Almighty sign in

Chapter 408, a rider lost his dreams

For Mom only Ino, attack your brother, this is the two little sisters in Xu Yunjia.

In such a home, he is always bullied by the little sister.

Of course, there will be an exception.

"Come, you come to me to catch me, you have this brother."

Xiaoxiao and Xiaoxilai climbed in my brother's bed, and I made an exciting scream from time to time. It was more than that they were still challenged.

Xu Qian is like a silly big, learn the Qin Wang with a column, and ran around the bed and quickly stepped.

He controls the speed. Every time they are two little sisters just hide, he is only arrived, both of the two little sisters have a sense of urgency, and they don't let them really be arrested. Live, so that these two little bean Ding have been moving.

The child's physical strength is limited, Xu Zhong is not angry, Xiaoxiao and Xiaoxilai are tired. They squatted in bed like a puppy, Zhang Xiaozhao's breath, and the reddish face was written with a small eye of the .

As far as this IQ is still bullying brother, don't look at your physical slot. Can you compare with me.

Extended his hand, Xu Zhong one little sister, put them on the room of Fang Shuying, put the two physical slots to the little child to give the mother.

Then Shu Shuying did not have the hard work of the two little sisters, and went smoothly to take a shower and went to sleep with them.

"You also want to fight with me? Hey, not self-strength!"

Easy winning Xu Ziqi visited his own silly children, success deanset back.

He is very energetic. After such a toss, he will not be able to open the email after such a toss, see a seal work mail, use work to do your own sleeping agent.

It is important to find a way. After three hours, Xu Qian feels heavy and sleeping.

Although he can stay in the early hours, he didn't choose to stay up late.

Many people will have a cognitive misunderstanding, thinking that she is sleeping late, but not. True staying up late is not to see you sleep, but according to your state. If you start to doze, the body is constantly reminding you that you should sleep, but you still have to heal, to repair the fairy, hard to sleep, then call all night.

Perhaps it is to reward Xu Qian's morning's sleep early, or he really luck today, Xu Qian got a good thing when he sign in in the morning.

"You have completed daily check-in and get random rewards: a knight fifteen, a vehicle (enhanced)."

Xu Zhong has been accustomed to getting a slightly advanced reward, but this knight fifteenth still makes him very excited.

The six-m-nine-long body, two meters wide and high, as well as the shape of the armored car, and the strong horsepower and thick steel plate with its mighty profile, no matter what the value is still practical than the market Those cars are more likely.

The most important thing is that the randomly arrived of the knight 15th belongs to the enhanced type. It uses the electricity mixing power, and that electricity can also be charged with solar energy, do not have to worry about the troubles of no oil. And it has both bulletpizers and blind, and the general attack is completely ignorant, and it will be greatly improved by riding its travel.

Just, Xu Zhong should engage in things next year. In order to avoid the means of can't afford to play, the emergence of this knight can be preparation for certain accidents in advance.

"Hello, motorcycle ..."

The mobile phone rang, Juang, just opened it, the phone of Zhao Jincong came from the phone.

"Today, I received a letter, saying that we set a foreign car, spent 30 million, the boss is ...?"

From Zhao Jincong's voice, he has an anxious, and there is also.

Xu Zhong was in his way: "Don't worry, I bought it through the channels in the factory, the accounts you make financial records clearly. That car will be transported directly to Beiping, you don't have to manage it."

"It's the boss, I am relieved."

Zhao Jincong touched, a big stone in his heart fell. He is really worried that some people have moved their hands in the factory, and this factory is not discovered in time. I am afraid to let him lose this easy high pay.

"Li Ke."

Xu Zhong shouted, and Li Ke immediately appeared at the door.

"Boss, I am."

"You go to the airport, I booked a car this morning, you should have a good time for me, let the car back."

Xu Qian said to Li Keyi's note, after listening to it, not much, and recorded the phone number in the note, went out to the airport.

Men's car is like a woman love bag, as long as the economic strength is allowed, only one car will only be bought. It is, no one is strange to Xu Qian, a car, but also when Li Ke is driving a big piece of armored atrium with armored vehicles, it is even for a long to calmly. I have seen many eyes.

Love is reluctant to give the key to Xu Qian, Li Ke can't help but ask: "This car is not cheap, the boss?"

Xu Zen said with an answer: "30 million, okay."

30 million ...... ok ...!

I wanted to wait for a little money to get a lot of Li Ke Shihua on the spot, and a rider lost his dreams.

The knight's fifteenth world has a large head to the home, even if there is a garage, it is impossible to hide. When Xiaoxiao and Xiaoxilai went home from kindergarten, I didn't over, I have found it at home, and the little sister, like a puppy, like a small sister, who is in a stunning, and find it.

There were two little sisters who were found to come to the family's homes, and three little dogs ran into the garage together, and then rushed out again.

Xu Qian, who was handled in the study, heard that someone was smashing his own door, and he came out of the door, and his brother opened the door, you open the door. "

Open the door of the study, Xu Qian asked his little sister of his office: "What do you find a brother?"

"Daxie, sister's big car?"

Leading up a small head, Xiaoxiao asked my brother.

The little sister's big car can't see, my brother knows where the car is going?

I don't have some hope for my own silly sister, how long is the boutique car to be in the country, she remembered now, and people don't know what to say.

After Xiao Xiao, he revealed a small head. Xiao Qingzi added: "Brother, dog nest is not found,"

The dog family's nest actually didn't see it, but the puppies were killed, and the puppy didn't know what to do. I could only ask my brother.

"Brother, your big car gives the sister."

Xiaoyang grabbed Xu Yun's hand swaying, that is, she is Xu Yun's herish, otherwise who dares to make this unreasonable requirement.

I just came to the knight fifteen, I haven't opened it out, I will arrange it to me, I see that you are a relative of the skin - tens of thousands.

Will be spoiled, Xiaogang, in the eyes of three little sisters, the eyes of the little sister, and Xu Qian pulled the mouth and said: "Okay."

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