Almighty sign in

Chapter 303, Mao Mao

"Yes, it is him, check it, I am waiting for you."


"This flower is spent, is there a million dollars enough?"

"Very good, you get it as soon as possible."

Xu Yun didn't know who to talk, Hu Yizhan was not a slanting, but Li Ke's expression was slightly weird. Although I haven't heard too much call content, I can infer my own boss and use banknotes.

One million dollars, I can't spend the money forever.

Li Ke couldn't help but feel: there is money.

When I can use money to use money, I want to find that feeling must be very cool.

Unfortunately, there is no effort to worry.

Give some things to some professional people to do, and Xu You will no longer pay attention to this. Some people think that there is a very strong, but it is actually in the eyes of others, he is just an annoying flies.

If this flies have not been seen, but it is not to jump out in your ear, you can't stop, you are still swaying in front of you, you are proud of you.

That is the self-finding road.

Don't die, you have to die.

Korea has a very interesting phenomenon, and each of their presidents did not fall to the end.

Various problems, all kinds of rollover, Gao Li people change their own president to the car, and then let himself up. After it is on the place, they are turned over by the car, and the week is beginning to reciprocate.

A president is often involved in a large number of officials, and a batch of officials before, it is really really not afraid, follow-up.

It can be seen that the official governance has been corrupted to what extent.

In such an environment, it is impossible to do it at all.

I don't want to add it to me, who gives you the courage, Mr Mr.

So I don't know how to live, Xu Qian does not know how to live in the present. It is also said that in fact, the level in the country is like this, the name of the crane is already standing in the chicken group?

"please follow me."

Joseph waited outside the door early, and saw Xu Qian went out and immediately got in front.

Xu Yun is limited to the gold cruise in the gold cruise, and he doesn't want to waste it in a critical person. The solar charging technology on the gold cruise number is the true purpose of him this time.

My brother has my own business. Two little sister can be free. Without your brother, they can help them.

Two little sisters held their hands, giggling in front of running, Zhang Qiongy, who is tightly followed by a little bit more than usual.

It was still very fear of Xiaoxilai, and she didn't adapt to a strange place. Who can let her have Xiaoxiao, Xu Yian's stupid child is not afraid, her brave gave the courage of Xiaoxilai, so that this kind of bile dog became brave.

The little sisters are rushing, and the big people who are scared before, and they are getting more and more happy.

The adults are not afraid that the little sister hits themselves, but worrying that they will be injured. These two children must not have, and they are Xu Yun's sister, which makes them injured is a big event.

Even if you hit your own little sister, the responsibility of you crying and tears can afford?

Xiaoxiao Media's artists did not want to try itself, it was able to withstand the anger of the boss, the staff of Xiangnai ... The two little sisters rushed to run, suddenly heard someone called them. .

"Little sister stops, don't run, beware of falling."

Just completed the two children and Li Xiangxiang, which were recorded in the first floor shop, found these two children, and the former immediately called them.

Waiting to ran into two little sisters, when they were talking to them, Xiao Qingzi suddenly shouted with a small mouth: "Caterpillar!"

Xiao Xiao listened, I was shocked, and I was busy with the left and see it.

"There is no caterpillar."

Xiao Xiao, did not find the caterpillar, told Xiao Qingzi, she was sure wrong.

Although Xiao Qingzi frightened Xiaoxiao sister, it can be a large number of adults as my sister, or I decided to forgive Xiaoxi.

However, the caterpillar said by Xiaoxilai is not Xiao Xiao. She pointed to He Laostener: "Caterpillar."


Xiaoxiao's small brain tame, from the head to the foot, I waters, this turned to Xiao Qingzi: "He is an adult, not a caterpillar."

Xiao Qingzi did not obey this time, she said very seriously: "He is caterpillar, in the TV."

So, Xiao Xiao was surprised.

She doesn't think that Xiao Qingzi will lie to themselves. So, this is said that they are really caterpillars.

Ok, you have a caterpillar, actually dressed as an adult to lie to the child, do you think that the child will be afraid of you?

Pull the hand of Xiaoxilai, Xiao Xiao is going to run behind: "Go to my brother, my brother will protect my sister."

As a small and clear child of a puppy, she is in turn, she is not afraid of the adults of the caterpillar, but she pulsates Xiaoxiao. If her Xiaoxiao, she wants her to hear with her worm.

Li Xiangxiang has already rushed over. She heard that Xiao Qingzi said that Teacher He is caterpillar, almost did not hold back.

"He teacher, you are really popular with children."

At a little bit, I didn't mind my ridicule, and Teacher He said to smile, gave Xiao Xiao and Xiao Qingzi: "The children are good, I am your good friend caterpillar."


Xiaoxiao responded, she recognized what Teacher: "It's really caterpillar."

"Moh, you are so good, I am Xu Xiao, this is my sister Xiaotan." When she said, she stared at Li Xiangxiang and carefully identified, ", is not a sister of the Turtle."

The little sister's face is disappointing, Li Xiangxiang is very hurt, and the heart is like a knife.

My sister, I am so beautiful, you actually turn it!

Two little fart.

Li Xiangxiang will understand the idea of ​​children, and the little sister who is careful and beautiful is not as important as the caterpillar from the TV. It is important to play with them.

"The big wind is nourishing twisted drip ..."

Ignored two little sisters who took Li Xiangxiang, and I jumped into the song.

One of the people who don't know how to take an audience will understand that Mr. He is working in the court before going to Xiangnai, and he is doing the children's channel.

Mao Wool is the name of the teacher when the teacher is in the children's channel.

Teacher who played his strong affinity quickly got a little sister's recognition, got two little sister's small hand, and many people who included Li Xiangxiang were very envious.

That is, Xu Yun's sister, can have a chance to make Xu Qian, and people who are giving you the benefits of the leaks in the fingers.

It turned out to work in children's channel, and there is this benefit after mixing your face.

Soon, the children who were originally belonging to the cold tutorial door in the TV station became a grabbing, so that people who knew the inside care were not.

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