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Chapter 472 to Hong Kong Island

Sitting on the car, Xu Yu calls out a breath.

He left the R & D center, he has a feeling of reconstitution.

Those professors and scholars who engage in scientific research, don't look at them, they are only in scientific research, and the things that have nothing to do with scientific research are cold, and they are not passionate about interpersonal relationships. You should be a very easy thing to pay.

The fact is exactly the opposite. When these professors and scholars are ignited, their response is called a fierce, which is not much more than those fanatical fans waiting for idols at the airport.

In order to cope with them, Xu Zhong took out the 180,000-point spirit, and people couldn't help but they were successful.

"I don't play this next time."

Looking at the eyebrow, Xu Qian secretly swears in his heart.

At this time, a pair of , . That power is not light, just right, comfortable, so that Xu Qian only feels tired.

"Don't do it, you ..."

His words half of Xu Qian stunned, he suddenly remembered how many people in their cars came.

When I was looking back, Tang Yu's voice came from behind: "Tired? Tired, I will break it, I will give you."

Xu Yun an excitement, the slightly fainted mind was awake a lot after being stimulated, and he enjoys Tang Yu's massage, and asked: "How come you?"

I didn't ask for it, I asked Tang Yu, didn't play.

This girl has a little more, Queon said: "How come I am? What do you mean? Don't come? It is also right, big grandfather and the same tour, but I have been broken your business. I also blame I don't know. Do you want me to go now, so that you will play fast? "

Positive answer?

That is definitely a life, no matter how you answer, you can't let Tang Yu satisfied.

Once the woman is angry, you don't want to resolve the crisis by conventional methods.

It is said that Hu Jut is wrapped in a woman's patent. When a man is in this state, a woman will win.

Tang Wei saw Xu Zhong hugged the nose, the hard smell, it seems to be looking for some kind of smell, she can't help but ask: "What?"

"Nothing, I smelled the taste of Shanxi old vinegar!"

Tang Wei, she understood that she was teased. She smiled coldly, pressed Xu Yung Suyang Point, and the fingers who took a lack of explanation shouted so three points, and took someone's ear.

Then, the three-part regular circle refers to the test drawing a circle, and the sour taste makes Xu Yung sucks a good breath.

This is powerful, the end is horrible, "~~~!"

"Painful pain ... let go, let go ..."

In order not to let the poor ear of the ear, Xu Zhong chose to be accomplished in the first time.

I heard Xu Zen's screaming, Tang Wei really thought that I broke Xu Qian, and quickly opened his hand. She didn't expect myself, I haven't come to talk, I have already asked the concern, Xu Zhong suddenly stood up, and forced from the chair's gap, she pressed her back.

"You this big liar!"

The girl just wanted to blame someone's deceit, but the next moment, he blocked her, so she could only issue a vague voice like "" ".

He Xingjing, his nose, nose, he didn't see anything, and he didn't hear. He is just a toolman that is a morality.

After a good half, Xu Qi took Tang Wei who had been dizzy because of hypoxia.

He looked at the little waist of this girl such as fine willow, and asked softly: "At this time, you should not hit Oscar in Miki and the team, how to return to China?"

The soft Tang Wei heads the shoulders of Xu Qian, the breath is unstable: "It is not all you. You travel, you will take Yang Xiaomi and Zhao Xiaoshi. And you. And you The news is over time, "Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger" Although I want to impact Oscar, it is a movie that Li Guan director started planning in Hong Kong Island. Hong Kong Island is also one of the investors of the film. No matter how it can't ignore them, "

Although Hong Kong Island Movie is already walking down the road, it is good to have a good value. It is also a lot to have a lot of awards in Hollywood. It has a certain influence in Hollywood. Li Case wants to hit Oscar with "Hidden Dragon Walking Tiger", let yourself be famous, all of all the power must be used.

"This book is there, and his relationship with Hong Kong Island and the Bay is also very shallow, but this person is best not to have too much contact."

Xu Zhong was telling Tang Yu.

If it is in the early days of the famous name, Li Ye's tendency has not appeared, then with the film taken by this person, more and more stable in Hollywood, his arm is getting more and more. Taking Tang Wei's identity, there have been too much contact with such people and is definitely not a good thing.

Even if you leave Tang Yu's origin, even if it is just an ordinary film star, it is not a director who is not a director who is obviously inclined with such a position.

Tang Yan was surprised: "You are a problem with the tendency of Li Case? I have touched him, I didn't feel it. It seems that he is very deep."

For Xu Qian, Tang Yan will not doubt, although she didn't see it, Xu Qian said with a less than Li Yixian, then she will pay more attention in this regard.

Waiting until "Hidden Dragon Crouch" hits Oscar over, Tang Yu will not pick up the drama of Li.

"He still has to hold him now, and it is necessary to continue to go up, but how can it be revealed at this time. Some people are very good at hidden, only waiting for himself When he is full, he will expose the true idea. "

Xu Zhong will not forget the award ceremony in the Bay, actually award an important award to the same person, to say that as the President Li case does not know, do you believe?

Even if the Li case does not have the person who dares to say that, however, how can the prizes, he can't hear.

There is no non-windy wall in the entertainment circle.

It is said that "Hidden Dragon Walking Tiger" crew has to fight for the support of Hong Kong Island, helping its impact Oscar, Xu Zhong suddenly thought of what, he asked Tang Wei: "You come to find me, I should not let me go to Hong Kong Island to help you Help. "

"if not?"

Tang Yan asked.

"You can't let me go to Hong Kong Islands alone, where the circles are chaos, you are not worried about my safety?"

Xu Zhong is easy to stop the impulse of his own clouds.

Are you cheap?

Give them two courageies, don't live.

"There will always be one or two of the heads, can't you have someone to block down, otherwise I want you to use."

Tang Hao poked with his finger to stamp, but he was caught by the latter.

"It's also right, anyway, I went to Hong Kong Island to play, Xiaoxiao is very likes to be there."

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