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Chapter 403, the cultural relics

"I found out below, I want to go, you ..."

Lao Mengshi is looking at Xu.

If he does not have a misunderstanding, he will not be like this, but the mistake will just happen, and the old Meng Ke can't give so casual. Li Shuo's reaction is in the eyes. He knows that some things are proud, and these people who can be responsible for Xu Qian can not care.

"Where is it so much about it."

Xu Yun said that he has set it to yourself. His idea is coming, you can't see it.

Although Li Koi wants to stop, there is no way to hold, they can only make good protection for Xu Yung, and let Hu Yili will accompany it.

Comparative Lao Meng and Zhang Aga came, Xu Zhong was a proper force.

The sewed water mud, Xu Qian followed behind them, and downgrade in the channel that has been expanded in two laps.

The body is very strong, and it is not necessarily a good thing. I will take the present that others feel very spacious. Xu Yang has carefully carefully carefully, so excuses to hurt.

It seems that I feel the embarrassment of Xu Qi's entry, but it seems to be to find some topics to re-ripe the relationship between Xu Qian, or simple in order to make it too cool when it takes it.

"The ancient people live is not as good as us, and their physical quality is different from the standard of modern people."

"Don't say anything else, tell this to describe the word man's seven-foot man, and its standard is changed every generation, not many people think is a fixed value."

"The standard of seven-foot men in Shang Zhou period is about four or five, and it turns around and the Qin Dynasty at the end of the Warring States, and to the Han Dynasty ... um?!"

Lao Meng Zheng said, the voice suddenly interrupted.

Xu Qian, who is in the latter stage, hears a excitement, and then the sullenness of the heavy object.

After that, the old man's embarrassment came: "Go to the place, cough ... Hey, really hurt."

This is ... fall?

I don't know why, Xu Yun can't help but expose a smile of gloating.

Should be!

Who let you tell me in advance, who makes you make me shock, now I have been reported.


"Open the lights!"

"The people behind are be careful!"

The front came from a slightly flustered voice, and the old man fell to the light on his head. When he fell, he fell to the people behind him, and it was also suffered together with the other party. .

In order to avoid the following people, they also caused secondary injuries to themselves behind the past partners, they went to the body, and quickly reminded.

After a few minutes of tossing, the front finally stabilized, Xu Yun also entered the tomb of the sea.

I don't know how many tomb of the boy, I ushered in ten visitors, and it has been broken for many years. The light of the searchlight will be disappeared in the dark, and the face of the face here is in front of everyone.

Xu Yun found that the position of everyone should be a tomb. He didn't pay much attention to the images and words of the road on both sides of the wall. It is the environment where the old man and his students should be responsible. on.

After a rough observation, Xu Yun as a little peace of mind.

In addition to the ground slightly slightly wet, the tomb is still dry, although it has accumulated some dust, the road wall is also clean.


A excitement from a student plot of the old man, listening to the sound, Xu Qian knows that it is a girl.

I have been admitted to Beiping University and the girl who chooses the archaeological department is indeed rare, but it is not unique. Xu Qian knew that there was a girl in the world, and the other party had been hit by a group of keyboard horses behind the network, trying to change the life of others with their own ideas. However, the result is that there is no participant to eat a melon, and a lot of archaears sent their own minds to the girl. Optional, it is a set of books that are sent by a big name. It is sour.

I saw the girl in the direction of the girl, the lights took a skeleton.

Old Meng and his other two male students did not feel terrible, they went directly to carefully observe.

Soon, Lao Meng's observations have had results.

"From the aspects of the clothes, it should be the Wei Dynasty."

The people in the Wei Dynasty died in the sea time built in the Western Han Dynasty!

Xu Yen picked his eyebrows and screamed Hu E.

The latter has passed the careful view of Xu Yun: "The external force hurts to death, fatal hurts after the brain."

After Hu Q said, Xu Yun found that this is true that the backbrain position has a crack.

Lao Meng has his own conclusion: "This person should be to steal things, the thief we come in is to dig his companion."

"How to die in the thief thief ... Hey!"

The girl just asked this, I lived in my mouth.

She is aware that things that may happen at the time.

I don't have the expected expected, and the old man said: "Can you attack from him, but also a fatal thing, in addition to his companion, I don't think there is anything else, or there will never only have a bone. The tomb is a losses, do this. How many good people? When the big gold and silver jade is in the arms, how many people are willing to give others? The same black is black, the harbor is not too many, the human nature is in the darkness of the dark The grave will get the maximum release, you can be so interesting as someone written. "

Xu Qian is determined and affirmed, and the old man is in the meaning of himself.

"The novel is different from academic papers. The novel pays attention to entertaining, but there is no academic papers. You use the attitude towards the academic papers to treat novels. Do you determine suitable?"

It is not easy to retreat, he returns to Xu Yun: "You wrote" ghost light "is completely misunderstood, if the child reads your book, you have a wrong value, you are responsible?" "

Xu Qian said with a mouth, he didn't want to argue with the old man.

This old student is very shaxed in some places, and there is no place to fight with him, and Xu Qian is not told.

"Yes, yes, yes, you are right."

Xu Qian's mouth should be, but in mind: this scene and the future generations often happen to teach children, it should be banned, and a certain adverse effect on minors will have a bad impact on minors, shield it, give it 404, it feels a look.

In this regard, countless people can only lament: "Take a good adult, rescue adults."

Seeing the argument of the oral disputes, it is rare to be proud of Xu Qian's hand, the old Mangyang Yang Yang, who is in the team: "Be careful when you pass by, it is helpful to our research.

I heard the words, everyone turned over the opposite eye.

The tragedy of the tomb thief is not said to be a black hand by his companions, and it is still studying for a thousand six hundred years.

The tomb of the tomb is to steal the cultural relics, it is necessary to count.

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