Almighty sign in

Chapter 424 Who is correct

There is such a sentence to the famous saying: the assembly is just needed.

It is the immortal of Xian Xia novels to see the sacred, proudore, not to mention the mortal.

As a hard-working senior netizen, Xu Qian's appreciation of the network is nothing.

But you can see their figure out.

If it is a hot topic discussed in the whole society, it is a feast to these people.

I don't expect it, when the tweel did the tweezed a lot of rice people, and in a very short time, he rushed into the heat list first, and became the hotspot of the national level, eager to express your knowledge and profound. The desire makes people know how powerful, those who want to become a celebrity appear.

These people appear, regardless of three seven twenty eleven, first sprayed with their own opinions. The people who were embarrassed were still a mouth, so the war was like this.

Some people will argue, there will be people onlookers, the realism, the Internet is also.

The heat is arguing that there is a noisy to pull up, and it is high. For a short three days, almost all the rice people know that there is such a thing in the tweet -, it is what those that will not be online will be known in the newspapers and TV.

Seeing the heat, Xu Qian judge the time has arrived, and he made a next step.

"Everyone cares about this matter, I have made my expectations. In view of everyone so enthusiastic, I decided to return everyone."

"Let me see where the most people choose."

"Texas has been abandoned for ten years old oil well? A unworthy of all experts and authority, identifying that it is not possible to make oil, you are sure it?"

"Well, just as many people say, experts and authority are dog fart, we choose there."

"Since it is the choice of everyone, then we may wish to gamble, see if experts and authority is correct, or the people's choice is correct."

Xu Qian has sent several twirs. Because he launched the topic of the hot list, there were a lot of people to pay attention to him, and he was noticed in the first time in his words.

Xu Qian was still waiting for an hour, waiting until the topic is almost the same, he issued the next tweet.

"I will obey the public opinion, go to Texas, and let the Pixi TV station with the whole process. If someone is interested, you can watch TV live, let us witness the authority and experts, or your choice is correct. Friendship Tip, this live broadcast program is free. "

"Right, don't someone don't know the Pixi TV station?"

"No, no!"

Live betting gambling oil field?

This Chinese man is crazy, but we will choose when he will choose!

Someone seeing the first reaction after the tweet is this.

But some people see Xu Yun's first reaction is this Chinese people true.

After the first reaction, people who participated in the past were thinking: maybe you can pay attention, after all, I have also participated in this.

If a person is interested in something, and if this is still not costly and not cost, he will have more than 99% of the possibility to practice.

These people who decided to watch live may have not realized that they have a speech of Xu.

"Your group is a fool who is going to pay attention to it. Do you have not found that the treasure of the Chinese people have psychologically hints?"

It is also true that the experts in the country is also true, soon some people discover the skills used by Xu Yun, this person passes a mad spray in Tetre: "The Chinese people deliberately put the experts and authority and the public, will be both Put two of the two camps, you don't know this? Hey, the damn pig, I really feel desperate for your IQ. "

This person may just want to show yours more than others. I saw some people didn't find anything, it was used to show off the tone, disclosed a proud feeling.

If in reality, he can make many people shut up with the status, and they don't dare to express their dissatisfaction.

However, this is on the network.

The Internet pulled into the distance between people and people, and also left the distance between people.

After hiding in the computer screen, the only ininol in the real real thing can also boldly strike, enjoy the things that do not dare to do in realities, the people who don't dare to spray in the real truth, and vent the emotions.

So, the smart expert who saw everything quickly was sprayed.

Water Mann Mountain?

Do not!

That is a tsunami.

Countless curse is like an anger of the sea, and then drowning that expert directly.

I have been paying attention to the Titte's reactive, I have been smoked by them, so it is easy to jump out of a smart person, I am reminding everyone, but I was sprayed by the friendly army. How sad reminder is to close the comments.

The people of the rice country really give it.

The product of happy education is indeed not ordinary people who can hold out.

In my heart, Xu Yun's actions can be no slower.

Almost at the same time after he sent twice, the reporter of the Pixi TV station was allowed to enter his mansion in Beverly Mountain.

That is, at this time, Xu Yun's live broadcast started.

After joining this TV station from the brother of the Brother, Xu Yun became its boss.

As a boss, in order to give your own industrial drainage, it naturally has its own actions.

If it is not attracted to the audience, Xu Yuan is full of panic to participate in this live broadcast?

"The audience gave you an attractive, can you keep them, how many people staying, you can transform how many people have a long-term payment audience, then look at your ability."

Xu Qian's person in charge of the TV station said that it is always given the pressure of the other party, but also hints the other party, this is the test for you, I hope you give me a satisfactory answer.

If the answer cannot make Xu Qian satisfied, you can guess if you don't have to ask.

The Aviation industry in the rice country is developed. It is very common to travel to the flight to do a plane.

However, if live broadcast is a billionaire travel, and it is very seen that it is very close to the private plane to shoot his private aircraft.

I have just intended to come in and aim, I met Xu Yun's richest man, the rice people, which quickly attracted it, changed, changed to change the idea.

In this new year, even the people of the rice are very small for the rich life, and they are very explored to the rich life, and they are not like the future, they can see the rich. Like the rich, it is not a blame for all kinds of luxury.

Seeing a chance to see the rich life they have always been yearning, many people consciously lock the TV channel in Pixi TV.

Not only that, in the heart of sports, many people in them also called friends, and contributed their own power for the ratings of Pixi TV.

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