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Chapter 471 Chances of Curve Overuse

I am talking about the chip and computer industry, what is the matter of the car industry? This question is too embarrassed.

Welcome everyone's doubtful eyes, Xu Sheng said: "In the car, the West is more than 10 years, and my country's automotive industry wants to catch them, do not say time, light is to pay Work hard will be hundreds of times. It costs such a big strength, only has the hope of catching up, is it true? "

Ni's unassay did not agree to Xu Yun: "This is not a matter of can't draw, but we have to catch up. Some aspects we have to do a big price, this is not related to the income. There is also a country development. Business thinking, can not look at the problem with the perspective of businessmen. "

Thinking of those colleagues who have been with Lianxiang have achieved results from hard entrepreneurship, and they have become the leading sheep in the relevant fields of the country this year, and then think that they have a difference between themselves and the ideas.

Old Liu used business people thinking, with business model, the rise of Lianxiang, has achieved a myth of the domestic business community, turned into an entrepreneur, praised by everyone, but also because he was successful in this regard. When he thoroughly transformed the position, he did the responsibility of this belonging to him and chose to be a pure businessman who did a career in order to make money. He was not a way to himself.

If you don't know the R & D center of Xu Qi Office, Ni University will feel that you will be lucky, continue to stay in Liangxiang to try to persuade old willow, and don't know how many glitches will be, how much time is wasting.

Just, how to listen to Xu Qian, he also looks like a business person?

If he is also a person like Lao Liu, it can be difficult, but I forgot to be my heart after wealth.

Ni is very worried.

Fortunately, there is no longer existence below.

"Ni, you misunderstood, I am not said that because it is too big to catch up with the price of the West, it is too hard to be too tired, so give up the exploration and development of science and technology, turn to the new purchase of money to make money. Class. On the contrary, I think the investment in technology research and development should be more bigger, not only to catch up with the West in the known track, but also open up new tracks, but only so, can be curved to overtake. "

In this R & D center, it is eligible to enter this meeting room which is not a highhant talent. They are all in the outside of them are the genius characters of the grade, and the meaning of Xu Wan said that they listened to it.

Ni Ni Shi suddenly said: "You mean on this track of the automobile industry, you have developed electric vehicles for corner overtaking, that computer, how do you want to turn around?"

"In the automotive industry, I am going to put the curve overtaking in the electric vehicle. It is because we are too weak in engine and gearbox, the short board is so obvious, and it is difficult to catch up. It is very difficult. "Xu Yun said," However, the electric car has avoided these two questions, plus the research in this area is similar to us, everyone is in the same level, I don't believe our R & D staff can't exceed them. "

Grabss, Xu Qian said: "As for the computer you asked by Ni, since the existing system is not good, why we do not further, in the quantum computer, you are in the old predecessors of the scientific research. This will not look at the computer era. In fact, everyone knows that the next generation computer is a quantum computer, it is the future. "

"The existing system is unable to carry the problem of excessive Chinese language information. This is not a matter of quantum computers. Compared with English in English, more complex and more advanced Chinese language More dominant on quantum computers, because Chinese language is an analysis language. "

"For example, the meaning of fish is fish, the English of the yellow fish is YELLOWCROAKER, and the English in black fish is snakeheadededfish, and the English in the fish is Hair-Tail, this is what ghosts, what is the connection? Long strings? "

"You are engaged in scientific research. In the respective related fields are Taishan North Hat, then, I want to think about it, and how much is it in the special English nouns used in the fields? My memory does not have an error, it seems that every different field English nouns have no relationship. With the more and more social disciplines, English nouns will become more and more, and the relationship between mutual is getting more and more cut. Unable to do interoperability in the field. "

"And our Chinese language will not have such problems, or said, although there will be a little problem, it is not a trouble, because people think about normal people can even guess the guess."

"what is this?"

"This is the advantage, our mother tongue has an advantage that the English cannot match in the quantum era."

"I can be responsible, our native language makes us have the most precious keys to enter the quantum era. We are only to find the door, then open it, a new era will come, and the whole world is Will be changed by us. "

"So, I hope that you can start research on quantum, even if you spend a huge price, we also open the door of the quantum era, because it is a good opportunity for us to overtake. If we don't grasp the opportunity, if we Give the West enough time to make up for the disadvantages in this area, what happens when they will happen, no one can be expected. "

"No one I want to be in the future, because I missed this best chance and regret it."

"This is the reason why I have an extra delay in everyone."

"What is this?" "This is the advantage, our mother tongue has the advantage that the English cannot match in English."

"I can be responsible, our native language makes us have the most precious keys to enter the quantum era. We are only to find the door, then open it, a new era will come, and the whole world is Will be changed by us. "

"So, I hope that you can start research on quantum, even if you spend a huge price, we also open the door of the quantum era, because it is a good opportunity for us to overtake. If we don't grasp the opportunity, if we Give the West enough time to make up for the disadvantages in this area, what happens when they will happen, no one can be expected. "

"No one I want to be in the future, because I missed this best chance and regret it."

"This is the reason why I have an extra delay in everyone."

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