Almighty sign in

Chapter 425, we will choose

Luxury interior in the cabin, let travel can only be envious of many rice people in the old airplane of the airline.

One side of these people looked at the TV and discussed on the tweet.

They don't know, Xu Yung is doing it, otherwise he is nothing to show.

Some people discuss that the topics have a heat.

So, the Topic List of Twites About the luxury life of the rich, the topic of the luxury private airline in Huaxia started, and many people who didn't want to pay attention to the TV, transfer the channel to the parvus TV station.

The initial stage of drainage is successful, Xu Qian let Many Mons people remember the Chom TV.

Don't think that there is not much place, many times when you are at a choice, you will make a decision based on your memory.

At this point, you are easy to be your first choice.

If you have you interested in the program, or let you think that it can send time, so that it has been half.

The remaining half is to let you develop a habit of watching its programs, and become its long-term user, eventually transform into a faithful user.

It is important to know that the TV station in the country is different from China, the latter TV channel is free channel, while the country is a private enterprise due to the TV station, it is full of toll channels.

If it is some great heat show, it is charged by the show.

Compared to the Huaxia TV station, the old rice is very out, giving people a feeling of drilling into the eyes.

But this is the capitalist character.

On the Gulf G550, Xu Qian said to the camera: "My Assistance tells me that someone attacks me in the twitter, and some people laugh at me in the twice. Say you choose Texas, just click on it, and It's not really optimistic, and my people are stupid. This is destined to say that the white run does not say, but I have to go out in front of everyone. "

"I admit, this is a bit reason, but don't forget, things don't know the last moment, no one knows what the result will be. So older people, you think I will be ugly, but you are ignored. If there is really oil there, the clown will not be me, but yourself. "

Xu Yun referred to the lens, reminded: "Attacking me, you are forgotten, how much is the number of people involved in this vote, 30 million, full of 30 million! You think everyone is just like you If you don't think about it, you are not someone else, why you are a handful of others, you must be like you. Do you have anyone else? It is really much. "

At this time, the biggest difference between China and the country is not a technology, but the people under the influence of cultural and different cultures.

Chinese people pay attention to discipline and obedience, and the rice people pursue freedom and personality.

If a person in the rice country is determined by others, it will be despised by others and think that he is afraid.

It is a clear rice in the country to eat this set, Xu Qi is deliberately relying on topics to the topic.

"My private, although the flight is very fast, Los Angeles is not close to Texas. We have to fly in the air, which can not be wasted during this time."

Xu Qian said, I called a referring, "Don't misunderstood, I don't mean I want to work. I want everyone to see me to deal with official work, because this is very boring. I have to make boring The journey becomes interesting, such as this. "

Karinna moved out of the strange table from the bedroom with the help of He Wen, and will start it under the schematic of Xu.

This table is not something else, is a reward for Xu'an daily.

"You have completed daily check-in, get random rewards: Automatic mahjong machine."

Yes, you didn't look wrong, it was a mahjong machine.

It is said to spread Chinese culture, let foreigners understand Huaxia, know that the Chinese civilization is profound.

First of all, you spread to a national quinte, how can it be said to be Chinese culture?

Second, we have to make foreigners interested.

Finally, it has to have strong communication, can spread in a very short time, it is best to make people addictive, and it will not be able to stop.

To meet these three conditions, Xu Qian felt non-mahjong miletime.

"You can don't look at it, this small Quartet city contains the heavens and the earth, and it is said that there is a wonderful mystery of the universe, and it takes a small discipline."

"I want to be a master, you can't be bad. I have to know that mathematics is the foundation of all science. Without mathematics, there will be no math. It will have a scientific civilization today. Play mahjong, you can exercise your mathematics ability, be a technology for you The master is a solid foundation. "

"In addition to mathematics, this game also involves the psychological game between people and people. There are friends who are interested in psychology, don't miss it. You see, my home, this LIS He is very unnatural when I played the bin, which means that this card has been hit by me to play a big impact on his group medabies, and we can infer his card group in his hand. The possibility. Just observe it a few times, I can calculate which cards in his hand. "

Xu Yun in the TV, Balabala, said that foreigners were all stunned.


what is that?

Both Chinese people's leisure entertainment have to use mathematics, psychology, game theory ..., etc., are they so tall?

Foreigners are ringing.

A Chinese who can watch TV live broadcast is speechless.

Isn't it a mahjong? I still have a few acquaintances in the battle yesterday to say, and I haven't seen how tall.

You said that I have been playing for so many years. I didn't find that the mahjong can also contain any universe mystery, and I need to use multiple science.

Do you say so mystery?

The more, the more the Chinese audiences, the more I feel that Xu Yun is fooling.

This young man is not understanding foreigners, and the foreigners are so bad, and the eyes are too bad.

However, why did the foreigners who have seen the foreigners of the Pixin TV station are so happy?

Looking at it, the Chinese audience will generally discover blind spots like Huasheng.

Xu Qian playing mahjong can automatically shift, just need to put it as a button on the button, you can save the hard work.

You look at that a mess, a mess, after a machine, it's so convenient to automatically build a card, it is so convenient.

Hempy people looked at the automatic mahjong machine as needed to see the artifact.

They just want to ask: "Where is this, I have to go to one."

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