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Chapter 281 - A Plan to Slow Down

To say that Sony such a multinational enterprise can develop to the current scale but there is an excess of people, Cai Shuangxin left the first day, the next day, someone called Xu Ang here.

This person is no one else, it is Lasseter.

"Boss, there is something that needs to be reported to you." Lasseter emphasized emphatically, "It's related to the Copelandia Company."

Xu Ang raised his eyebrows and said, "What is it?"

"They intend to give up their pursuit of rights against Marvel, and also asked if we were interested in taking over a TV station."

Look, this is very sincere.

But what happened early?

The turnaround is so fast that one cannot help but be suspicious.

But Xu Ang still had to ask clearly: "TV station? This thing they also have?"

"Of course, they are at least one of the seven major Hollywood film companies, and the seven can not only do movies, usually involved in multiple fields. With the power of Golombia, a TV station is not a difficult task for them."

Lasseter said as a matter of course, not thinking that there was anything surprising about the company being able to come up with a TV station as a price to get Xu Ang to stop.

He did not know that Xu Ang was surprised because of the difference between the national conditions of China and the country of Rice.

In China, the TV station is a public entity, you can engage in private?

Propaganda is the foundation of the family, education is the foundation, the ideological position of such an important place can not allow others to touch.

Rice is different, where the private television station is not uncommon, as to whether you can operate successfully, that is your business.

The country's situation is different, the concept is not the same. Xu Ang didn't react for a while, so he naturally felt surprised.

"Television stations are a good thing."

Xu Ang did not deny it, did not promise to call it quits, nor did he say he would continue to mess things up. He seemed to be emotional, but also seemed to mean a compliment, as to how to understand is someone else's business.

Lasseter, in turn, replied, "I understand, boss."

Can not understand?

Lasseter is not stupid, there is no reason not to eat the meat delivered to the mouth?

"Then, John, Pixar can start doing cartoons, such as the just released Star Baby can try to adapt it into dozens of hundreds of episodes of animation. And Marvel, with so many superhero rights, it's time to try to find a breakthrough in the TV series."

When Xu Ang said that, Lasseter was overjoyed.

Doing animated films means that the studio needs to expand the scope of business, so that he will have more power in his hands and his salary can increase. Not only that, the increase in the studio's business is also a good news, will have a stimulus to the stock market, the rise in share price is a predictable thing. For small shareholders like Lasseter who own shares in the studio, it is also an opportunity to grow their fortunes.

"Finalize the matter as soon as possible, the sooner the better."

Xu Ang emphasized.

The matter should not be delayed, the later the better.

This reason Xu Ang could not not understand.

After instructing Lassiter to quickly eat the meat sent by the other party into his mouth, Xu Ang immediately called Mark.

"I am very satisfied with the energy that Twitter has shown, but don't be proud, we have to build on it. Mark, I don't want you to be soft just because your opponent has shown a soft side. If the enemy shows a soft belly, what we have to do is not to stop, but to take the opportunity to give him a fatal blow."

If Lasseter heard what Xu Ang said to Mark, he would have lost his eyes.

I just said to eat the gift that the company let go of, why do you still want to pursue the attack, should not slow down the attack?

Xu Ang said: do not want to play in front of me to slow down, how do I know if you are making a gesture, pretending to give a soft, but actually want to delay the time?

If you really want to be sincere, send something over first.

I did not even receive the gift, how can I give you work.

The world is dangerous, people's hearts are unpredictable, there is no proof of empty words, you say you will give it to me and you will give it to me?

Not necessarily!

Xu Ang only believes in one truth - what you eat in your stomach is your own.

Mark on the other end of the phone said: "Boss, don't worry, this matter is very easy. If you were in Rice now, you would know how angry the people who were awakened to unpleasant memories were, especially those who experienced the fiasco of the takeover of Golumbia back then. Back then they were too young to do much, but today they have become the mainstay of Rice society and their influence cannot be ignored."

"These days there are quite a few people on the Internet who are stringing through Twitter, and they are ready to make a big news, so that White Christine will face up to their outcry. If there is no accident, things will happen within a week."

After listening to Mark's words Xu Ang understood, it turned out that the root of the reason why the Golunbiya company approached Lassiter to express their intention to be soft is here.

Sure enough, the kids wanted to pacify me so that they could free up their hands to deal with others and avoid a multi-front war. So it seems that they are likely to me to implement the delayed strategy, fortunately I did not fall for it, or I will end up not pleasing both ends, nothing to gain.

The game of tricks to play on me, quite can be.

Xu Ang is sneering, the smile is as cold as an icy knife, not only cold, but also scary.

"I was actually taken for a fool, trying to play with me. Oga Norio, you can do it. If you don't do it, you won't die, but if you do it, you will die. If I don't show you something, you really think the tiger is a sick cat."

He cautioned Mark: "There is an old Chinese saying that if a ruler does not keep secrets, he will lose his ministers, and if a minister does not keep secrets, he will lose his life. The news on Twitter will definitely be noticed by the other side, and the matter has been learned by the other side before it is done, with their energy is likely to spoil this. You pay attention and don't let good things turn bad."

But Mark said, "You think too highly of them, this is Rice, it's Wall Street that wants to put them on the table."

The Sony behind the Copenhagen company, no matter how bullish and powerful it is, can it be bigger than Wall Street?

Don't look at the eleventh district people five and six, how much they dragged in the face of what they thought was the weak, how humble when facing the rice.

Think about the year they ate the dividends of the two wars after the development, arrogantly to the country to spread money everywhere, even shouted "buy the country", "District 11 can say no" and so on.

What happened?

A square agreement directly by the dry down.

Not to sign?

The rice people a real, immediately let the eleventh district called dad.

It is also because of this incident let capital found a new mode of plunder, next year's financial storm that swept across Asia is not only political purposes, but also the meaning of capital practice.

Just because of that one time to win, also decided the next two or three decades of the Western countries capital model, until China developed, hard to carry the pressure not to give currency appreciation, not to buy their accounts, which broke their economic model, so that it can not continue the cycle. As for the resulting trade wars and various disputes, they are just collateral.

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