Almighty sign in

Chapter 407 After all, I am not a devil.

During the coming of Xiangxu, I didn't tell the truth, but he didn't say that he did not say, that is, he did to entrust someone to help him.

Chaos of the world, the ancient life of the world.

Seeing that Huaxia is open because of the national door, and adheres to the open policy, it is necessary to have a good thing in China at this time, and the old objects that are completely cabbage priced is cheaper.

He didn't expect to invest in this area, and he was all in the enterprise, engaged in research centers, and this time, the trip to Lanchang saw a lot of cultural relics in the tomb of the sea, just reminded him.

In the national strength rising period, the antique appreciation is very fast.

When you hold a lot of wealth, you want to make your wealth to protect your various investments. Investment real estate is almost a method, but it is not the most efficient method.

Even the rich class has a consensus, which is that real estate investment is extremely low, far better than to collect antiques.

It is just that the place of the Yellow Year is spacious. Xiaoxiao and Xiaoxilai are basically not there, and it is used to place ancient Dong Guo.

As for those who were entrusted by Xu'an to find domestic old objects, they were not strange.

"Uncle Zhang, your home, I am not interested in the roots, the reason why you hire you for me, one is that my principle is not as good as you have, I know that you have that way."

That's right, I'm trying to help him find the old object in China, it is Zhang Agong.

As early as the first time in the tomb of the Qing Dynasty, Xu Yun found that this A big one person has a weird, and later learned from the old Meng, knowing that this family is doing the business, just Nowadays, there is a chance to wash and white, this is on the shore, and I found a differential password in the County Cultural Relics Bureau.


Zhang Aga is hesitating.

Their family is really like Xu, who did not see the business, but in recent years, he has been on the shore, and he helped his family, it is also looking for it.

Although there are not much money, the days are too stable.

Nowadays, Xu Qian has found him, let Zhang Agong help him do things, this is not to work by eating a public food in Zhang Agong's ideas?

Helping an individual doing things although more money is given, the stability is far less than eating a public meal.

Seeing him hesitation, Xu Qian did not talk to him, directly took out two money on the table, pushed him the past.

"This is 20,000 yuan, enough for your child to read college in Beiping, so you don't have to worry about reading college tuition, it is my sincerity. If you promise, I will give you 50,000, so he is in Beiping How to use the tuition costs during reading. Of course, if he spends a big hand, then there is no number of points. "

"The second pillar is not a person who spends money."

Zhang Ada defeated his own children, his eyes fell on the thick two-lost money, and did not open.

In these two big unity, how many years in his tenure in the county in the county?

"OK! You are big boss, I will do it with you."

Zhang Aga's movement of Maili took the money into his arms and died.

It is not that he doesn't want to eat a stable public meal, nor is he is not worried about the unstable workmanship for individuals. It is really a lot to gain too much.

Is more than 70,000 yuan?

For Zhang Aga and the vast majority of people in this era, it is indeed a huge amount, and many of the total wealth of families will not reach this value.

However, there is nothing wrong with Xu Qian.

His daily sign-in randomly arrived is 300,000 Huaxia coins, and seven thousand people don't talk about him.

"You will thank yourself today's choice."

Xu Yen put his hand, He Xing gave Zhang Aga a box. The latter opens it, and he hits it and he is nervous.

The box is nothing else, but it is a stacked unity.

He Xing said to Zhang A Da: "This box is 80,000 yuan, plus 20,000, a total of 100,000 pieces before the boss. In addition to it, I want to give your son to do tuition fees and living expenses. In addition, the remaining 30,000 is the labor fee for you to do with the boss. My boss spent money, you also need to do things, or you know the consequences. "

"I understand, I understand, please rest assured, I will know the rules, and my son will study in Beiping, I don't dare to mess."

Zhang Anda finally said that the idea is because his son is going to study in Beiping, Xu Qi will give him money so much.

"Although it is a fortune, I think you should be clear, your son can go to Beiping University to study, and have got the favor of the old man, there is a good future, you must not be a pig's heart. For this little money , Not worth it. "Xu Yun got up, after Zhang Ang, he patted Zhang Aga's shoulder, said," Don't do something, I will not treat you. "

Zhang Agong is bent, he is swearing: "The boss is rest assured, if my surname, if you don't do your things, you will not die."

"Don't say so serious, after all, I am not a devil." Xu Yun gave He Hing showed that when leaving, "the old Zhang brought so many cash, did not pass the accident, you drive him to the recent savings office, help him Let him save money. "

The people in this era are still believed in banks. He always believes that the bank is the most insurance. It is not that the future is too much, the trust is lowered to the trough.

After getting on the bus, Li Ke served as a driver to his family, Xu Yun was thinking: Just talk to Zhang Agong, the movement, the more I want to feel that I am a big boss, or the kind of anti-sending.

I smreedly, Xu Qian was a laugh and helpless.

Laughing is that this is not him, helpless is that the people who are biased to eat that. The more you are strong, the more you express the frenzy, the more you don't dare to let go of you, the more you are only the only Ino, and you will look down on your post. Conversely, they will not take you seriously.

This is true ... Cheap?

No, a word -.

Xu Qian is an attitude when treating outsiders, and Xuang is another attitude towards family and family.

For example, if you have a dinner, you have been wrapped with him, he hurts his bed. He said that he loves his brother. It is necessary to sleep with my brother. In fact, I will listen to the two little sister of the story before going to sleep before. Overnight

At this time, he didn't have a half-point president's momentum. He is a weak, helpless, and poor brother.

"You will bully brothers."

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