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Chapter 280 - The arrogance of a large company

Ever since Xiao Xiao started kindergarten, the house has been very clean during the day. Although this made Xu Ang uncomfortable, it also gave him more time to deal with his own business.

"Boss you have a perfect location here, a quiet place in the middle of the city."

"It's not bad, I don't have too high requirements for a place to live."

Coming to Xu Ang's residence in Junjing Home District, Cai Shuangxin had a high opinion of this place.

Originally, the location was good, and in the long run, the land and houses here would continue to increase in value with the development of the country, making it a good asset to retain wealth without depreciation. As a result, Xu Ang didn't just own a house, he bought the whole neighborhood.

Cai Shuangxin then felt it was good to be rich.

Many times people are not unaware that doing something can make money, nor are they unaware that an item will appreciate in value, but they do not have money. That can do, can only watch the opportunities everywhere so rich people seize, but they can not stay one.

Although Cai Shuangxin has savings and a good quality of life, he immediately felt the taste of poverty when compared with Xu Ang.

Compared to Xu Ang's wealth, his little savings is at best the degree of two dimes in his pocket.

Listen to what people Xu Ang said, okay, not too high demand. Dongzhimen Street, you have circled since the sprout, you tell me that it is okay, you tell me that you do not have high requirements for accommodation, do not know that every inch of land here, just pick a square meter down can buy a suite in a small city?

Forget it, you can't talk properly with you rich people, or you'll get blasted in the mind.

Cai Shuangxin, who was introduced into the living room by Xu Ang, began to report: "The BOE negotiations have been completed, we took a stake in the form of technology plus equipment, and the other party and the local Beiping workers and land to reach cooperation. Due to the involvement of the local government, our shares must be reduced to less than 20 percent after the IPO, and at the same time, our shares must be lower than the official shareholding. In other words, our share after the IPO is likely to be only about ten percent."

"In spite of this, BOE's profit dividends before the listing, as well as the share cash-out after the listing are already enough for us to make a big profit. And boss, you are so optimistic about its development, its shares are worth holding for a long time, even the remaining shares after cashing out are enough to realize the appreciation of wealth."

For the rich and powerful, too much money is also an affliction.

Their struggle is to ensure the preservation of their wealth and not to let their wealth shrink because of inflation and other reasons.

Ordinary people may not feel that their wealth has depreciated by one percent due to inflation, and will only lament that their money is worthless after a few years or even a decade. But the effect on Xu Ang is very obvious, his wealth if shrinkage of one percent, the amount will be very large, so large that a family working hard all their lives without food and drink can not earn so much money.

The so-called happy trouble is this, right?

"It's good that it's done."

In fact, not to mention the preservation of value, even if a small loss Xu Ang will also do the same choice.

Many things can not only count economic accounts, but also have to consider other aspects. BOE tens of thousands of local workers, that means it is related to thousands and thousands of local families income source, the significance of which need not be said.

Xu Ang brought in a new production line, and the equipment is of world-class standard, which has an absolutely good role in helping the transformation of the factory and its future development. After receiving such a big gift, the local officials in Beiping could not be concerned about Xu Ang's business.

Its invisible benefits are so big that it is never so little that Brother Kong Fang can say.

After talking about the BOE, Cai Shuangxin asked tentatively, "Boss, the recent furore of the Copeland Biya company is quite big, all involving Sony and other enterprises in District 11?"

Xu Ang looked at him and asked with a smile, "What, someone has approached you?"

We are all smart people, Cai Shuangxin also did not deny, he returned: "Yes, someone can not reach you boss, but also think that the risk of calling you will give you what they call 'wrong judgment', so entrusted relations to find me, want me to explore your mouth. As you know, I was doing private equity in Asia before, and I know a lot of people who know me, so I couldn't put off some of them, so I had to ask them."

Cai Shuangxin has a wide network of people, which also means that there are many people to deal with, and there are many people and things that need to be dealt with and put in place. Someone entrusted him to bring a message to Xu Ang, wanting to know what attitude Xu Ang is is to be expected.


If Xiaoxiao was there, she would have wondered how her brother could talk like her little sister.

"Wrong judgment?"

"What are they referring to?"

This statement gave Xu Ang a laugh, some people feel too good, right? They should not really think that they are a multinational level behemoth, they will be afraid of them.

"What time is it, actually still so arrogant, who gave them the confidence."

Skimmed his mouth, Xu Ang was disdainful.

"If you beg, you should have the attitude of begging, and if you want to put things to rest, you have to let people see the sincerity. What do I see? Insolence, arrogance, contempt. I now doubt whether the person who entrusted you to bring the message is someone from Sony or their enemy."

Cai Shuangxin also couldn't stop shaking his head, "Perhaps, this is the arrogance of a big company."

Obviously, it is necessary to beg people to let go of things, but said that kind of words, this is not clearly in the arch fire. You really think you are a developed country, you really think you are a plutocrat?

"I don't know what to do."

Four words said Xu Ang's mood and also represented his attitude.

He told Cai Shuangxin: "Go back to Rice, you don't need to pay attention to this matter. I received a call from Lasseter the day before yesterday, saying that they are willing to give up pestering Marvel about the rights to Men in Black. Will make such a decision, see Oka Norio has perceived the danger."

Seeing that Xu Ang did not want to let go and had no intention of reconciliation, Cai Shuangxin did not persuade.

Not to mention the issue of sincerity, if Oga Norio really has the intention of reconciliation, why did he go?

Have to wait until the situation is not good to propose reconciliation, only willing to not pursue. When you think you have the power, you do not let go, you want to put people to death, and when you are vulnerable, you want to beg for peace, there are no such good things in the world.

"The business world is very cruel, they should understand this truth. If they do not understand, I will make them understand."

If the attitude of the other side is better, for the sake of Cai Shuangxin, do not want to make it too difficult for Xu Ang whip will be a little lighter, but their attitude, Xu Ang if he does not put a heavy hand himself look down on himself.

After sending away Cai Shuangxin, Xu Ang immediately gave Mark a call.

"Twitter to get a higher valuation will have to let Wall Street see our power. Mark, don't be too gentle, a carnival needs to be a carnival atmosphere. The feast that was put on the table needs to be made more delicious, only then the courteous gentlemen can eat to their heart's content."

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