Almighty sign in

Chapter 393 is now a young man's world.

If you can't go to the school, the Yangma will be happy.

However, this time is an exception.

He is looking at Xu Lian's door, and he can't help but feel a resentment.

In view of the reasons why the last time he and Yang Cong's exports of Xu Qian often enter and exit, Xu Qian did not avoid someone would bother to himself and his family, and specialize to let the Royal Arrange the person in front of this entrance. Increase the booth.

Anyway, it is the place where I have, I haven't set a post in it. I didn't arrange a person to guard, that is because it is not necessary. Nowadays, there is necessary, Xu Zen will naturally not exist by safety hazards.

This is not, the postal booth has just set up the field.

The sheep brief who is stopped by the security personnel said to see Xu Yung, he can't touch it.

"It is evil, what are you awkward, but it is a violent household, but also put a spectrum."

The sheep hate spit, I haven't waited for him, a big mother wearing a red sleeve, I don't know where to come out.

"Spitting, fine ten pieces."

Yang Cong: "..."

No one is okay in the first second part of the square, which is there?

This is outrageous.

Yang Cong wanted to rush to the aunt, but he thought of these people's hard work and his current situation at home, and told his young master's temper.

"It is not ten dollars, give you."

One shot, a big unity fell on the ground.

Ten dollars will be heartache in the current ordinary citizens. Whoever makes a lot of wages in this era, it can be found at the same way.

The money was fined him. He didn't care, but he had to find it back.

You don't want a fine, you bow your head and go to pick it up.

Hey, the red sleeve, the big mother can be affected by this, she reached out and slammed the goo, and did not let him leave.

"Throwing garbage, fined 50."

You don't have money, then you continue to make.

A black sedan passed, Zhang Ming saw the whole thing from the window, he couldn't help but shake his head.

I have long listened to the sheep home. This two young masters don't learn. It is an unparalleled, I thought that the rumors generally lost their biased, and I have never thought that people have said all facts.

Such people are inside the family or can enjoy the world rich, but if the family is unlocked, it is better than the vast majority of people.

If the sheep's home does not make trouble, the people like the Yangjun will enjoy the world, but who makes them want to die, not to provoke Xuang.

When Zhang Ming thought, the car has entered the door of Xu Yongjia.

"Zhang Shu, you are coming, please please."

Xu Yun is still standing at the door, and there is still the same trend.

The same person, the same hospital attitude, but there is a feeling of falling in Zhang Ming's eyes.

When he came here, he saw that Xu Yang was just a polite young man. Although this young man has some achievements, it is still a young man.

And this time Zhang Ming can no longer think so.

In Zhang Ming's view, don't see Xu Yung's surface is a politicated teenager, it's just because you are not his enemies, otherwise you will meet the horrible side of him.

However, a few days after a few days, I could have a flying sheep home, because I would like to provoke Xu Qian, I want to secretly poked on the foot of the foot, and the result is dragged out after being found after being found.

When did this fight end, I have to say it.

Even if he is Zhang Ming, he did not grasp the ability to advise our efforts.

"Xiao Xu, the relationship between us is not usually, you don't say that Zhang Shu Ming does not say dark words,"

Zhang Ming faces a helpless expression.

"Someone found you Zhang Shu, I want to let me say and persuade you to have to wait for the people."

It is very direct when it is straight, it seems that Zhang Ming is also a lesson who has taken the previous contact with Xu'an.


Those who were unexpected, Xu Lun promised to be unusually simply, which made Zhang Ming ready to say useless, and let Zhang Ming's surprises have fallen in words.

It seems that it is very strange to Zhang Ming's surprise, Xu Sheng said: "Zhang Shu, I have exposed it before, you won't understand it?"

How did you say that you want to let go, how can I not know.

Zhang Mingzheng wants to open. He suddenly remembered that Xu Yun said with himself once, he had enlightened.

"How much do you want to loa?"

Xu Qian's face has a smile: "Talk to the smart people is labor-saving."

It seems that I have already expected Zhang Minghui, Xu Qian took out a material from one side to Zhang Ming.

"I want to purse the Bank of Joieti to the bank, according to the current stock price and the rules of the bank, I think two billions should be no problem."

"It's impossible." Zhang Ming thought did not want to leave, "absolutely impossible."

"Listed companies like Jai, even if it is the biggest shareholder, it is more than two digits, which may be loaned so much. You don't have to joke, and you."

Refers to the document you handed Zhang Ming, Xu Yun said he: "Zhang Shu, you look carefully."

What is Xu Yun let Zhang Ming look?

Nature is to see the content inside the document.

I don't know, I will see Zhang Mingjun.

"Twenty-nine percent, you have mastered so much!"

Zhang Ming knew that Xu Yun was in the market and quietly absorbed a lot of shares from the small shareholders, but did not expect him to receive so much.

Twenty-nine percent, this is really a good line, it is worse, and there is no way to get it.

Thinking that Xu Yen is likely to be in the news of the news of Joi's news and the new quarter, Zhang Ming invitilizes: "Now, it is really a young man's world."

Doing buying and selling is not low to buy high sale, some people think this is very simple, and it is actually simply difficult to do. This is the same as the number of news, the less the number of words is, the greater the matter.

Previously, the price of Joi stocks was now asking for a place, and there were many stocks in the market. At that time, the buyer did not spend a few money.

After Xu Yun's operation, it happened to rise ten times, that is two thirty times the rise.

At this time, the market value of Joi is loan to the bank, even if the bank is trying to take advantage of the price, Xu Qian can earn a big earner.

Zhang Ming silently said to Xu Zun: "There are too many more than 200 million, one billion, otherwise the sheep is still can't afford."

How many homes have such a home for Sheep's sheep's home, Zhang Mingbi is clear.

One billion words sheep's house sell iron or can still be on, this year may be a bit long, but banks are just eating, nor do they lose money.

Two billions have to force the sheep home to sell blood.

May not sell blood.

It is a miserable.

"Waiting for the people and spare people?" Xu Yun smiled, he asked Zhang Ming, "If I have a position with the sheep's home, what do you think they will do?"

Zhang Ming silently did not speak.

"So, Zhang Shu, two hundreds of millions, do not speak. If you are difficult, you can wait."

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