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Chapter 329 He is flying

Xiao Qingzi lengrys on the small head, the little mouth is slightly opened: "The brother jumps high!"

Xiaoxiao is dancing next to her: "Flying Feifei ..."

Originally, the mousitary ball is gradually become quiet, and the fans have never thought that Xu Yun gave them such a surprise.

Their hearts are all amazed: "This Chinese man jumps really high."

However, just high?

of course not.

In the air, I haven't reached the highest point of Xu Qian reached a grab, a trick, I will take the basketball in my hands. Also let the original Houston and fans think that this ball has become a lot of biography.

Orazhu saw a busy shouting: "Defense!"

He has slowed down again. According to his experience, the time to skip so high, then the time consumes enough to complete the back of his teammates.

Unless Xu Qian direct dunk.

The front step in front of the penalty line, you think that you are, even if you are empty instead of your city, you can't do it.

What's more, Olazi Want has played so many years of basketball. He has judged that Xu Yun's movements have been judged that the other hand of Xu Qian will not lift it.

You have to hold a ball, obviously to steady basketball, don't let it get off in the shake after you fall.

Ola Zhu Want decided, waiting for him to prevent this ball, tell Xuang NBA is not a little talent, running quickly, you can mix it. It is also necessary to attack a goal in the immediate attack and defense transformation, and use the NBA old man to welcome the tradition of the newcomer to say: "Welcome to NBA, rookie."

Don't doubt Ora Zhu Wang's ability, his dream is not a laugh, or he will not be a legendary superstar.

Therefore, the most important thing is to prevent this ball and do not let the opponent pull the head.

What is defensive on basketball court?

At first glance, two things to see talent, three experience.

Olazi's three times, he did not think that Xindin, a new NBA official competition, can be scored in his own defense.

However, the fact is that you have an attitude, there is talent, and experience, what is it?

Did I give you a chance?

The next thing happened to let Ola Zhu watched his eyes.

Xu Yun has a ball, he is high, but he does not fall as others, but it is the height of him is still rising.

"Oh, my God, he is flying!"

The sound of the nephew echo in a quiet alley.

If you only listen to the sound, you don't think of a few people in the center of the treasure boat. In fact, 30,000 viewers are gathered, and the full blocker is full.

As Xiao Xiao said, her brother flew in flight ...

Under the gaze of more than 60,000 eyes, Xu Qian's hands held a basketball, not only jumped to an amazing height, but did not fall immediately after reaching the highest point.

"He is gliding!"

"Do not!"

"He is flying!"

There is no wonder that everyone is surprised, because in general, people will start falling after jumping to the vertices, even if the people with strong waist and abdomen are unable to have a lag. The first person of the active NBA, Jordan, who is known as the flying man, is three seconds at the highest point.

Don't underestimate this zero half, just on this zero three seconds, Jordan can complete many of the incredible movements, playing the attack on countless people, and makes countless defensive will be in his hand .

Original everyone thought that Jordan is the limit of human beings, but today, in the center of this treasure boat, there is an oriental from Huaxia refreshed people's awareness. Xu Qian tells them that Jordan is not the limit, strong and strong, one mountain is high.

I am not afraid to be afraid to be afraid to fly.

Looking at Xu Yun is getting close to the basket, Ola Zhu Wang and the fans present are not from the heart: He won't be a dunk?

Do you want to play so big!

Jump from the penalty cable, stretching the body in the air, pulling himself into a bow, but Jordan's patents, a symbol of NBA, is known for many basketball fans in the future.

But if Xu Qian can complete this roll, maybe this symbol will be changed.

After all, there is a good requirement for the quality of physical fitness and difficulty in single-handed dunk and hands.

At this moment, the Houston had a big eyes.

At this moment, the fans on the scene were breathed.

At this moment, the audience in front of the TV does not turn your eyes.

Everyone is waiting, waiting for a miracle, and wait a shocking picture, waiting for a thrilling dunk.

Time was unlimited at this moment, but also made the bystander generated when Xu Qian fell in the air, and he was able to stroll in the air.

This feeling is until Xu Qianxi's incoming basketball into the basket.

Under the heavy buckle, the basket has a significant bending amplitude, which is very worried about it will not be broken.

Fortunately after O'Neill's devastation, the alliance has increased the selection criteria of the basket and the basket, otherwise it will not be a big scene to override the basket together.

Waiting until the farten of the fell was quite half, Xu Yun was letting it, falling to the ground.

When he was on the spot, the 30,000 viewers of the entire treasure ship hall did not have a half-point sound. The whole audience can only hear the puppies "flying flying ...", the crisp small milk The sound is like going back to the soul, and people's minds are gradually awake.

I didn't wait for the audience to respond. When I was quiet in the court, Xu Yuan turned, opened his hands and opened his hands in Ola Zhuwang and Houston, saying loudly: "Welcome to Los Angeles, here is a treasure ship hall, Legendary start. "

In the next second, cheering is like a tsunami, and the whole ball is turned to the extreme.

Someone in Los Angeles came to satisfy their curiosity, I want to see the new home of the fast fleet. Some is to take a look at Barkley this aerial flour, for Xu'an and Clippers. Old Corgash and others did not care, even if the team's rookie performance, they will also play the best tradition for the opponent.

Now they all rebellious, Xuqian uses a burst of explosive opening ball shocked the audience.

One goal, just a goal, only one goal, Xu Qian took the heart of all fans in the scene.


Cool! "

"I announced that I am his fan!"

With the unparalleled strength, Xu Yun is famous, and I don't know how much fans I don't know.

The screams of the scene, excited to the whistle, and excited to dance, standing up in the same place, even more people who came up, and these people didn't know before.

It is dazzled, and it is also unbelievable from the ancient people sitting in the front row.

In the public, the foreigners should be so open.

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