Almighty sign in

Chapter 415 is only true

After all the IQ is not low. He immediately understood the meaning of Xu Yun: "New players? You mean that there is no competitor to create a competitor, so that someone can avoid monopolism."

Xu Duang stalls: "Otherwise? You can think of it, if someone tested the monopoly in front of the sale, once the monopoly investigation is started, everything will become very bad. I hope that I hope that others should not do it. It is not as good as we first shot, and take the initiative to hold it in your own hands. "

Mark, although I know that this will affect the valuation of the tweet, but I understand that this is clearing the hidden danger. Otherwise, once the key point before listed is being detonated this thunder, I will be big, when he is afraid to jump The heart of the sea is there.

"The boss, your competitors have been arranged?"

"You can rest assured, my philosophy is never doing a big market, rather than a split market. I like to open up new fields, hate it in a fixed field, I haven't finished it." Xu Zhong wed over the heart of Mark, this said. New company, "Stanford is called Taylor Wen Coworth, he and his partners are people who have ideas, I am preparing to help him to achieve the idea of ​​making a list in the Internet."

"Name" "Marker," Facebook? Student uses things, what you mean is the future competitors will be born in the school, and its users will start from the students. "

"Grasping students, cultivating students' habits, is equal to mastered the future, but only just mastering the future, there is no big impact on the current extremum. So in this twice with competitors, enough to avoid monopolism Thunder, but will not affect us to make money, why not? "

Mark smiled: "It's really, why not."

Ideal, future, feelings, all fake, only to make money is true.

Can not affect your own fortune, do not hinder yourself to become a billionaire, Mark will not have so much opinion, after all, the real shareholder is Xu Qian.

Even Xu Yen agreed so, his mark's small arm can screw the thigh.

Li Ke came in and said to the two of the consensus: "Mr. Wayne is coming."

Wayne's time was very good, just Xu Yun arranged Mark and identified the next development route. After he arrived, Xu Yun just explained the second thing.

"The service content of Netscape is too small, you need to give users more choices, Wayne."

Wayne feels like Mark, that is some.

How did the web view are defeated? Why is its share price that will be a thousand feet, and then be acquired by the price of cabbage?

The scene of Wayne and Mark are also in the eyes. How can I only have to make the same mistake?

Wayne asked: "The service tenet of the net view is not the easiest and most basic service? We should let users have independent choice, isn't this what you said?"

Is going to Neur?

Food and fertilizer?

Ok, it is only a routine operation for the people of Wayne, who are in the capitalist country management company, and the reasonsitial operation You have made such a big change in such a reason.

Wayne should be reasonable, Xu Qian gave him a reason.

"Do you think that I want to provide a network view to the user is the kind of service that deprives the user's choice."

Xu Ling shook his head, it was too weak.

He gave Wayne's plan, which was written by himself in accordance with the later three or six zero, Sogou and other browsers comprehensively wrote.

These all have a mature product after the market test, and it is undoubtedly a gang cheat, and Wayne didn't look at it.

It's so twenty-oriented paper, and Wayne thoughtfully, it took an hour to read it. After reading, he did not put the planned book, but directly in his arms, it was obviously not ready to take it.

My Wayne's thing is spit out, I am mine in my hand, others don't want to be dyed.

Long exhaled a breath, Wayne Xu Yun Yue Cheng Yu: "It turns out that the world is really talent, the boss is too powerful, and you are not a wise choice for the enemy. Strong as you, it is no wonder Steve so Proud people must listen to you. "

Xu Qian asked him: "Do you really understand?"

"I understand."

Because of understanding, Wayne will admire Xu Yung, today he is really at home, as long as Xu Qian is still in the position of the boss, he does not dare to have another thought.

Rear back, on the sofa, Xu Yu is Rabien: "Let's talk about it."

"The boss's plan, there are too many plans that are still in the market. The content of these sectors wants to fill, if only just give us a web view, it takes too long, will give others to learn from others And plagiarism opportunities. "

"And, this is not a market that Netscape should work."

"It is better to make a large studio or a small company. This is not like a professional small studio or a small company. It does not use the energy of the net view, but also avoided the danger of being monopoly rods. It is more harder to get talents, let them use our enemies for us. The most important thing is that it can make us more money. "

I heard that Xu Qian knows that Wayne is really understanding the true meaning of the plan.

Xu Qianfei is so much vigorous, not just how to indicate how the web view browser is so simple, he is to create a platform to a platform, so that many small companies are attached to the net view, and therefore form a binding.

"Netscape is already a listed company. Its stock has risen, and it is not the wealth that can bring to at least 30 new companies. These wealth will not only create a large number of new millions, millions Rich, more rebounding, pushing up the stock price of the net view. In the long run, the net view is not reduced. "

Looking at Wayne confident smile, Xu Yun nodded, finger knocked on the desktop, said: "Not so, do it, so that we have a large group of allies, making web views into an aviation carrier on the Internet. Someone wants to play the ideas of net views, rather than the risk ability of net views like this now. "

Of course, there is also the most important point, that is, once the net view has become a company, Wayne has the status and status of Steve.

Although Xu Zhong did not know what happened between Steve, Woz and Wayne when the foundation of the big banana boat was, causing Wayne finally withdrawing the management, but from Wayne to accept their own hiring, become a network view company. The president can see that this guy is more powerful with Steve.

Thinking about it is not surprising. If Wayne is a person who is greeted by the younger brother, he follows the Steve to make money, why need to be returned?

If Xu Xu gives him hope, Wayne can be a rich man with a rich rich family, and the enjoys a lifetime.

"Two Mr. ..." Xu Yun looked at Wayne and Mark, "If you have the right candidate, you can recommend him, as long as he does have the ability, I will not give them a stage that to show their talents. By, Turn them into rich. "

A radish is a pit, and there is more radish to fill in the pit. If you are here, it is a real estate, and there is a restricted ceiling, and Xu Qian is too lazy to use the rice people, directly from domestic fishing talents.

Xu Yun is in a discussion, and the post-employment and the position of the job and those who are not in the eyes must use their own people. This batch of rice companies can be used to attract the attention of Wall Street, do the chips with them. It can also be used to cultivate domestic talents, and it is better to be good.

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