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Chapter 391 is all defending

"Mono!" Wang Mun has a straight table, "It's a monk."

As you get older, Wang Lun's health is getting better and better, he doesn't know when he has a fire, but he was broken by Xu.

"As the big shareholder of listed companies, I will do it, do you know what is this behavior? Is this illegal you know? Do you want to face an investigation?"

Can not blame Wang Lun to be angry, Xu Yang is his student, if Xu Qian has made a violation of the law, his teacher is also light.

What's more, Xu Qian is still in the top of the inflammation. It is said that the domestic investors do not understand the finance. Even the basic common sense will dare to enter the stock market. As a result, Xu Qian has made this principled mistake, Wang Lun How can I endure it.

When you say others, you are coming, how can you have another set of yourself?

If you put it on others, I will not be angry.

Seeing Wang Lunfire, but also pointing to himself to export, Xu Zhong did not be angry, but laughed very happy. He can see that Wang Lun has a real concern about his own fire.

"You still laughed out ... wrong, your little leather monkey, I will tell me what is going on."

Wang Lun's reaction is also fast, Xu Yun's reaction is slightly speaking, he immediately realizes that things are not so simple, there must be mystery.

"Teacher, you will disappear, and listen to me slowly."

Xu Zun said: You are both old people, but what is so big. Don't talk about sixty people, it seems that your cultivation is not home.

Also the professor of Beiping University, will also consult a higher talents in the country, just this?

Wang Lun reached out to play, Xu went, I was busy: "Teacher You don't forget, now it is a legal society, everything must be evident, you can't make me sin because I blow it to Zhang Ming. After all, brag Not a matter of law. "

"You are sophistication."

Wang Lun said with him, asked: "Is it clean?"

Look, this is the difference between teachers and students. You have changed to others, and Wang Lun is another attitude.

"What is the tail?" Xu Yun's appearance, "Teacher You are asking, I may do illegal things? Everyone is good. Your student, I have a good citizen who follows the law, always listen to the party. Walking with the party, those Wuqi eight things can not be able to touch my side. "

Ok, Wang Ren understands.

Who will play this kind of vest?

Even Xu Qian does not need to open the vest, to him, some is to do things for him.

Wang Lun remembered that Xu Qian mentioned Zhang Chao, but the student he taught, Lenovo learned a lot because the country did not package allocation, and the uncomfortable school sisters, Wang Lun knows that this is absolutely never Go to Xu.

The student he teaches himself inside the door, and that low-level mistakes are impossible, even if someone has a small probability of mistake, it is impossible to have a group of people.

Wang Lun called a bad heart, he clearly remembers that it is like this crazy test in the legal edge, and he is a reverse example, for the students to wake up, let them do not commit such errors. I have never thought of these people fell, but they actually "learning", and it is really difficult to learn bad.


"It's amazing!"

Teach you can't do anything, what you are biased, this is not a fight against others.

Wang Lun sighed, got up.

The older scholars are too rigorous when they are doing learning, as the old man wrote a popular article, he is too good to write too much, which makes the devil in the 11th district bitter Big cheap. The latter is replicated with the value of Huaxia in this valuable process, and has become the competitor of Huaxia in this field.

WAN is also the case.

He taught too detailed, teaching too much, which allows Zhang Chao to get started so fast.

Can be admitted to the top university in China, no one is idiot. On the contrary, their IQ is far more than the average value. After learning enough theory, they only need to spend very little time to accumulate practical experience, and can quickly use the knowledge learned to reality.

Did not stop Wang Lun's departure, Xu Qian, who went out of the door, did not know, Wang Lun left his residence and gave himself a call to himself.

"Hey, Lao Zhu, is me, I am Wang Lun."

"I have a student to have a job recently. How do you help me?"

"Do you know? Haha, it seems that the movement of the little leather monkey is quite big, you see when you come to Beiping, we two gather?"

After a call, after I got my own reply from the other's mouth, Wang Lun took the phone.

"Little leather monkey, my old man went this old face, don't let me down."

Wang Lun muttered himself.

Xu Yun didn't know that his mentor helped himself a big busy. He was walking on the road to kindergarten at the moment.

After lunch, the little sister wants to go home to eat. His brother is not easy to have a lot of things today, they have to fulfill a brother's own point, go to the little sister home.

Can't let the little sister in the home every day, there are people who have some children in kindergarten, but they can only go home with my mother.

Xu Qian wants to let other children know that their little sister is also painful, and some people come to pick up.


"Is my brother! It is my brother!"

I didn't expect the news. When the two little sisters of school saw that he stood at the entrance of the kindergarten in the customs of the kindergarten, they were full of happiness.

Xu Yun saw two laughs like a splendid little sister yelling, and he waved his little hand in his side, step by step, and he jumped into his head.

They are so different, so that Xu Yen has found their figure from many Xiaoyuin.

Going out the door, Xiaoxiao does not stop, directly in the head, and she follows a small sail.

There is a little sister who has been placed in my brother is too excited. Putting the child's concept of dangerous behavior, they don't know that they are directly rushing to adults, it is easy to make themselves.

Xu Lun hurried over the body, with his hands and copied two little sisters like a small dog.

Xiaoxiao and Xiao Qingzi are in the air, the front of the force makes them swayed, Xiao Xiao smiles: "Swing, swing ..."

Xiao Qingzi took a second and shouted: "Swirl, swing ..."


The lames of the lamelin were sent, and then gave their own mom and dad out of the question.

"I have to swverse."

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