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Chapter 478 Small steel gun, I am optimistic about you

The girl's bag has been installed in a mystery, even if it is just a four or five little girls, and Xu Yen does not like to guess, so he chooses another method.

"Come on, show."

Xiaoxiao and Xiaoxilai's dog bun were raised by them, the zipper of the small bag has been opened, and the two little sisters are reaching out.

The broken pencil, lacks a corner of the triangular plate, only the crayons of the pen, brand new coins, wrinkled small safflowers ... Various unimblematic things, even if the brains of Xu Yun don't understand why they put These things are put in their bags.

Sure enough, I should have the lyrics: Girl's mind, don't guess, you guessed that I don't understand.

Each of your dog broke out, tense the little sister who rushed on the treasure of the baby. They stared at my brother, carefully prepared, once my brother wants to row to their baby, they will be brave enough to fight with my brother.

Their baby will not allow anyone, unless sugar.

There is no one box of big white rabbits to solve the little sister, if there is, then two boxes.

"Get your baby, the plane will soon land."

Seeing that Harbor Island has appeared in the field of view, Xu Yun has a little sister put their baby back in the dog.

Two little sisters reached out, flying quickly, as if they moved slowly if they were slow, they will be grabbed by their brothers, see Xu Qian's quite speechless.

I have no interest in your so-called baby.

Take the zipper of the dog bun, and give it to your mother, the little sister will put down. They ran back to Xu Qian, let her brother hugged himself while I didn't forget to remind my brother him to promise: "Brother wants to buy bags, good-looking new bag."

This is the promise of Xu Qian's little sister, and why is the little sister who will give her brother to the reasons for their own bags.

Although the dog is good, it will be tired for a long time.

The child likes to wear new clothes, and I like new bags.

In the expectation of the little sister, the bay G550 landed in the airport of Hong Kong Island.

This is Xu Zhong's second time to Hong Kong Island.

Hong Kong Island is still the Hong Kong Island, people are still that person, but the situation has already changed.

This time, at least someone picks up the plane with no one in the last time to Hong Kong Island.

Feng Guided is also in Hong Kong Island. "Xu Qian said with a small steel gun, and then screamed to him," Miss Qi, hello. "

Qi Wei saw Tang Yan next to Xu Qian, a little more complex in the splendid smile, but she was very good, did not expose: "Xu La, hello, I am very happy to meet you."

Originally Li Yixi's "Hidden Dragon Crouch Tiger" is to ask her to play Yu Jiaolong, and she judges the mistake. I chose to push, I didn't expect her agent that her broker did not opt ​​up. Although the box office in the Mainland is not very good, you can have a good idea in the international market or a word-of-mouth.

With a " ", Tang Wei has an international reputation, but she is bad.

How can I push it, this is my chance!

There are more annoyed in the heart, only she knows it, anyway, because of this, she speculates her agent.

She didn't know, even if there is no Xu Qian 's appearance, the role of Yu Jiaon will not pick up. It is necessary to know that she is still in the first year after the original time and space Li case is refused to be the first time, and the result is her second rejection. At that time, Li Gao was already in the string, the international chapter recommended it to the scene, Li Ji is very boring.

Even so, Li Cao still did not give up the idea of ​​letting Qi Yu Yu Jiaolong. In order to get this role, how many suffers have been eaten, how many sins have been heard, and the people who have been known in the circle are not a few.

If this girl is strong enough, there is a chance to die, and there is no international chapter of the sky.

It is also because of the different choices of "Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger" Yu Jiaolong, it has caused the international chapter to live.

Although the later development is not bad, the status and achievements are always different from the international chapter.

I pushed my biggest opportunity in my life, and I repented it.

"Qi Hao, hello."

Tang Wei took the initiative to greeted Qi, to say that this is also a powerful actor, but also a movie "big wrist" selected by small steel gun. If she knows, Tang Wei will not be evil.

I didn't ridicule in the look of Tang Yan, and I also picked up my mood and climbed.

The entertainment circle is a circle, the smaller the top level, don't look at Tang Yan is a newcomer, with her current development momentum as long as she does not die, it is not a problem. Everyone looked up and didn't see it down, but it was not necessary to make unpleasant because of what had happened.

In the circle, because of the wrong task of a good play, it is not good, and the people like Lianjie have judged the mistake, let alone her Qi.

I didn't have a conflict in Tang Wei and Qi, the atmosphere was still harmonious. Xu Yun took the attention to the attention, he was a small steel gun: "Feng Gui, I personally is optimistic about you. The country is open, domestic movie The environment in the market is also changing, but many people still stay in the period of the previous national planning, and their ideas cannot keep up with the era. You need someone to let them change this concept. You focus on commercial movies, Instead, because of the old way to continue with the art film, I seem to be much stronger than them. Now I am waiting for you, I will talk to me. The company is not a person, I also take it to the old. Jiang and Laozi's idea. "

Regardless of how much the small steel cannon is a human disease, he has the ability to contribute to domestic movies, and there is also the ability to grasp the preferences of the market context in the market.

The people of the small steel gun did not evaluate. From the needs of Xiaoxiao Media Development, the small steel cannon revenue is wise from the perspective of weakening the strength of competitors.

"You are holding."

The small steel gun is humble, and I am not alive in my heart.

The word praised him is not heard, but this is also divided. From a passers-by, the weight is the same?

Xu Zhong said that it is clearly telling him, I am optimistic, you do it, as long as you have the ability to fame and fortune is not a matter.

The small steel cannon started to mix into the capital to give people a grandson, and the grandfather after the saddle is, the big master is not the picture, so that you can live a good day?

Nowadays and Lead there, just he has the ability to get it, you can get the excitement in his heart.

Small steel guns think that this kind of thing is not a right, after all, your Wang Jia brothers can't give my Xuqian, and I don't allow me to go high?

The circle is a difficult brother, there is a lot of money in the hands in his hand, except for the benefits of painting the big cake to the hand, there is not much, which is really good.

Look now, his small steel cannon is prevised by Xu'an, there is already qualified to conduct a million-level investment movie. If he didn't choose Xiaoxiao Media, he still stayed in the grass platform of Wang Jia brothers, how many years Will this opportunity?

Tree is mined, people move, and it is the most important to talent.

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