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Chapter 484 avoids the correct way to avoid the problem

When the option is available, people often have difficulty choosing.

Adults, children don't need to say.

Xiaoxiao and Xiao Qingzi standing there, I don't know what to do.

Pink bags are good, there is only cartoon dog's bag. They like it. The bag has a small saffron, and there is a small rabbit ... all kinds of bags see two small My sister has spent the eyes, and they also want, that is also reluctant, let them give up who, who choose who, they can't choose.

The two little sisters are very anxious, and they are urgent to get rid of the kind of straight.

Seeing Xu Yun came, Tang Yan couldn't help but she asked: "Xiaoxiao didn't know how to choose, how do you prepare to solve this problem?"

"Puzzle?" Xu Yu asked, "This is also a problem?"

Tang Wei seems to understand his idea: "Do you want to buy Xia Xiao, what do they look?"

"Is it so beautiful in your eyes?"

Xu Yun held his heart, a deputy, I didn't understand me, I was very hurt, I saw Tang Wei, I really want to fly to him.

If you don't have this woman, do you say that you don't feel illegal?

On the side, I quietly put the attention of Yang Xiaomi and Zhao Xiaoyu on Xu Qian and Tang Yu, and Xu Yun will not show such an absexual side when they are with them. What is this explanation?

Note The component is different from those of Tang Wei in Xu Qian.

However, when Xu Qian and Tang Yan are high school students. As early as they have encountered them, they are three years of windows, especially when Xu Yang family is poor, they feel that this is normal.

The people who have met with the people who have learned in the micro-random, the difference between the two, and the attitude are certainly different.

"What do you want?"

Tang Wei is curious to have been attracted out, listening to Xu Zen: "The child will do the choice, and the adult is of course all."

Xu Yun waved his hand, and the clerk who was waiting for a smile service was indicated: "The bags on this wall are collected."

Is this your way? !

Tang Yu suddenly.

I don't know how to choose it, I don't choose, all packing is taken away.

Looks like this is indeed a way to avoid the choice.

Xu Yun's operation successfully showed another person, only the happy clerk was busy. Today, she met the noble person in the morning, only the achievements were enough to make her a huge wealth she didn't want to think.

It is not only that Xu Yun is enough to reach the total number of bags sold in her ten years.

Maybe buy a house is no longer a dream.

The clerk is carefully calculated. Today, this single commission plus her previous savings, almost buy a six-month mansion.

Ok, six hundred feet of luxury homes, the calculation area of ​​the Chinese people's habits is less than fifty-six square meters.

This area of ​​house is also a luxury home in the Hong Kong Island population. It can be imagined that there is more expensive housing prices under the Hong Kong Island house in the Hong Kong Island, the general people's housing.

Inspected is that this is also helping the banner of the mainland to develop their rules in the Mainland. It is a set of this set in Hong Kong Island. Xu Qi is not the ability, and it has the ability to affirm him There will be actions.

No one will want his motherland to become the lyrics of the Singer Zheng Zhizheng, and I can't buy a house in my life.

In other words, many songs of the buddy are really forward-looking, standing in the perspective of Zhuge Liang, which is very much.

"Brother is best."

"Brother sister loves you!"

Xiaoxiao and Xiaoxilai cheered, they were in the same place, and they rushed to hug their brother's legs, and the little face egg stickers made a strong.

My brother is too handsome, and my little sister likes.

Fang Shuying Zhang Zhang opened, and pulpted his words after seeing two little sisters who were excited to face red.

Forget it, the son will make money, the daughter is so happy, don't sweep their happiness.

Anyway, these children's bags buy home is not needed, even if the two little sisters are not over, they can be given to people, and they are always useful.

After the thunder turned, Fang Shuying did not stop.

Fang Shuying will not know that Xu Qian may not spend money. Yang Xiaomi with their store is specially doing a small child luxury, and is also a well-known brand. Now I bought the bag even if the two little sisters at home can not use so many, wait until they grow up, just take the three or five, can earn the money now, as for the rest, it is earning.

Beiping a building may be exaggerated, but the half-building is still earned, the only shortcoming is that the cycle is too long.

I have this money to do this is really not cost-effective, but if someone else is naturally, it is natural.

"Hello, motorcycle ..."

Xu Yun's mobile phone rang, his heart: Come.

Tang Wei saw two calls, and said that the old half-day, the next consciousness gave him a question.

Xu Qian who has ended the call did not look at her. Tell this girl: "Long Wu, the Long Five of Hong Kong Island, said and say that he has a few younger brother who can't figure out the brain, almost collide me. I want to let me put these people. "

Dragon 5 people Tang Yan know that the community of this Hong Kong Island is also famous in the mainland, but the big is also relatively, the component of Long Wu is still not enough.

"Dragon, I have heard of this person." Tang Yan did not carefully said, "he was chasing the old man in Beiping by the white family from the north, and the people who did not know in Hong Kong Island. I have almost no. Why, the younger brother under his hand uneashed, stared at you? "

When the rumor turned, Tang Wei suddenly wished: "We have been to HK Island this time, they are staring at you, or staring at me?"

This ... I want to add the sashor, the ancient people are sincere, not deceived.

This girl is really angry. If she returns to the port island who who will hit her body, Xu Yun can only send two words in Hong Kong Island - oh.

Holding Tang Yu's hand, Xu Yang said: "It is not necessary for this kind of thing. Long Fif is also an eye, and his stability in Hong Kong Island will also take advantage of it."

Gently earned it, Tang Wei can only be held by Xu Qian's own hand, she snorted: "Don't worry about doing a good job, there is no longer learning, otherwise it will not be They looked with their nose. This time, there is no matter, you have to be a thing ... Hey! "

Xu Zhong quietly gave this girl, my wife is domineering.

Zhao Xiaodi said that there is not much to understand the Hong Kong Circle. It is the domestic circle to know less. Only Yang Xiaomi, who once wanted to hug the thigh of the Hong Kong Circle, was shocked.

She didn't feel it before, and now she is understanding that Tang Wei is better than I have.

For example, the Hong Kong circle of Long Fif, even if Yang Xiaomi sees it, it has to be careful, but Tang Wei has not cared, this gap makes Yang Xiaomi can't help but feel: the tire is the door technology.

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