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Chapter 406 Wen Xiangyu

Since Xu Qian entered the bathroom, I have never stopped, and I have a time for a hour.

Perceived strengthening is not all good things, when others can't smell the taste of their own body, Xu Qian is still smelling, even feels pungent, can he bear?

You must know that it is a sultry, and I think that this is the creation of the merit. Xu Qian is not able to do it.

It is no wonder that the long-lasting foreign fragrance has never been promoted, and it is very little to know the public. It is really a point that it does not meet the core values ​​at all.

After the washing, Xu Yun gave Li Ke to tell the old Mumbang: "I have anything else, I still have something else."

In fact, Xu Zen is originally able to stand up, but not necessarily. Continue to stay here, he will only think of him breathe the shaft, from the nose to the lungs, even in the mouth, there is no such scent, and the psychological feelings are not good. Just simply come to a look, not bother, take some away.

In fact, he is also done in the seak of sea.

After knowing the sources of the aroma in the tomb, Xu Yung did not stay, and quickly returned along the original road.

Have that time is here, he is not as good as going home.

Not everyone is old Meng, nor people like archaeological, not everyone can endure the so-called traditional craftsmanship of the so-called traditional craftsmanship.


After returning home, Xu Quangang entered the door, rushed over, one person hugged his legs, with a happy laugh, and yelling in his mouth.

Seeing Xiaoxiao and Xiaoxiao, Xu Qian's heart is happy.

He reached out and touched the head of two little sister, but he was grasped by Xiaoxiao and Xiao Qingzi. Two little sisters holding their brother's fingers with their own little hands, pulling their brothers to the TV.

Xiaoxiao pointed to the TV: "Look, there is a brother."

Xu Zhongyi, the TV is playing the news about the tomb of the sea, which mentioned the name of Xu Yun, and there is also a video recorded, and there is a moving figure in it.

After reading the desktop of the TV station, I saw the courtyard, Xu Qian got the name of the person you want.

I will arrive soon in Jiudi, I have been there for a two years, and I have to have a pig list. Before this, I went to myself to get my capital, establish enough moat, so I won't let myself become killed. One member of the fat pig.

Among them, the name is a ring.

"Your child, it is a few days, and you don't know what to do with Mom."

Fang Shuying's mouth is in the mouth, but it is happy to laugh.

My son is on TV, but also CCTV is praising him, how can the mother not smile?

Mom, you are a typical Chinese-style long-style mouth.

Xu Zhong wanted to spit a sentence, but thought of the moment of mom, he gave up his death.

Alive is very good.

Sitting on the sofa, let two little sisters sit next to themselves, Xu Qian reached out into a pocket, pulling out two red hide boxes.

His action has attracted Xiao Xiao and Xiao Shui, and the eyes of two little sisters are naturally attracted by the small box.

"Wang Wang ..."

It has always been very sensible and a very quiet line group suddenly jumped on the sofa and wishes the small box in the hand.

Xu Yunhu launched a sentence: "Your little thing nose is quite spirit."

Then he gave the small box to Xiaoxiao and Xiao Sizi, and showed two little sisters to open it.

Xiaoxiao is a single hand, when she wants to open the small box, she has opened her small box.

The lid is opened, and a fragrance that is like a milk sugar comes.

Xiaoyang hit the nose, the fragrance of the big white rabbit.

My brother bought a big white rabbit to my sister!

The temptation of the big white rabbit was bright, and the move was three points faster. After opening, Xiaoxiao saw a milky baby rabbit lying quietly in the box, and there was nine points similar to the rabbit painted on the sugar paper painted with whiten rabbit milk.


"Is a big white rabbit!"

Pinch this big white rabbit with a short little finger, Xiao Xiao is going to sustain.

Xu I saw the silly child: "This is not eating."

"Big White Rabbit is delicious!"

Xiao dog is smashed with a small head, she doesn't believe what my brother said.

White rabbit milk can't eat, there is no thing that can be eaten in the world.

Xu Yun was worn on the neck in the neck. Let the aunt give you a needle. "

Xiaoxiao listened to the straight head of panic: "Do not take the needle, do not take the needle, the sister does not take the needle."

"Brother, Xiaotan is a puppy."

Xiaoxi Zi finally opened her own small box. She got the gift and Xiaoxiao, but was a milky puppy. Look at that look, it is like a pocket version of the line.

She looked at Xu Qian, and the eyes were flashing. Xu Qianxia understood her mean, and also gave this little sister to her neck.

"Xiao Qingzi is our timid puppy, brother's gift does not like?"


Xiao Qingzi replied with his greatest volume.

The gift of my brother, good-looking, cute, still fragrant, Xiao Qingzi is the favorite.

Fang Shuying saw the question: "What is this, look at jade, but is ?"

Xu Yuan explained: "This is called Wen Xiang Yu, which is my principal to collect. Its aroma is not as simple as smelling, and does not say that it can refresh, can also drive mosquito, and the child is worn for a long time. Benefit for physical development. "

The parents of Huaxia are both conservative and radical. The conservative place lies in that they will not let their children in contact in them. They seem to be a rare strange thing, even if it is a fresh thing, the radical place is once they I think something is good for children, and they will find ways to come.

Fang Shuying did not wear jewelry such as necklace earrings. She didn't like to make their own children to wear jewelry.

It can be heard that this is good for the child's body. She immediately turns an attitude.

"Then let Xiaoxiao and Xiaoxilai wear it. You do this brother to think of your sister, you have to care about your sister is that you don't work all day."

I sent a gift and I was already in the case, you are really my mother.

Xu Yung is very helpless.

In fact, the Xiangyu is what he has received by him, and it is clearly a daily sign-in random reward in these days. Its efficacy is also as Xu Zheng said, refreshing, mosquito repellent, also helping the body and intellectual development of children.

Let Xu Qian feel unfortunately, this is only two pieces, gave two little sisters, there is no mother, and I don't know when I can random to the third block.

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