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Chapter 304 Seafood Dining

"The boss, the lunch time is here."

Joseph reminded Xu Qian, the latter looked with the insequence of the torrential cavity and soothing the cerebetitis.

At the time of focusing on one thing, the time is too fast, Xu Yun feels that he has just been able to get rid of a little bit, has arrived at lunch time.

For two or three hours, in Xu Yun's feeling, it seems that only a small meeting, or Joseph reminds him, he didn't feel it.

"eat first."

And not to mention people, iron rice is steel, do not eat hungry, do not say that this is the first meal on the gold cruise ship, the order today, this is unusual, so To go.

The reason why today's lunch is unusual, and the reason is on the daily reward of Xu'an today. He is nothing else today, but he is a luxurious seafood dinner.

Xu Zhong wants to see it, the luxury seafood dinner can have luxury.

Come to the second floor restaurant, Xu Yun found that Xiaoxiao and Xiaoxilai, who should be here, can not help but feel strange.

Two little dogs actually resist the temptation of food, this is not scientific.

After waiting for the inquiry, Xu Xiyu knows that it is not a puppy to resist the temptation of food, but they have not given food to the food. These two little dogs were taken in half a road, and they were followed by He La.

"Let's go, go first floor."

The little sister did not be on the second floor, Xu Yun went to the first floor, he said before, let everyone go to the small square collection of the first floor before lunch.

"To inform everyone, have to make a meal."

Joseph commanded a crew to tell the owner with the broadcast in the ship, he followed him after Xu Qian.

"Brother Hug."

Xiaoxiao and Xiaoxilai rarely ran out of the TV, but compared with my brother, they were obviously more rare.

This is not. After Xu Yun, they will release the teacher's hand, Qi Qi, my brother ran over, and I have a good fortune to Xu Yun.

Investing in Xuangui, then attached a hug.

Holding two little sisters, the soft body, listening to them, said that they have been with the worms together, Xu Yu feels that her fatigue is cleared, and his face has a happy smile.

See the boss is very good, Zheng Jiajia and Hua Sister and others are also good.

What they didn't expected is that they will be better, because Xu Zen tells everyone: "For this time, in order to celebrate the first flight of the golden cruise, it is more beautiful to celebrate the results of Xiaoxiao's media, I have prepared a luxurious seafood dinner on the second floor restaurant. "

In addition to coastal cities in this year, other regions want to taste a seafood, the price will not be expensive.

The cost of transportation is not to mention, the single thing is a good value to make the seafood's price.

Everyone is now unfortunate, holding three five hundred pieces of the son, and some people have a few tens of hundreds of pieces to taste?

Therefore, the voice of Xu Qian's voice is not worthwhile.

What's more, Xu Qian also added a luxury word before the seafood dinner, which makes everyone look forward to it.

Even Xu Qian said luxurious and wants to be really luxurious.

However, they don't know, it is not good to prepare for it, and Xu Zhong will not be clear.

After the brother held the second floor, I just entered the restaurant, Xiao Xiao and Xiao Qingzi "" exclaimed.

In fact, it is not just that they, even Xu Qian is in seeing the situation inside, and it is slightly.

"Good Lobster!"

Some people saw the situation in the restaurant through gaps, and they did not help but exclaimed.

However, it turned out that the restaurant was in a long table with hundreds of seats in the restaurant, and the main dishes were placed in the long table - a big dragonfish that was cooked red.

This big lobster is big, let Xiaoxiao and Xiaoxilai are afraid. They are not sneaked with their brothers, and they are afraid that it is a shrimp. I will jump with its pliers to clamp them, put them like this. The child gives the bullion to the cry of the shed.

Yang Xiaomi looked at the foot of the feet, could not help but be big lobster's size: "Head is so big, I am afraid not to be a fine."

Xu Yun should have not returned to: "It is not allowed to be fine after the founding of the country."

The river crab waved the big pliers and took a domineering step.

What is it?

You are thinking about it.

I don't know how many cars do you put on the long table?

There are not many, just four hundred and four.

Is it not clear enough? Is it not obvious enough?

How many dragons who can make Xiaoxiao's silly children are afraid, but he is visually, and the length is definitely longer than the little dog in his arms.

At this time, this big dragonfish that could not be familiar with a reassemble was placed on the table, and it was made into a claw claw shape. It looked into a murdered, and the lifelike appearance, even the people will generate this guy may jump up. feel.

The light is a big lobster to earn an eye, and the cameramen who can't stop it in the hunar artists.

Before and after, left left and right, Baba ... various angles, all-round shots without dead ends.

Even if you don't know the specific price, everyone is clearly just this big lobster, this meal is spent.

However, Dalong Shrimp is just part of a luxurious seafood.

After entering the restaurant, everyone is accepted, some people see that there is a chef to carry a large sea fish on the side.

Obviously, this is to do it now, let everyone eat the most fresh food.

"That fish ..."

Sale of Taoism saw a lot of knowledge, he gently touched Teacher Ge, whispered: "You have a child, I should have no mistakes?"

Teacher Ge carefully looked at it, he went back: "Didn't miss it, just like you think."

"Our boss is really rushing to the money, the light is such a fish, you have to let me get it."

The Ming Uncle is full of emotions.

So expensive ingredients, he must not spend money, and then see if you meet, not him is not a heart, but the wallet is not enough.

If someone is invited, Ming Ming is won't polite.

Teacher Ge also quietly thumbs up quietly in the direction of Xu Yun: "Atmosphere."

They are different from Yang Xiaomi, and the newcomers who have just signed in, the latter can't recognize the value of this seafood dinner, just a vague value. Very valuable concept. And they understand that they understand that this meal is that many people in the field are also added together.

Originally, there were still some worried after I entered Xiaoxiao Media. In case, I met a ghost capitalist. Everyone did not improve much.

Now this is a matter of concern, Xu Yang is a person who is a spending money, so the boss should not lose their employees.

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