"Yellow mouth children, deceive too much!"

Zhang Ming also left Xu Yun's home. He and Xu Yun's disadvantages were too large, and only the topic was allowed to hold. There is no unexpected, Xu Yun's priced prices have led the sheep home a chicken flying dog jump, and the sheep is determined.

Original Yang's home is still hesitating, or if you want to seek help from other members in the Chamber of Commerce, now they don't hesitate.

Two billions, you better take the knife directly to dry our blood.

"No compromise!"

"Absolutely not compromise!"

Since the compromise solves the problem, then take another way.

Through other members of the Chamber of Commerce, I will give Xu Sian, let this show know the people of their sheep's home, understand the energy of the Wuyue Chamber of Commerce, seeing him, I dare to do two billion.

"The reason why sheep's home is still, that is because they think that they are members of the Wuyue Chamber of Commerce, and they can take a conference in the last guidelines. I also admit that the Energy of the Wuxue Chamber of Commerce is really large, but they Ignore a crucial thing. "

In his own living room, Xu Yun said.

"My people in China and those who have involved in the Wuxue Chamber of Commerce are completely two areas. I invest in emerging industries, and they are doing traditional industries. Even Xiaoxiao electric car, or fruit company Operators and this kind of business in the Orientation, they either the industry unicorn, have a leading technology that is not available in other companies, or there is a business with foreign market. "

"The former, the state will protect. It is necessary to know that he has always advocated the science and education in the country, and he attaches great importance to the technology enterprise with leading technology."

"The latter, they don't dare to provoke. The fruit company is a huge thing in the country. If they reach out, there will be any consequences of international disputes, they don't want to know, they don't want to know."

"You see, so that I am in the domestic business map, they don't have enough, it is not enough for them to put pressure, but they want to help the sheep home, the power industry can be limited, and the role It's even less likely. "

Why did Xu Yun dared to touch the Wuyue Merchant, he was not a brain, and he would challenge the authority of his authority, but a decision after reading a transparent.

The rich class group of Wuyue Chamber of Commerce will definitely grow into a huge thing, but it is definitely not now.

When they become a big substitute, Xu Qian believes that he will be more large than they.

"Again, I am so good, let the sheep home slowly pick up the gatherings, I don't dare to do it. I need to use the whole force to maintain the stability of the share price, and I will forced them to make Juyi profit, so that they have saved a family Listed companies that have lost money also make your banks can continue to charge high interests for a long time, and are you happy? "

Zhang Ming listened very speechless.

Do you have this call?

Are you misunderstanding for all the words?

We are happy, and people's sheep can cry and tears, sad reminders.

It is foreseeable that if the sheep is unable to let Xu Qianpin, then their decades is even longer to pay the debt.

This is still in the past ten years, the gathering does not have a big turmoil, and their sheep's home can make the company have enough profits to maintain their confidence in their confidence.

"Ten years, life is a few ten years."

Zhang Ming is mourning for the sheep home.

People who have seen it in China know that the next decade will be the key ten years of the foundation of various fields in China. If you have developed smoothly in this decade, then you will have a place in the future, but in turn, the situation is very difficult.

Drinking a tea, Xu Qian said to Zhang Ming: "You don't know what Zhang Shu is in a feeling, as long as the sheep is working hard, wait until ten years later, their home can also get a lot. At least, Joi Also, the shares of Sheep's home can also be more than two sources. "

"Two and three billion assets are ruthless families, you said yes, Zhang Shu."

Zhang Ming didn't want to take care of him.

Although Xu Qian said very quickly, two or three billion assets are afraid of ten years later and is rich in people, but can this be more than sheep's original plan?

If the plan of the sheep is smooth, they are absolutely billion-level families, even the wealth of their families is more likely to be more.

However, because they have a disagreement, they are not generally worries.

At least now people who are in the same echelon will be thrown far behind, and today, it is only looking up.

However, what is this?

Zhang Ming and Yangjia did not make things, and even Yang Jia's flying sky in the stock market was still in the same way, and there was a lot of sheep's mother to get rid of the younger brother of her own. Xu You, now because Joi's incident is not a sheep home, but he Zhang Ming.

It all said that it is a way to kill the parents. What is the rule of the destruction?

This is much more deep than the resistance of the stream.

If the person who is not the top of the door, Zhang Ming can't refuse, he is too lazy to take the sheep's break. Not only that, Zhang Ming will take the initiative to put the sheep home.

"Well, then you think about it again."

I know that this time is unrequited, Zhang Ming got it.

He left a sentence when he left: "If you want to be good, I will give my mind, come to me again. Or I will run again tomorrow, see if your decision has changed."

The voice did not fall, Zhang Ming has already gone, and the whole person disappeared in Xu Qian's vision with the door.

"I am Zhang Uncle, how can you play with you? If you don't have any change, I will come again tomorrow."


Yes, it is to play.

Xu Qian's idea is very understanding of Zhang Ming's ideas. He knows that Zhang Ming does not want to help the sheep home, but it is only for some people's feelings.

I bite the Qingshan does not relax, and I will bite it to make banks. I will give yourself can't, so that the negotiations are stissible, Zhang Mingle has to see what is going on.

The more there is no progress, the more dragging it, the more the sheep is, the more urgent fire, and Zhang Ming is more hurting.

Xu Qian's idea is very understanding of Zhang Ming's ideas. He knows that Zhang Ming does not want to help the sheep home, but it is only for some people's feelings. I bite the Qingshan does not relax, and I will bite it to make banks. I will give yourself can't, so that the negotiations are stissible, Zhang Mingle has to see what is going on.

The more there is no progress, the more dragging it, the more the sheep is, the more urgent fire, and Zhang Ming is more hurting.

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