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Chapter 330 Nailing Hat

Looking at the color, just a calm, like a small little thing, Olai, had to admit that this oriental is very strong.

His talents are visible to the naked eye, and it is simply good to fly, and it is stronger to explode.

Reflections, if he is Bakley, what will he do after you find that the fast fleet has such an existence?

For the champion ring, Buckley has no longer insisted that one person is one city, and no longer adheres to the styles of the superstars of this year. He has chosen Houston, which is because of the same Olagu Want and Drakesler. The three giants have very high winning chances.

When a talent is sufficient, it is even more difficult to say that the Baxley will make it difficult to say when people are more than those who exceed Jordan.

"Charles can go to Houston for the champion ring, and can also change their ideas for the championship."

If Ola Zhenwang is only shocked, then Drakesler is depressed.

Ok you, Charles, there is such a big found that you don't say it early, if you say, I will ... cough, right.

Anyway, everyone is for the champion ring, as long as the purpose is achieved, I also recognize the thigh.

Now fell, Your Charles is holding the thigh, what do you do with me and a dream?

Depressed Drexler reaches the ball, although Xu Yun's ball is very shocking, the ball is exciting, but his Drexler has played so many years, after Hundreds of thousands of battles, I have never seen it, he is not lost for a while.

Your plant is shocked, the ball is so beautiful, it is not still two points, I will also have a goal.

The veteran is the old, Drexler quickly adjusted his attitude, he held the ball attack, then ... then he met trouble.

Drexler wants to swear, this newcomer, the attack does not know how, but the defense is really strong.

I have tried a few times, I can't break through Kobe's defense. Drakesler knows that he has encountered the enemy. He collapsed the heart of the rookie.

The first defensive round is a superstar, Xu Yung is not worried about the old department.

When the old department is still a little flying man, he is in the defender in NBA, and a few times a big achievement is enough to explain everything. The world only knows that Kobe is powerful, saying that he is a fatal black Mamba, but he has to distribute physical strength to the attack, guarantee the team score, can only reduce consumption in defense result.

I really want to defend, this, I dare to rush the team in the first time, I dare to rush to the team: "I will pick up your dead split, I want to pick with Jordan."

Drakesler, which encountered Kobe's defensive attack, was not very dry, and he took the opportunity to spread the ball. At this time, Nash's thin disadvantages were once again appeared, he could not prevent the player and became the defensive vulnerability of the Clippers.

Fortunately, I am expected to be expected in such a situation. Buckley quickly won the past, so that the other person could not break through Nafter shot.


Basketball a bomb on the floor, in the Houston player who took the Buckley with Nash to pass the ball to Olazhu.

It is a big book with Olagu.

If the force is the force, there is no problem with Olagu, who is hard to resist. However, Ola Juwang does not leverage the superstars under the barbarium, and his dreams can always play a brute force.

So before, this time no exception.

I saw that Ola Zhuwang after the ball, the flexible footsteps were easily easy to fly, and they lost their experiences, and they lost their positions. They only looked at the opponents.

This ball is stable.

When the ball shot, Ola Zhu Wang knew that this goal was, he was already brewing, and it was necessary to use NBA to treat newcomers' traditionally welcome the fast shipping team.

"Welcome to NBA, rookie."

You see, this is a tradition, and it is also a welcome ceremony. In the past, each of the previous Joining NBA will feel the attitude of friendly friendly friend from the old bird.

But that is before.

A figure rose in Olajuwan, the very fast speed makes him first until the first arrival, the long arm makes him even if he can hit the target.


Xu Zun five fingertips, and a slap slammed Ola Zhu Want to the rebound and died.

Nailing big cap!


The 30,000 fans of the treasure boat palace saw such a famous scene, and I sent a long.

Nailing big hats are not common, that is the absolute crushing of physical fitness, plus the hats or the legendary superstar of the NBA, this is even more

Not only the audience is amazed, even if the broadcast TV station is also replayed several times like the chicken blood, it takes a comprehensive and complete presenter of the big screen in various angles, supplemented by slow lens. .

Olagu is blue.

It is uncomfortable by a hatbook, not to mention this nail hat.

It's not just like this. The main broadcast of his hat is constantly playing, and it is equivalent to the public to disclose him once again at 30,000 fans and the number of TV audiences, and no knowing the number of TV audiences. Who can't stand it.

Can you have these binders can't do some personnel, I don't want to face?

There are many advantages, such as the top panels, just five fingers, firmly grabbed the basketball, but don't have to grab the rebound again with others.

After landing, Xu Qian was evolved to Nash, attracting the footsteps of Ola Zhu Wang and Drakesler, whoever, was a vain, and his driver is like a lightning to rush to the other side.

I will know if I'll shoot.

A look at Xu Qian can also keep the ball in the high-speed sprint, and Houston's players are shocked.

Strive to control the ball technology, this guy you are sure that it is not a ball guard?


The shouts of Ola Juwang are full of despair, Xu Qian refreshed his awareness of the rookie.

Like this talent, there is a talent, there is a new show of technology, you can't take him as a rookie, this is an absolute enemy. In the face of Xu Qian, Olagu wasts couldn't help but remember the first person named Jordan.

If there is only a fast shipping team of Xu Yung, Olagu Want is not desperate, the problem is that the Clippers are not only Xu Qian, and there is Barkley this Pig.

Imagine, Jordan and the big injuries before joining hands, although Houston has a big dream and jet two giants, their opponents are also two giants, they have the possibility of winning?

When I saw Xu Yung, I was a big windmill, grabbed the basketball's handwheel, and smashed the atmosphere of the treasure boat palace again, let 30 thousand Los Angeles fans who are harsh of the main team. When I worshiped the action, Olaju's heart gave birth to himself, but I had to admit it: Perhaps this time is Barkeli.

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