Xu Zhong himself was only a shocked, and he was afraid of a silk, and Li Ke, why, his reaction was tight.

Li Ke is in front of the top two steps, glaring at the old memorum: "Why don't you tell us in advance? What happened in the boss?"

He Xing is a few gestures. I saw a security personnel who had a set of equipment such as an oxygen tank to carry a oxygen tank to Xu Qian, but there is a touch of excitement to exchange.

The existence of murderous lakes, unless you don't break, once the outbreak is completely unless. Fortunately, they have taken into account that there is a possibility of underwater jobs, and thus bring three sets of diving equipment, it is only possible to make a life-saving straw.

Lao Meng got to be so arrogant, it took a while, until Li Kee asked him to come.

"Don't be excited, don't be excited, you will listen to me first." In order not to make mistakes will deepen, the old Meng has been explained, "there is a murderous lake before, now it is not."

"I checked the places and counties here, I found a major earthquake in history, allowing the lake water into the tomb, it is a murderous lake."

Worried about Xuang they don't believe, the old man began to explain in detail.

It turned out that after the Haruang, Liu He was rushed from the emperor's position, he was derogated here, and became the sea of ​​seafood, and he began to find Fengshui treasure to build his mausoleum.

Naturally, this treasure with water in the mountains is picked up.

However, there have been a lot of things in construction, such as the local people's not cooperated - nonsense, who is willing to let yourself rely on the land of the living, who is willing to take the talents for you?

At the Western Han Dynasty, Wang Quan did not fall in the countryside. The people were afraid of the little, and they were not afraid of the emperors, princes and other people.

The history book recorded that the Han Wudi Liu Chee was sprayed by the old man, so the film works that put all the things in the Han Dynasty did not have a rigorous.

What is Liu He?

That is a freshly baked waste emperor, and the authority drove from the emperor's throne. He is exile to him, and there is no place to sprinkle. The people's resistance happens to take him.

So, a bloody suppression appeared.

Strictly speaking, it should be a massacre.

If the killing is not good, the rest is full of songs, this is coming ... , this proposal has passed.

But there is no human resistance, but there is a resistance from God.

"The lake is boiling, like the demon to be born, he went to the warning, the disaster is born." Lao Meng Dao, "In fact, due to human activities, the balance between the lake, surface and surface gas, so that the ground gas is Sprayed in a very short period of time. Most of these gases are carbon dioxide. They are colorless and tasteless. The consequences of eruption in a short period of time are due to their weight, and the gas such as carbon dioxide is deposited below, resulting in the number of squares or even The hypoxic belt is even an oxygen band. "

"The ancients don't understand science, don't understand the truth. They see that the people near the murderous lake, the silent death, even the traces of the struggle, only a few small places in dozens of hundreds of meters The people living are fortunately, they can only return to the monster, saying that they are the punishment of God. "

"In fact, it is just that a lot of harmful gases in the bottom of the ground is erupted in a short period of time, crowded the oxygen position, so that there is no oxygen nearby, and people can't see colorless gases. They are still amazed in the lake. Awesome, thinking that there is an unknown creature in the lake, it will be lost. "

"The person who came over, because the air of the air is diluted with gas such as carbon dioxide, so that the oxygen concentration here will reach the extent to which people's survival activities, they don't have the reason, can't find the cause of the accident, only I scared myself. "

Xu Qian understood: "You are saying that the sea is in the grabbing time, and people have triggered a murderous lake, and after another, I haven't known how many years, due to the earthquake, destroyed The surface structure here makes the lake unable to store a large amount of harmful gases such as carbon dioxide, but let the murderous lake will be embarrassed. So, we will not have a big death now. "

"Basically, this means."

Although he said, he also knows that the old Meng will not let Xu Yu fall into danger, and they can also relax.

Everything is not afraid of 10,000, I am afraid that.

Unconsciously, the atmosphere in the camp became awkward.

Since getting on the bus, I have been trying to reduce my feelings. Zhang Again, this is not dare to speak, and the big professor in the old man in his eyes is very identity. Xu Yun was like a little witch. If these two people have a delay, he doesn't dare to join.

A good atmosphere is not existed too long, and some people have passed out from the walkie-talkie.

"Teacher, there is found."

Lao Meng Yisheng, also do not care, and quickly go to the mountain. Xu I saw a slightly hesitated, and after Li Ke made a eye, he also followed the mountain.

Zhang Apo did not want to follow, but he was in seeing the security personnel who had brought the military temperament after seeing Xu Yun immediately act, and completed the entire camp to complete the confession and took the phone after contacting. He retracted his neck and lifted his foot to the back of the old man.

There are many old messages with old Meng, Zhang Agreement feels that this big professor is more and more, but it is still willing to be with the old man. As for the murderous lake, the Lake does not kill the lake. Zhang Aga doesn't understand. He only knows that the old Mumbang dares to go, then there is no thing.

I came to the waters of the sea tomb, Xu Sheng saw that there was a place that was built separately from the dike circle, which has been taken away, showing something hidden underwater. When he came and the old man, there was a staff member regardless of mud and sewage, and cleaned up in the sale.

Seeing the old man and Xu Zen arrived, a young man in a waist said: "Teacher, school brother, you come and see, we found a channel. This is a tomb thief who judged before the teacher. The thief that can be used, maybe we can go to the ancient tombs through it. "

I can go, I can also go.

Everyone is not a pedantic person, it is impossible to abandon it because the channel is the thief of the hole, it is not necessary to go out of his own. Just Xu Qian has a question, can this still use?

To know that the earthquake occurred, the surface impact on the surface is very large.

The ancients have limited technology, don't say that it is a lotus, even the power of the official does not have underwater homework, this hairdress is obviously the product before the earthquake, but it can be happy.

I don't know if I deliberately and Xu Qian, I didn't have an hour after he had a suspicion, and the people below have new discovery.

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