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Chapter 479 of the British Celebration

Many people mention small steel guns will think of Wang Jia brothers, and the consciousness thinks that he is very good with Wang Jia brothers.

In fact, it is not such a thing.

Don't say that Huayi has not been established, it is an established small steel gun and has left a period of time. Until the Wang Jun realized the importance of a director in his hand, promised a lot of benefits to carry your own and small steel cannons deeply, and the small steel cannon.

The quiet refers to it seems to be together with Tang Wei and Yang Xiaomi, and the small steel cannon is a bit worried about: "I chose to choose, just because she is a suitable candidate."

Xu Qian knows that he is worried, give him a fixed pill: "Movie is the company vote for real gold and silver, the character chooses to choose the best one. You as a director to do the movie is best for you. Responsibilities, there is no need to scrap too much. "

There is a small steel gun in this sentence.

Solved your own business, he thinks that others will please yourself.

"Your emperor's boss told you to bring you."

"Yang Yinhuang? What did he say?"

"Hong Kong Island is not more than the mainland, the fishelong mixed, you can't help but I will think about it."

Xu Zen's eyebrows: "So I am very interesting to happen this time?"

Small steel can not do.

What is your interesting thing?

Young people are young, gallbladder is too big.

If you change my old von, I have long been avoided.

Don't think that I am called a small steel gun, I am so steel, my head is not iron.

Where is the Hong Kong Island? The public security environment here, you can know if you don't understand those movies that Hight Island people.

The community here is rated, doing things without the mainland, so much scruples, you are not worried about them?

"There is no need to nervously."

Compared with the small steel gun, Xu Yung can't be calm, it seems that some people are not guilty but others.

He took the shoulders of the small steel gun and said: "Some people are horizontal because he has a horizontal strength, and some people are helpless because he didn't have a poison of society. I don't know how high there are many highlands. thick."

Small steel cannon really wants to refute Xu Yun, even if the people's Tiequap wants to dictatorship in Hong Kong Island, it has to be returned. Now this place is still in the jurisdiction ... Waiting, British!

In this instant, small steel cannons understand that Xu Yuan is the Chinese people, but he is not the same as the vast majority of businessmen in China, his industry is not only limited to Huaxia, even in Miguo, also has powerful energy. It is a custom to west, and there is money to buy everything. If Xu Qian's rich can do much more than him in China.

"Want to understand?"

"I said that Feng Gui is a smart person. If you want to understand, you will go, you are not a thing in this airport."

Xu Dynasty took a small steel gun, with the height and body gap between the two, the contrast could not say that the big brother with a small brother, but a big man with a child.

From the VIP passage, the small steel cannon issued a few foreign countries in the outer team, in addition to Xu Yun from the country, in addition to the bodyguards of the country.

From these foreigners, they can infer that they are not ordinary people, and they are definitely accepted by military training.

The small steel cannon face is envious, and the heart is more envious than the performance.

It is good to have money, and the foreigners can use them directly to do it, can't see the young ages.

Since the same car is not the same car, there is no small steel gun to the Knights, and I don't know that Xu'an enters the car after receiving the phone.

"You have already arrived in Hong Kong, is you still satisfied with Schmidt?"

Xu Qian asked Hendri: "How is these interested things?"

"Please rest assured that they have a formal license, which is the elite employee of the company. Every of them has accepted strict training, with legal carrying weapons. Even if they don't, with their company's relationship and English now deliberately Huaxia throws a bad stall, as long as it is not in the big court, there will be no small water. "

When I said that Hengli Don suddenly, then I went to: "Mr. Aubenheimer wants to know you, the boss, how do you want to reply to him?"

British consortium in private bankers family!

The brain is running quickly, guessing the other's purpose, Xu Qian responded but he did not bring a little hesitation, he gave Hendli: "There is a saying in Huaxia, a number of friends, I like to make friends, I have time to see us. Previous side. "

"Understand, I must tell you about the gentleman."

I can hear the excitement of Hengli, Xu Qian speculated that this guy will have a lot of benefits because of this.

Why do many people don't have much money, even if you can't get how much money, or even put money is willing to do things for the rich, the reason is here.

Some things are not a single way to get how much money to measure the value is not worth doing, and the benefits of money outside the money will often get more benefits.

Xu Yu sitting in the car is thinking, although he has an industry abroad, focusing on the country, the investment in British is not ...

The reason is not sure, because Xu Yang has not asked Peng Xue and Zhao Zhaolong, and the team managed by these two may be impact on some aspects of the British people.

Alternatively, some of their investments have seen the Auben Hai Mo, and the other party wants to talk to himself.

There are too few information that cannot be inferred, Xu Qian can only put this matter temporarily. Anyway, the scorpion is Malaki, you can know, wait until you meet the people of the Auben Hai Mo's family to see the mystery.

"The British private banker consortium is a bit mean."

I want to do things in my heart, plus the Hong Kong Island is really unsatisfactory, Xu Qian did not pay attention to the scenery change on the road, when he stopped, he found that the team did not drive to the hotel, but came to a villa.

Dressed up, Schmidt is confused by Xu Qian: "Mr. Xu, this is Mr. Aubenhe is prepared for you, I don't know if you are satisfied?"

Taken around, Xu Yun found that this villa seems to be on the half-mountain waist, the vision, can appreciate the beauty of Victoria Port, the environment is good.

In Hong Kong Island, the place where the homes in this areas can be owned by the average person.

Give the eyes of Qi Wei, the latter is also smart, and the heart will lead to God. For Xu Yun, "Semi-mountain mansion, is the best position in Hong Kong Island, the highest price, you can have a mansion here Rich is expensive. "

The richest partners will not be poor than the hotel is safe than the hotel.

If there is only Xu Qian himself, he may not accept it. After all, it is skilled in the mouth, and the man's hand is short, but considering the mother and two little sister, Xu Yung is on Schmidt: "Thank you for Mr. That."

British people are not good for early, they show me so much, what do you want to get?

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