"Brother Hug."

Two little sisters shouted, they twisted their little body to Xu Qun Huai. The small brain is still a arch, and it is not worthless.

Of course, this restlessness is temporary. Once the little child is sleeping, once it is coming, I will have a dragon on the dragon before a second. I have entered a dream in the next second.

After two minutes, after I found a comfortable location in my brother's warm arms, Xiaoxiao and Xiaoxilai quickly slept.

Today, two little sisters have been very crazy. Xu Zhong received their school to let them be very excited, and they did not stop all afternoon. The consequences that make it strong are that the physical slot is very fast, and I have slept than two hours.

Don't look at the sky, it's not eight o'clock when you fall asleep when you fall asleep.

Holding two little people, Xu Yung did not move, he didn't pick up the leave after two little sisters fell asleep, but caught their little hands, first put it on the palm, gently hold a small party. , Then put a finger in their palm. Two little sisters seem to have a sense, grabbed the brother's finger, and then wrapped his little hands and sweet after the brother's big hand.

Fang Shuying came in and looked at it. When the two hands didn't have time, he reinited for three children. After all of this, she took a better battle again, this only lighted his light.

Xiaoxiao and Xiao Qingzi fidilized with my brother to sleep together, hide the brother bed, even my brother is also a tyrant to accompany them, Fang Shuying can only sleep alone.

Fortunately, I have more thinking, and Fang Shuying also has a lot.

It was originally a little thing to handle this evening. However, the plan did not catch up with the change, two little sisters drilled in him so early, I was sleeping sweet, Xu Yun also extinguished the intention of office tonight.

He handed a little sister, his hands holding his sister's little hand, didn't have to sleep with beautiful beauty for a long time.

He is sleeping comfortable, and some people don't sleep all night tonight.

"Let me go to the name of the list, no matter what, I have to make his forgive! You didn't make a mistake, Dad?"

Shec's second less I feel that I am playing crazy in the afternoon, and I have more physical activity with new girlfriends. I actually live.

Who he is, he is the two young grandfather of the sheep, even if the status at home is far more than his own big brother, you can put it as you. Even if you can't see yourself, you should not do this.

"Who is the list? He is just an outbreak, he is more than a year before it is in a small breakstream, you actually let me apologize, why? Zhenxue knowledge can change fate, put When you are a person? "

The sheep brigade is very uncomfortable. He wanted nothing. That is just a newly neverned hair kid, and it is not a few years old. He is so prestigious, how can he be afraid?

"Apologize is impossible, you apologize to him, you must also get his understanding, where is your old face?"

Yang Brigade felt that he had something wrong with him. He didn't have a face, but his father had. His father can be a famous current, and the social celebrity is the face.

Who is referred to in exchange, but a slap in the sky, I played a goo to take an eye.

"Billing things, you want to die, you."

Mi Dad is an angry, and it is also a unfortunate thing to lament his unfortunate, and there is such a son who does not learn an unpredictable.

It is clear that the eldest son is so good, enough to take the bonus of the home, let himself not worry, no one, how to be so unrestrained.

It is true that Xu Qian is indeed a lot of hair kids in recent years. It is this feng head, and his family is already dozens of times or even hundreds of times. His principal of this family can't see Xu Yun, how can he dare, he dares, who gives him a bottom?

Is it me?

Myrs and dad are very painful. I am really a stupid. If he dad, I am not afraid, how can I agree with Yang Cong and Yang Brigade to go to the door. But if you can take Xu Qian, why did he come?

"The old sheep is not good, Jui's share price has risen."

"How much is it?"

"It has been broken through ten, and it is still rising. Those investors are crazy, they are constantly bought, we can't compress it, it is impossible to compare with our power, but also ... "

Mi Dad's heart, ask: "And what?"

"And someone pulsses the share price in secret."

I heard this news that shelters and headache, he knows that some people have seen the opportunity, and they are in a poker.

I don't know whether it is my own competitor, or I only plan to come in a person who will go.

If the former, he has to be careful. If it is the latter, then it is relatively good ...

No matter which case, it is extremely unfavorable to the sheep.

The higher the stock price of Jui, the greater the loss of their sheep's home.

Whoever makes yourself before, I want to eat a big fat man, do it too well, and I want to adjust the head. It is impossible.

"Inverter, I don't care what you think, tomorrow, you must get Xu Yun's understanding, or I will not have this son."

Mi Dad said, and point his spear to Yang Cong.

He is always satisfied with this eldest son, and he will not be able to get angry towards Yang. It can be different today.

"You talk about you, no one is not good, it is awkward, you don't know if he is not good? You don't want to think, he is from the home of the rice, people earn the beginning of the rice. Money, there are so many elite places in the country to get out of the big career. Do you have to provoke? "

"I used to mix the wind in the stock market in the country. We feel shocked by a Pacific Ocean. Passed that this person will fall in the merits. You can fell, it is too comfortable, not Take people's eyes to the country. Look at it now, people are asking for your wish, began to make a demon in the stock market, you are satisfied? "

Mi Dad is getting angry.

I used to listen to people to say potholes, I only took a smile, the top is to evaluate a sentence: The son is too stupid to pit, and that is really unlucky.

Nowadays, this thing has fallen on himself and let himself a joke.

That makes you become a joke, it is the big son, who is proud, and the mission of Mi Dad really vomited.

"Child, I am you, you can't be so pit you, I am, I am!"

The mouth is in the mouth, but my hard is mourning.

This time he was miserable by his own son, it was originally brought by the housing to listen to a lot of conflict, and there is no realization, it is also likely to put the coffin.

Who can be much worse than me!

In addition, Mi Dad is also considering whether to with the power of the Chamber of Commerce, it is also a member of the Wuyue Chamber of Commerce. As long as the opening will definitely help.

However, the most difficult bond in this world is human affection, and the human definition that is easily owed is still difficult.

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