dao Ming, her career has grown rapidly, and her status in the circle has risen, Sister Hua is not like this. She is no longer the original pedal bike around looking for work of the small agent, want her to lower the posture really depends on what the other party is.

Obviously, Xu Ang is one of the people who can make Sister Hua do that.

And not to mention Xu Ang's other industries, just a Xiaoxiao Media will be enough to make Sister Hua so.

Terrible capital plus powerful star-making ability makes Xiaoxiao Media, a new player established just a year ago, become a recognized behemoth in the circle.

This is already not a river-turning auger, but a sea-covering dragon.

Xu Anh's power alone is enough to overturn the sea in the domestic film and television industry.

Such a big Buddha, such a big brother, must be the object of sister Hua's friendship. A few good words, a low posture can get Xu Ang's goodwill, in the case of sister Hua is more than cost-effective thing.

Naive Xu Ang is not being complimented on a few words, a person who drifted, his goodwill is not so good to get. The beautiful words of the flower sister he will listen to a happy, over the ears will forget.

Jiang Wen said: "Sister Hua has signed a lot of excellent actors, if we become a family, it is a strong union, mutually beneficial. Brother, what do you think?"

Xu Ang, of course, thought it was good.

Uncle Dao Ming and their acting skills naturally need not be said, they are known to be very good, and these people are also the mainstay of the domestic film and television industry for a long time to come. If Xu Ang wants to develop Xiaoxiao Media, wants to establish a firm foothold in the domestic film and television industry, and to expand China's film and television map towards the outside, the demand for excellent actors is very large.

The only thing you have to be careful of is that you can't be given a back stab.

Of course, Xu Ang is not afraid to play this hand. Not to mention that he is not a big wang small wang, single in his hands the capital is not the wang family brothers can compare.

If Sister Hua really has that kind of idea, she has not had time to implement, there will definitely be someone to sell her, used to show goodwill to Xu Ang, in order to do their own promotion capital in Xiaoxiao Media.

Therefore, as soon as Jiang Wen said, Xu Ang immediately said: "If Sister Hua is willing, Xiaoxiao Media is open to welcome. I gave you and Zhang and Chen one percent of their shares, and the same treatment for Sister Hua, what does Sister Hua think?"

Don't look at only one percent, the proportion does not seem to be much, but with the assets of Xiaoxiao Media, its one percent converted into Chinese currency at this time is a huge sum of money. In terms of wealth alone, this one percent of shares alone can make Sister Hua among the wealthy women of China.

To say that moved, Sister Hua is definitely moved.

She will not be too Xu Ang less, please Jiang Wen matchmaking before she also inquired about the old plot and the kaiji brother such as the top domestic director is also such treatment. Jiang Wen Jiang Wu just accounted for is the name of the company co-founder to get one percent of the shares, or Xu Ang even if they give them shares, it is not possible to give so much.

At best, it is the same level as Yang Xiaomi who recently got five thousandths of shares because of the "Pearl" fire, plus the previous "Savage Girlfriend" became a phenomenal movie in Asia, which triggered Xiaoxiao Media's internal reward mechanism.

As soon as she said she wanted to join Xiaoxiao Media, Xu Ang gave such a reply, expressing enough respect for herself, and Sister Hua was already a hundred times happy in her heart.

But after all, she was Sister Hua, and would not be so easily overwhelmed by the benefits.

She asked, "I don't know what kind of position Xu General will give me when I join Xiaoxiao Media, you know very well that I am an agent, I am familiar with this aspect of business, but if it is other aspects I am worried that I am not capable of."

Sister Hua is really the same Sister Hua, in order to have enough autonomy for themselves, even if they turn against the company's boss, with the company's artists collectively leave, but also at all costs.

"The day-to-day affairs of the company are handled by General Manager Zheng, and since I chose her, I naturally have to give her enough trust. I believe that you, Sister Hua, can understand and also hope that I will always uphold such an attitude."

Xu Ang's words surprised Sister Hua.

The big boss is really willing to delegate power, not amateurs to direct the insiders to professionals constraints?

In the country such people are more precious than pandas.

He is not worried about the power falling away, or that he has a way to delegate power to let his people do as they please while still firmly in control of the company's situation?

Sister Hua could not say.

She only knows that this is a smart person, the kind with a very high IQ, and would not do anything stupid.

"Boss, Brother Wen ...... yo, Sister Hua ah, hello."

Said Cao Cao, Cao Cao Cao to.

Xu Ang just mentioned Zheng Jiajia, the latter came over with Yang Xiaomi as well as Tide and their other Xiaoxiao Media artists.

"Mr. Zheng has come just in time." Xu Ang gestured to Zheng Jiajia, "Sister Hua intends to join hands with Xiaoxiao Media, I wonder how Mr. Zheng plans to arrange it?"

Zheng Jiajia thought for a moment and said, "The minister of the artist department, and the vice president of the company, I wonder what Sister Hua thinks? We at Xiaoxiao Media are very sincere, and we will not turn away any talent from the eight directions, and we will give the corresponding respect to the talents."

Let yourself manage artists that is to let yourself continue to do the old business, at the same time did not deliberately cut off their own connection with Dao Ming, not playing the idea of swindling themselves in and then empty themselves out, plus a vice president status, sister Hua can feel the sincerity of the other party.

To be honest, the ascendancy of Zheng Jiajia's sister is not convinced.

A little agent of little fame, with Yang Xiaomi, a small transparency in the circle, originally with their own status is a world away, see their own have to accompany the smile of the junior, because of the tree on the side of Xu Ang became the president of Xiaoxiao Media, you say, this is called what happened.

Many agents in the circle are saying, if they were Zheng Jiajia, as long as they can climb on this big tree, I can do it.

Compare the history of Zheng Jiajia's fortune, and then look at yourself, such as flower sister relying on their own fists and feet to work hard to create a world of people, the heart to say no ideas, that is not realistic.

Unlike other peers who only envy and hate, Sister Hua will not just move her mouth, she will use practical action to prove herself.

"Then we will have to ask Mr. Zheng to take care of us more in the future."

When Sister Hua said these words, her decision was already made.

"Sister Hua is polite, I am young and shallow, you have to give me more guidance."

Secretly skimmed his mouth, lamented a: women ah!

Xu Ang signaled the waiter to bring the wine over, he raised his glass: "Welcome Sister Hua, Uncle Ming, Brother Youzi, I wish you all a good time."

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