Almighty sign in

Chapter 427, the so-called authority

When Li Ke found a car parked near the oil well, a foreign man came down from the car, and he immediately reminded the nearby security personnel: "All the spirit, pay attention to the situation."

In fact, there is no need to tell Li Ke commander, Xu Qian has not relaxed from the security personnel brought about by China.

These people either Li Ke, why, either, either, the acquaintance of the acquaintance, the property company of Junjing Home has been in the security guard, after the inspection of Wang Fang and Hu Yi and others can become Xu Yun Bodyguard, holding much more high salary than before.

Chinese people pay attention to people of money and people disaster, Xu Yongqian is giving in place, and the bodyguards are enthusiastic, and they will not be relax when working.

Almost at the same time, there are several guns to be aimed at the key part of it.

Once this foreign man's behavior is not properly, he will lose activities in an instant.

The foreign man is also a concept, seeing security personnel to block himself, he is not hard, just standing in the distance, the head is called.

Due to the Working Group of the Works TV station around the oil well, the equipment is also assumed, and the sound of foreign men is incorporated by the radio to watch many audience in the ear.

"who do you think You Are?"

"You are just a Chinese man, here is the country, not your arrogant place."

"You think that you have money, you think you have a little commercial talent, you have done a little money when you are in business?"

"Tell you, everything must speak science. If you don't understand, you can ask experts, listen to experts, they are authority, they say what they are correct. Those ordinary people who have no professional knowledge don't understand They only know that they have nothing to do, these guys don't have anything stupid and poor. "

"Huaxia people, I thought that your brain can be smart, I didn't expect you to be like them,"

"What is the choice of the people, you think this is Huaxia? Miki can not make this set, here only like my experts say, you can guarantee correct, you don't listen to us, you despise the authority, think you are a fighter? No, you are not all. "

"Listen, Huaxia people. You are now awake and come, hurry to listen to me, end this boring farce, otherwise you will become the largest laughter of the whole country and even the world, just ... Just ...... Ah ... "

The foreign man is awkward, but he doesn't know that Xu Yun has silently used a Pizza Hut reward.

Then, this person who is screaming will see that the oil well has an immediate and experienced drilling workers' exclaimed.



"Really oil, my God!"

The foreign man named screaming is like a chicken who is being hired, but the passion of the neck is suddenly caught in the throat. It is not coming in the stomach.

He can only be full of red, and take your chest to give yourself.

The camera's camera is also bad. He recorded this man throughout the process of the whole process of his hand, and gave the opponent's close-up, and the man's wolf was clearly present in front of everyone.

It is very out!

Foreign men are so easy to come, he looked at the oil well, which is more shocked than those drilling workers, but also can't believe it.

"How can I go out?"

"I obviously explored, it is impossible to have oil!"

"How can it be oil?" Foreign men grabbed their hair, pulled hard, and did not worry that he would smart to the top, and a strong language in his mouth. "This is impossible! This is impossible! ! This is absolutely impossible! ... "

Xu Qian was twisted with the man. Although he didn't speak, he was on the countertop in the words he wanted to say.



Xu Qian said with a mouth, and said: "Thank you."

Thanks in your mouth, it means that it is not that. Fortunately, Xu Yun's expression is OK, others can understand what he means - thank you, like a clown, use your own ugly entertainment, success, I am laughing.

"Hey ... no!"

The foreign man couldn't accept such a reality. He called turned and ran, ran back to his car with the fastest speed, and quickly drive flash people, how to see how wolf.

For the camera, Xu Qian said very seriously: "Everyone saw it, it is oil. This time the expert authority and the perspective of the general opinion of the generals are we win. It seems that the experts and authorities sometimes do not believe, The vast majority of people in a country should think that the experts and authority tell us that when you are wrong, we should believe that yourself. "

"As long as you believe in your judgment, you can make the most correct choice. Because you only know yourself, only you know what you want, not listening to the situation, don't know your situation, don't know you experienced What experts and authority. "

"To know, when our ordinary people work hard, experts have blown air conditioners in their offices, drink coffee, how can they understand our bitterness? A person like this, I don't believe it."

Xu Yun 's all the number of times was listening to many rice people, and immediately got their recognition.

In fact, Xu Zhong may not think so, he will say this, just because he knew that the people of the rice country eat this set, they love to listen to this.

This is the same as many people in Huaxia. They can't listen to the rich, and they are not willing to see the rich, only willing to receive information about themselves.

For example, the second generation is the idiot, there is such a later generation, so soon, so soon, you have to lose your mother's property.

The news such as this is their favorite. They only receive such news. Once they are different from their tricks, they will be out of the anger, they will attack them.

Of course, this attack is on the Internet. They don't have the courage in the reality. Top of the rest of the society, go to the child who bullies the kindergarten, go to the innocent and self-cultivation of the people.

Sad, poor, and sigh.

Xu Qian is not to hear what the rice people are doing something. He is just buried a seed in their hearts, and then let the seed germination when they are suitable.

At that time, very interesting things will happen, and I want to be many beautiful landscapes.

Beautiful landscape, pretty and beautiful, well-equipped.

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