Almighty sign in

Chapter 293, such a lovely child, no pity

"You have completed daily check-in, get random rewards: a little intelligence (every intellectual increase in two brain development)."

I took it into intelligence.

Put the glass tube that has been empty in your original position, Xu Qian did not hurry to do other things, because today is not just daily sign in.

"The sign-in task has been refreshed, this month is signed to the task: Please sign in after the team get the first season, sign in reward: 20% of Guifu Bank (Note: The Bank has a billion dollar market value)."

Bank shares!

What is this, why not reward technology or ability?

Xu Qian took the mouth and was not satisfied with the sign-in task reward for this month.

Of course, from the wealth, the potential of the national rich bank is still quite good.

However, Xu Yun has passed only the stage of only paying money, and he needs more valuable rewards than money.

Say that Gu Fu Bank, this name, Xu Qian feels that he seems to have heard it. It is necessary to say that this intelligence is good. He just recalled it a little time, Jim and Mark wanted to be available at the net. When you honor your gambling agreement, then you want to loary from this bank.

If Paul is inserting a bar, Netscape company will now be difficult to say.

Open the computer to send an email, Xu Lun gave people the information about the National Fu Bank to himself. After the mail was sent, he didn't wait in the bedroom, but it was a bedroom to go to the first floor to have breakfast.

I often get up early, put a three ... I am not right, and Xia Qingzi is now a four-person breakfast, waiting for the children to eat at home.

However, today's situation has been different. When Xu Qian's downstairs, he found not to say breakfast, even the mother Fang Shuying did not see.

My mother fell asleep?

Xu Yuan unexplained.

Still saying that the mother has other arrangements?

He is preparing to ask, I saw the door of Fang Shuying's bedroom opened, she took two little sister came out.

Compared with the puppies that are shot from the vitality, today, these two little dogs are brain brain, and they don't have a good job.

"Mom, what happened to Xia Xiao?"

After asking my mother, Xu Qian asked the little sister: "Tell your brother, are you tuned?"

Two little sisters shake their minds, indicating that they are a good dog, my mother will not teach a good dog, only the bad dog will be caught by my mother.

"Brother, belly pain."

"To pull."

Two little dogs wrote the appearance of Baba.

Fang Shuying also explained to Xu Qian today. The reason why they were going out so late: "I have diarrhea yesterday night. The two little guys are. It is also a good home to the toilet, or they are not able to grab the toilet."

In fact, it is good to grab the toilet, and the child is not strong to the body, and the muscles are not so powerful. When the diarrhea will not hold directly to pull the trousers.

As soon as this situation, you will encounter your child.

Some parents don't understand, I only thought that my child didn't love clean, blame myself without education, but I didn't know that it was not a child, but they couldn't control it.

Touching two puppies, put them up, Xu Qian asked mom: "How can I suddenly diarrhea, is it a cold water, or eat something in the evening?"

"Nothing. I think is that they have eaten their children yesterday, and they have entered something that is not clean, and they will pull their stomach in the middle of the night."

Say, I took two little sisters, and Fang Shuying did not stop. These two little dogs tossed in the middle of the night, she didn't sleep very much, people are being trapped. There is a responsibility to take care of the sister, and Fang Shuying just let him rest.

She told Xuang: "I have already given medicine to them in the middle of the night. Nowadays, there is a lot. Today, we will not go to kindergarten. If you have time, if you have time, you will bring them, I will make up the complement."

After that, Fang Shuying has to go back to the house, but her body has not turned over, she thought she had forgotten a big event.

"I haven't done it today, I will do breakfast first, waiting for you to have eaten me again."

Xu Zhong quickly stopped her: "Don't worry about breakfast, I will arrange it. Mom, you will go back to make up."

I hesitated, and Fang Shuying agreed.

Before going back to the bedroom, she didn't forget the : "Breakfast must be arranged, don't hungry your sister."

The sister she said is not just Xiaoxiao, but also Xiao Sizi.

Xu Zen asked, he gave a mother, you can take care of the two dogs, and then bring two little sisters to the living room after the mother returns home.

Gearly put two diarrhea to the sofa, then turned on the TV, and turned to see the cartoons they like, and then said to He Xing: "To buy a breakfast, you have to be light of."

He Xing suggested: "I heard that the buns of Qingfeng Pavilion is good. Would you like me to buy some?"

"Go fast back."

Xu Qian should allow He Xing's suggestion, Qingfeng shop is also the old name, people opened a lot of years, and there is still no great year in this franchise store, the shop also passed on the era of paying attention to the reputation, such a baby. Quality is Guaranteed.

I have arranged the breakfast, and I took out the phone and took a phone call. I didn't have it in half an hour.

This thing is not a general big thing in any time.

"Hello doctor, you are troubled, you will run this."

Xu Yuli Li Ke cited a middle-aged woman to enter the door, and he walked over, and said two little sister's situation for this doctor who has worked in the door.

Then this doctor gave two little sisters to two little sisters.

If you change it in us, the two little dogs will definitely not be so honest, but now they have nothing to strike, they are already a dog who has no dreams, like two fish from the water, leaning on the sofa, let others They bought them.

After waiting for a few minutes, the doctor said to Xu Zun: "There is no problem, just a general diarrhea, it should be caused by eating unclean things. In recent days, I will have a light point for two children. I will open. Point medicine. "

Said, the doctor opened the medicine box.

Two little sisters watched this unfamiliar aunt, seeing her in the box, immediately stretched the small head.

Then they were shocked.



"It's long!"

"Why is this aunt to bring a needle needle, is she still?"

"You have a needle needle, you have to take it!"

Two little dogs who saw strange aunt's identity were hugged together.

The doctor listened to their words. After taking the medicine, I tried it to Xu Qian suggestion: "If you want a child, you can give them a needle."

Two little dogs were more afraid.

Rongsheng, it's really a needle, even the small dogs are not let go, it is a bad person.

Xu'an shake his head: "Take medicine first, they are afraid of injection."

The doctor listened to it, he could only also secretly: Such a lovely little friend, not a pity.

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