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Chapter 426 Mahjong is also a national quintessence

Mahjong fire.

At least it is temporarily fired in M.

The most powerful proof is that there are foreigners to run to Chinese street, want to buy a one to play.

However, the Chinese bosses have not understood.


"what is that?"

"We don't sell cats here, you will not sell this rare strange thing."

It's not easy to talk to the store owner, such as chicken with duck, there is a brain that is fast, says two words to reverse the situation: "Hu!"

When the store owner, he understood it.

Listening to the words of this word, who said that foreigners say bad Chinese, this is not to be very standard.

The mahjong's fire is in the expectations of Xu Yung. After all, it is the quintessence. It is difficult to get back, just watching it for a while, it will be addictive. Unless the rice people don't play, otherwise the Chinese culture is only a matter of time.

However, mahjong is fired, but Xu Qian did not expect.

When he saw the topic on the topic on the topic on the topic, when he was tightly squatting this topic, when he could buy the Mahjong machine, Xu Sheng was suddenly thought of, there seems to be no machine numb this time.

This can discover business opportunities, Xu Qian does not know how to say his own fortune.

Of course, the premise is to successfully analyze the technology of mahjong machines.

It should be no problem.

"It's coming, the boss."

Carlina reminded Xu Yun, the plane was to land, and it was necessary to pick up the mahjong early, so exchanging accidents.

The place in Dezhou is also a famous style, but Xu Qian is not to experience its customs. After the plane, he went straight to the airport.

The land area of ​​the rice is not much in the absence of China, but the population is only one of the third China, and the glimized people are scarce and convenient.

The Knights fifteenth world flying on the road, don't look at it, I thought it was unhappy. Its strong Malaysia allowed this armored car to be fast.

When I first saw this big head, I won the reporter, and the rice people like this big car, and the cars in the 11th district have been disliked when they entered the rice market. Only, most rice people are still savory, and who can't go with the wallet.

The big horsepower is in line with the aesthetics of the rice people, and the wallet can't stand them and can only stand.

Still the "toy car", the "toy car" in the 11th district.

However, when the camera puts the situation in the body, don't say the audience in front of the TV, even the cameramen who have experienced big wind waves are shocked.

The situation in the body is good to listen to it is full of childlike interests. To talk about it, it is called naive.

Children's toys, lovely dolls, and little girl favorite color - pink, dress the body into a world with the rider fifteen Worldwide's fierce style.

Such a big contrast is seen, and it will not respond for a long time.

Xu Yunyi, who was photographed by the camera: "You see, the internal area of ​​this car is very spacious, so my little sister is very like playing here. Usually if I don't want to open this car out, it will be The little sisters are exploited and become a place they play and have passed. "

You just say that you have no position at home, only with your little sister is full, saying that there is no other use.

Many people understand the truth, they don't have a lot of feelings to Xu Yuan.

In many concepts, Mi-China has a lot of concepts. Huaxia advocated is that Xiaoshou is everyone, and the rice people think that if a person is not dealing with family relationship, even his family is not treated, and how can I hope? Can he treat other people?

It is found that Xu Qian has moved to his own little sister. Even the car can make fun of the sister, the good feelings of the rice people have been brushed by Xu.

When there is a towering well shelf in the end of the field, everyone knows them to the place.

When the knight stopped, some people greeted.

Xu Qian knows the identity of the other party, that is the staff of Lucent.

To say that the energy of these rice, the energy is really not small, Xu Yun has no delay in the road, riding or your own private aircraft, but it is slower than Lucent.

The other party talked with the Pixi TV station, interested in revealing the sign of Lucent Company.

This time, this hand played this hand of the gambling oil is not only beneficial, and Lucent also benefits.

Although the photographer and the photographer did not mention, Xu Qian took a laptop with a fruit bureau logo. In the case of no network cable, it was still successfully connected to the Internet, and the person in the Pixin TV station arranged the camera. Waiting for those drilling workers who started to drilled in the place where Xu Qian is finished, there are still many viewers who have discovered Xu Yung wants to find things.

"Only I want to know what technology is used by China, why don't he do not need to add a network cable in an outdoor?"

Someone sent such a tweet.

I don't know why, this twete quickly got a lot of attention, entered the public's vision, and noticed many netizens.

Some people asked naturally, there will be people answered, never lack in hot people, especially some of the hot topics that are manufactured.

"I didn't see Luo Xun Company. I guess it is their new technology. Oh, these damn capitalists, why do they first let Huaxia Xu's rich to enjoy new technologies, is our ordinary people don't care? ? "

This is okay in front, there is a suspicion of chaling.

According to the so low-level trick, there will be no one, but it is true that it is true.

Some people have been challenged and not a few people.

"Thank you happy education."

When seeing some of the topics on the tweet, Xu Qian said.

The people have a request, their call should not be ignored, so Steve will launch a new generation of laptops from the fruit company, and announce their strategic cooperation with Lucent, will be in WiFi and Bluetooth disputes, so that users can get rid of Is the connection to the network cable not very reasonable?

One arrow three carvings, not outside.

Xu Sheng said: You think I am in the first floor, in fact, I am in the fifth floor.

Some people have discovered new concerns, and some people have never changed.

Take your wifi and Bluetooth dispute, we just want to see you in the Chinese people, a place that is not optimistic by countless experts and authority, you are going to diamond, but also TV live, you will die. you.

Chinese people, this time you are going to be thrown.

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