Almighty sign in

Chapter 414, take the road of the road

"How is it?"

In a luxury home of Xu Fu Yunzhuang, Li Kehe He Xing has passed Xu Qian 's inquiry.

Outside the door behind the study, Hu Yi's eyes continuously glances on every place that may be close.

Since the servant in the last live, Xu Qian has a little more cautious, unless he can believe it, otherwise no one can be close to when he is inappropriate.

Li Ke should said: "There are five people that have been found. Although they are disguised, they are gotting our eyes. As the boss you expect, the house is a lot of people's tail targets."

There are five people in finding, and there is nothing to say. Li Ke, after all, is the Chinese people, and the white people in the country is the mainstream country, and their Asian face is indeed consider.

Xu Qianneng heard the meaning in Li Jing, he couldn't help but

"Mi people, it is, it is a predecessor and conservative. The avant-garde is their young people, the ability to accept fresh things is super fast, and the conservative is as the mainstream of their society, these people are in living habits and thinking. The circle is self-conceived inherent. If it is a slow development, it is still nothing, but now is a society, and its development speed is the fastest phase of this planet, and they are like this. ...... "

This is how Xu Yung did not say, he just disdainted smile.

As a Chinese man, Xu Qian has to thank the rice people and celebrities, it is their rigid thinking to make rice slowly show the trend, giving Huaxia Quickly catch up with the opportunity.

Perhaps this effect is still not obvious, but you will look at it in two or three years, you will find that the advantage of rice is even weakened so much.

The Internet age has risen, but also the set of peripheral-tailed. Do they really think that I am doing an important thing is that people who truly need to find a meeting in Beverly Mountain, after reaching a consensus?

Please, the video conference on the Internet is not convenient or not enough, I have to do so trouble?

"But, I actually take care of others' feelings. Since they want to see, I will see them to see them."

Xu Yun is a person who said, since he said, since it spoke, naturally got a corresponding card.

The next day, Xu Zhong was open at the luxury door of Beverly Villa, which was to meet the guests.

Guests are not someone else, it is prior to letting the Mark and Wayne invited by the Name of the Pixie studio. The two people represent the tweet, one represents the net view, which is in line with the message received by Esna.

"Huaxia Xu really invokes his strength to solve the crisis of the Pixin, as the president you expect, the twitches and Netscape is his only two cards."

When the assistant took his hand when he was reported to Esner.

Esner did not receive the compliment of the assistant. He contrary to the face of serious reminders: "Don't forget that he is the biggest shareholder of the fruit company, let the following people pay attention to Steve's movement ... forget, fruit company The body is too large, Steve's whereabouts have always been the focus of the media concerned, so you don't have to pay attention to it, so as not to have a diverse event. "

Since the Snake of the Fruit Snake, the big banana boat has been eaten, Steve has already showcase the scientific giants, even if the Disney group is not small, Esner does not want to provoke such an opponent.

Although the size of the fruit company is large, the film and television industry is not its business scope, and it should have no effect on this Pixi crisis ...

Thinking of Xu Zhongnao gently became a miracle of Huaxia, the Saisa is steady as old dogs, and there is a slight uncertainty in the depths of the heart. He is always inexplicably worried that this Chinese people will start from the people who are unimped, and the crisis is resolved in invisible, and even anti-Gome.

The opponent is so high, Xu Qian is not to know, otherwise he will be very modest to Esner: "I don't think so powerful, but my thinking is more than you, standing. The angle is better than you, you can win you a little bit, just this. "

There are countless a little bit, and it will eventually become a barter.

The first arrived is the tweet Mark, which is a chant in the past two or three months. Whether it is the potential of Twitter, it is still the guiding ability of public opinion, making investors to optimize the future of tweet. This also thus raised the valuation of the tweet repertrans, and many people are looking forward to the sale of tweeks. At the same time, I will have a few billionaires in this wave.

I didn't think about how I made a happy Mark. I just gave him a stick.

"The development of Twitter has already become."

Mark is a circle on the spot.

This is not developing very well, I am so fierce, so that the potential is so big, how can I go?

If you say this is Xu Qian, Mark will go immediately.

"A company is based on the fierce market competition, which is survived and developed, relying on its core competitiveness. So, Mark, what do you think is the core competitiveness of the tweet?"

Mark didn't think about it, out of mouth: "We provide convenient communication to users."

"Yeah, you also know that it is convenient communication. So you should understand that the core competitiveness of Twitter is convenient, and it is convenient than other companies that offer the same type of services. However, now, Tote doing what?"

"Video, the picture also has an increasing additional service, you have diverted the twice."

Xu Dao said reason.

"I understand that you want to make a big idea, but a company will first survive to talk about others. If you don't even care, even your own characteristics, let it now The flower group is also unable to fate. "

In Xu Yun, Mark's mistakes made a mistake in Shen Zhen Ma, that is, the home products are too bloated. It seems that it seems that it is full of function, what are the fields can participate in one foot, but actually throw away your core competitiveness.

This is why the reasons why it is nothing to move to the mobile era penguin to the mobile phone, not the user's stickiness is not enough, but it is too bloated.

If it is not a chapter Xiaolong's WeChat to save the penguin, let the Penguin Empire got the ticket of the moving era, the penguin is absolutely better than the mother.

Mark bowed his head thought for a long time, this is not willing to admit Xu Qian's right, he really walked.

"What is the meaning of the boss?"

"Lost the burden, lightly load, keep your own feature." See Mark so much, the province has convinced his strength, Xu Dao said out his own ideas. "The more simple, so that the user is more easy to get better." , Let's play the flowers to give new players. "

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