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Chapter 292 Jiang Wen


"you are not willing!"

Xu Yun did not expect that Jiang Wen actually answered this way.

"They say that the ban is banned, let me know, play monkeys!"

Jiang Wen only an attitude - Ye did not wait.

"Wen Ge, you can."

Xu Qian is only responsible for bringing a word, and Jiang Wen is not doing so much. Anyway, China has been banned and can continue to engage in things abroad. The Gao Li people are very enthusiastic about Jiang Wen, and it is estimated that this is also the bottom of Jiang Wen.

I can't afford, I can't afford it?

Domestic belongs to your tube, can you still manage foreign countries?

I thought I saw the temper of Jiang Wen. I feel that the other person can't give a step to the steps. Xu Yang will also leave this.

However, what did he didn't expect that, after the second day, Xu Qian got news from Zheng Jiajia, and Jiang Wen went to a bureau to make things.


Pull in the chest in a breath, Xu Qian was shackled.

He understands that guys like Jiang Wen are absolutely impossible to succumb to their mouths. It is impossible to serve it in this life, but can you do the same?

"I am not stupid, how about it outside, China is my root."

Jiang Wen said.

He is very strange to see Xu Yun who came to Xingshi: "You will not really believe?"

It's a weird, and Jiang Wen confirmed: "Do you really believe?"

"Hahaha ..."

Jiang Wen's evil laughed, smiled and bent down, laughing almost didn't breathe, see Xu Qianzhen wants him to give him a meal.

I really is too simple, and I believe in the ghost of this old scorpion.

It is also a good thing to say that it is also a good thing, at least proves that you are cut off.

Xu Qian can only comfort yourself.

"Wen Ge, you make me feel very sad about me."

The expression is transferred, and Xu Qian false model will cover the mouth.

Jiang Wen couldn't help him: "If you don't have a dozen, you will do it. What's the thing you say, the brother can do without wrinkle half a brow."

"This is, you said, don't repent."

In fact, Xu Qian will not give Jiang Wen's chance, he will soon give Jiang Wen a script.

"Wall Street Wolf"? "Jiang Wen went deeply after watching it again," Your script can, your brother, but the old brother, I have to talk about you, your script can't Don't write that fine, the old brother, I have some rooms. "

Jiang Wen wants to play his own imagination, not worried about the loss of cerebral cells, and the demand for hair loss is very touched, and then he does not hesitate to refuse him: "No!"

The script is not written, he is just a Pu Tutong's porter, can't require too much.

"Hey, it seems that I have to kill Hollywood this time." Called Jiang Wu, kid, I saw how he still. "

Look at Jiang Wen's appearance, Xu Qian suddenly thought:

It seems that I feel deeply maliciously from Xu Yung, Jiang Wen took the script directly, did not give Xu Yun's opportunity.

Xu Qian can only laugh at his back: "Do you belong to a dog, run so fast! Old arm old legs, go, you."

The Jiang Wen is not a dog, but the little dog in the family can't care.

He just returned home and greeted his little sister to extend the little hand to him.

"Little sister's hand pain, brother helps the sister."

"It is not hurt by blowing hands."

Xu Qian saw a red mark on the back of the little sister, not only Xiao Xiao, Xiao Qingzi also, hurriedly asked them: "What is it, is it hurt?"


Two little sisters shook their heads.

Then Xu Qian saw Xiaoxiao to put the other hand's hand on his mouth, open his mouth, so that it is strong.

The little Qingzi on the side saw Xiaoxiao, and also made it stupid.

When two little sisters took the hand, there was a red mark on their hands.


Xiaoxiao stretched his brother to make your brother carefully.

"Ah ..."

Xu Qian is very speechless.

Thanks to him, it is so nervous, don't want two little dogs who are stupid.

"Who do you learn?"

The IQ of two little dogs must not think of this kind of gameplay, inevitably, some people do it in front of them, they feel fun to learn.

"It's Xiao Mingzi."

Xiaoxiao did an answer.

Xiao Qingzi makes additional: "Xiao Mingzi loves to eat hand."

"So you follow you?" Xu Qian asked them, "Is it a good habit of eating a hand? You don't want to be a good child ... Is a good dog? Brother and mother do not like bad dogs."

Xiaoxiao gave his hand tall, she said loudly: "I am wrong, Song teacher said."

Xiaoxi Zi is busy next to explaining: "We don't play with Xiao Mingzi, he is so dirty, there is saliva in his hand."

Little sister is a good dog, is a little dog who likes my mother and my brother, not a bad dog who wants to be, they don't do bad things.

Xu Yu frightened them: "You have to do this again, not just hurt, you will have a pain. When you get to see your doctor, let the doctor give you a bitter medicine, but also to your little ass."

Xiao Qingzi shook his head: "Don't take medicine, don't take medicine, hard work."

Xiaoxiao is asking: "What is a needle?"

"It is to use the needle to dress you small butt." Xu Shengbi scored it, "is so long."

Scared Xiao Xiao quickly grabbed the bart, and the protest of angry: "Why do you want to take a needle, a doctor is a bad person."

Scratch the little sister's little nose, Xu Qian asked them: "Remember your brother,?"

Two little sisters noddi: "Remember. Don't eat your hand, don't make a bad dog."

The puppy does not take the needle.

Fang Shuying said that I am awkward: "I have a way, I have said it with them that they don't dare to do it, I will not obey my face."

Xu Qian was surprised: This is the two little dog I know, I actually dare to listen to my mother. If you play the car with the mother, you are not afraid of your butt to bloom like a flower.

"Error, the cycle is a mistake."

"We are mom good babies, listen to mothers, and."

Xiaoxiao laughed in Xu Qian and Mom, huh.

Xiao Qingzi quietly pulled L Xiao Xiao, said whispers: "Xiaoxiao sister, we sing" good baby "."

"Tianlu Blue Baiyun drifts the small school bag, the flower opens the birds called the sun to laugh, I am a good baby, I am a good baby ..."

Two little sisters patted their little hands, singing over and overwllow her brother and mother turning circles, compared with simple dance actions.

Xu Yun found that Xiao Qingzi should be smarter than the big sister.

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