Almighty sign in

Chapter 416, Bes

Do you want money or a face?

In the face of this problem, you can easily see the difference between the Chinese people and the rice people.

The former is said that the face is to face, and the latter is too straight - what is the face when you have money?


Put the basketball into the basket, grabbed the basket, listening to it, there is a painful , there is a fans in the ear and amazed, and resounded through the treasure ship hall. Xu Yun was lying on the ground, and his face was frightened and the big old black.

"Close up!"

"Power and aesthetic dunk!"

"Bringing us this visual feast is from Huaxia!"

The emotions of the unforgetties mobilized the audience, in fact, do not need him to transfer, the 30,000 audience emotions on the scene have been ignited by Xu Yun once again.

Loosing the hand, Xu Zun fell from the air, after the earth, he reached out, he will be hopped by himself, and this action is a friendly meaning in NBA.

However, the big old black did not feel Xu Yung friendly, because he found that Xu Yun's eyes did not really fall on himself.

Crossing this big old black, Xu Yun's gaze with Esner sitting on the field, I touched it again.

The question of Esna is full, but no one will answer him, and he is extremely uncomfortable.

He originally thought that Xu Yun had a strong counterattack in the Alliance of Hollywood, and the Alliance of Hollywood will usher in, but it can be expected to be expected.

Whether it is a good, the net view is also, even the Pixi studio, which is being attacked, is a deficiency, as if others are targeted.

This makes Esna not in the pulse of Xu.

Huaxia allows you what you think, you are targeted, do you not fight? As a major shareholder of the Pixin studio, you can't make enough screening and good screening time for your movies, you don't worry about your movie.

What happened this person, we are in a strong preparation with you, what do you mean?

A full punching in the air, Esna called a suffocation, and I have hurt myself.

He doesn't pay attention to the trip to Xu Zun, and the results that have been remembered are still very unfinished.

Xu Yun came to the country after the country, he didn't go, and even Lai Sai was only seen once when he came to the country, and other time Xu Qian was doing good finishing tanning. - Crazy investment some young handsome talents who want to start business on the Internet, or have experience with experience with experience in talented business, providing venture capital, and doing their angel investors.

Feelings, this time, the country is not targeting the bosses of the courtyard, but invested in rice.

But is this possible?

More, Xuyuan Ning is willing to participate in the Baoji Global Tournament, which will turn it here to the molance of the other teams in the league, nor to negotiate with the boss of the hospital, and do those hospitals. Line bosses fog water.

Many things that I want to join the opportunity to join in this time, come to the bamboo bar of this Chinese people, and even further put the rules of Hollywood game rules are more favorable. People are anxious to scratch, but there is no way.

Negotiating this kind of thing can calmly, who will lose half.

The bosses of the theater can still be taliery, but Esner can't. In his plan, it is a very important ring. He must get the copyright of those super heroes from Xu Qian, otherwise it will have a very big impact on his future plans.

Therefore, Esner let the assistant get a ball ticket for himself, to the scene to watch the ball.

Of course, he watched the ball was fake, the real purpose was to observe the people of Xu Zhong.

Many information is listening to others, you can't get it, you must have to see you can know. Esner has invested this in the attitude of ourselves from Xu Xu, and it is really not aimed at the garden line to Pixi. This is not forbidden.

Where is Xu Yung?

What kind of planning is he made to make him so confident?

Esner wants to break your head and I don't understand. I can't invest in the wave before it.

However, the more impossible, the more fact it.

To break this bureau, Xu Yun will not be pulled by Esner to the same level, and then defeated with extensive experience.

What is your own advantage, and Xu Qian is very clear.

More than a year of the opponents in the film and television industry in the rice country, Xu Yun's advantage lies in his comprehensive, his business version is not limited to a certain industry, he can mobilize the power will not only have a film and television industry.

Such a thing in the future business sea will happen, defeating your opponent, but a company from another industry.

The same truth, dealing with some old forces in Hollywood, Xu Qian does not intend to limit the war in the film and television industry.

He wants to use the power from other aspects to solve the enemy and let them understand what is big.

When I was watching the ball, I didn't expect this. Wait until he read the game back to sleep, he understood.

This understands that he wants to understand, but is understood.

The assistant ran into Esner's office, anxiously said: "The president is not good, many people in the boss have changed their attitudes, they have signed agreement with Pixi."

Esner was shocked, he was busy asking: "What happened, what is the guy who causing greed?"

"Is Wall Street."

The assistant went forward and handed several newspapers to Esner today.

After the latter came, it was found that although the content of each newspaper is not the same, the object of the interview is different, but they all have a common point, that is, these interviews are all Wall Street to say. Many of their speech will be treated by many people as a market.

At the same day, these people said that they were optimistic about the pixos studio, and how the Saha was released.

"How did the Chinese people do?"

"It's evil, you are giving him."

Esner feels that he reads it, so the reason is so confident, because he watched the root cause of the event for the incident of Residence in the morning, so Xu Zhong did not pay attention to Hollywood, and did not have a film and television industry. People negotiating, he is directly on a stick directly.

As long as the Wall Street is settled, as long as the big institutions in Wall Street remembers a reconciliation, the bosses of the hospital will lose their core power, thus becoming a piece of sand that only takes care of themselves.

"But what?"

"What makes Wall Street's wildlmonies in Wall Street, the vampire of the map is reached with him. He before, it is no longer aimed at the behavior of Corner Bay, but makes these vampires have earned a lot of money."

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