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Chapter 279 - The real doggie and the fake doggie

The gregarious, some people are talking to each other, the atmosphere is cordial, and some people are envious and jealous, hate to gnash their teeth.

Xu Ang, who was talking with Hua, didn't notice that someone was looking at him from a corner not far away, and in fact, even if he did, Xu Ang wouldn't care.

Hengdian's big film and television city plan is not to build an ordinary film and television city, this film and television base is not just a matter of Xiaoxiao Media, it is a major event in the domestic film and television circle, its appearance will certainly make all the film and television practitioners affected.

Whether this impact is good or bad, it is always going to be affected.

In view of its importance, the top did not let Xiaoxiao Media eat alone, although Xu Ang would not do that either. Rather, they let a number of domestic companies in the film and television business join in, just like the presence of a national character like China Film. The latter either provides resources or channels, as for money this kind of a plugging thing on the stage.

After reaching a certain level, or certain big events, money is just a basic threshold to enter, social resources is the key factor to determine whether you can get on that train.

"Brother look, that damned woman she actually posted up, that surnamed Xu is so young, she actually has the nerve to bow down to him, really shameless."

"Shut up, you don't know what the occasion is, why do you say everything out loud. How many times have I told you to keep your mouth shut, don't try to offend people in a moment of pleasure."

On the side, director Xiaogang looked at the two brothers who were talking, and wanted to say something but stopped.

Thinking again and again, in the end he did not say anything.

If you look carefully, you will find that he looked at Sister Hua and Xu Ang two groups of people talking happily with a look of envy in their eyes.

Do not look at him is with the big Wang Xiao Wang stand together, the three seem to be the same line, but what he thinks in his heart only he knows.

If not for their own lack of capital, if not for the fact that they rely on pretending to be a grandson to do the little brother with the people behind the mix for so many years, so easy career has taken off, see the hope of becoming a climb up, he really do not mind cheeky paste up.

To the capital big brother bowed down, that can be called bowed down well?

That is, some people become accustomed to being the master, everything is end of the frame, think that everyone has to obey his will, the world has to be around him, and shallow eyes, will only focus on that acre of land, only to despise this, look down on that. Slightly more open-eyed, see more things, know how to lower the stature of people can understand the horror of Xu Ang.

That the Lord do not look young, people have the energy you can not reach the horse, I really do not know where you get a sense of superiority.

Could it be that just because you are from the capital, born at the foot of the imperial city root gives you such a bottom line?

Well, director Xiaogang admitted that there are indeed many grandchildren who love to play grandpa in the city of Sijiu.

But you have to act like a grandpa, but also depends on the person is not?

Today such a good opportunity, not to get close, not to close relations, how do you think?

Even if you do not like the outsider, there is no need to live with the face, it is important to recognize the situation.

Look at Sister Flower, her approach is very good.

If you follow the meaning of director Xiaogang, he will definitely grab in front of others to Xu Ang to go with, but he is just a little brother, things are not up to him.

The director, who has not yet achieved fame and fortune, has not achieved financial freedom, and is still a member of the toiling masses, is still a hundred thousand miles away from his cannonization transformation, and his temper is worthy of the word Mr. Nice compared to his cannonization.

In fact, even if he cannonized, when facing the big brother, he is still well behaved, more well behaved than in front of the little sister. After all, the little sister said she was a little doggie just to call herself, and only she thought that way, the threads are really dogs.

"Woof! Woof!"

A dog will wag its tail to its master to please him. This is not the case, Xu Ang has just returned home, the ball of string ran over, circling around his feet.

It is now a poor little doggie, the other members of the doggie family went to elementary school, went to kindergarten, leaving it a doggie in the house, became an empty nest puppy.

Bending down to copy this little doggie, put the thread ball on his palm, teasing this little Boomer to make himself happy and relieve himself, Xu Ang was thinking: real dogs know how to please people who need to be pleased, fake dogs are not even better than the thread ball?

It turns out that the fake doggie may not be worse than the real doggie.

The little sister who came home from kindergarten held hands, and when they saw her brother at home, Xiaoxiao laughed and pulled the little Qingzi and ran to her brother's feet. The two short legs jumped, trying to jump up and jump on the brother.

"Brother, look at my drawing."

Xiaoxiao showed her brother the results of her day's efforts in kindergarten today.

Xu Ang saw four oddly shaped creatures on the drawing paper, behind them was a crooked building-like object, and above their heads was an irregular circle of light plus a few messy coils that couldn't tell what they wanted to express.

"This is brother, this is mother, this is Xiaoxiao and Xiaoqingzi ......"

Little sister is explaining her paintings to her brother, her abstract to the abstract masterpiece if not after her explanation, Xu Ang even if he became a true god of learning can not understand.

"We have big houses, the sun god and white clouds aunt are smiling at us ......"

Limited by the ability to express, the little sister's words are not very clear, but Xu Ang can feel his sister's thoughts. In her simple life and simple careful heart, the family's mother, brother, and little Qingzi sister are very important people, they are the little sister life is all, but also the little sister's whole world.

What a lovely little sister.

Xu Ang picked her up and gave her two hard barks on her little face. A turn of the head, see little Qingzi looking at himself and Xiaoxiao, the little face is full of envy.

After finding Xu Ang looking at himself, the timid dog timidly lowered his head again, not daring to look at Xu Ang.

The most important thing to do is not to treat children, especially when they are ignorant, they are more sensitive than adults in some aspects, and their self-esteem is also stronger.

Reach out and touch the timid dog's little head, in the little Qingzi looked up dumbfounded at himself, Xu Ang held her over, and then also gave her two barks.

One left and one right, one hand a little doggie, a look at it is clear that Xu Ang is a happy brother.

"Only your painting? Little Qingzi didn't draw in kindergarten?"

Xu Ang asked Xiaoxiao, also asking Xiao Qingzi.

Asked by her brother, Xiaoxiao pointed at Xiao Qingzi and said, "Painted ah, Xiao Qingzi won the little red flower, brother, look."

Only then did Xu Ang realize that a small red flower was attached to Xiao Qingzi's clothes, while Xiao Xiao did not.

As a member of the dog family, Xiao Xiao did not have a small red flower, but Xiao Qingzi did, what does this mean?

It is definitely not that the little sister's painting is not good, just that the little Song teacher they can not understand the beauty of abstract painting. This is not to blame the little Song teachers, who let them just kindergarten teachers, not expert professors in colleges and universities.

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