Almighty sign in

Chapter 485, two scripts

Flower people's money, buy gifts for their own puppies, who will distress?

Anyway, Xu Yung will not.

If you don't really have a few money, plus Xu Qian is not willing to let others think that he is a small and cheap person, he can not buy something.

Despite this, the seven-digit number of numbers on the still bill still can still look at the Dragon.

This money should not be spent, but because he is a community, he has to endure the fish.

As for the , Long Wu didn't think about it.

In this case, Xu Zhong has already given his face, if he is not willing to go out, there is no sincerity.

I really have to make trouble, Long Wu is certainly a bigger loss, because he knew that Xu Yun was followed by Tang Wei.

Tang family in the Mainland, is not what he can enable.

The mixed community in the general people seem to be eight sides, the community is big, someone has a good existence, but only they know, they have much power when they face real powers.

Just like Mr. Du Du Du Du: "The community is a nightlower, it is needed, it doesn't need it, it is dirty."

Compared with the existence of Tang family, the society is just a piece of chess, if you use it, if you use it to the home, you can allow your existence. If you don't know how to converge, you don't have the existence.

Single one of the people will make it to Xu Qian, and Long Wu is actually not panic.

However, it is a teenager of the mainland. Even if Xu Qian has money, it is less than two years in just a year, he can have some foundation.

Don't look at the money in the hands, the giants of Hong Kong Island have not put him in the eyes.

This is also why Xu Zang's first time I arrived in Hong Kong Island, no one was in the second time, no one was visiting the door.

We can't see you, you are just a young young in the mainland, don't think that there are several money in your hand to have us. Tell you, the upper circle is not so good.

"It's really proud."

In the half-mountain mansion prepared in the Aubenhemad, Xu Zhong's eyes looked at the little sister and continued to try their new bag, but hand in the handwritten painting.

Yesterday, I took two little sisters to play once, let Yang Xiaomi do a guide in Hong Kong Island, and today, he came to Hong Kong Island on the third day, Xu Zhong did not plan to go out.

Today's daily sign in him is random to new rewards.

"You have completed daily check-in, get rewards:" There is no walker "script."

Talking about the "untrusive walker", Xu Yen is beginning to be , he is not impressed by this movie. After he received the taste information, Xu Yun was sudden.

"This is not" no trip "!"

Yes, "unfair parsers" is in triad, but it is a nest. You can see it as an international version of the "untrovelis" movie of Hong Kong Island police.

In the original time and space, the "unfair parser" of Oscar is actually "untroven" by the release of foreigners.

Saying that foreigners don't pay attention, they are obviously adapted "no truth", but there is no mention of the propaganda or award, as if it is their original story. This is the do not face the crew, or deliberately pressing the influence of Chinese movies, not what is known.

As a Chinese man, Xu Qian is very eye-catching for these unconventional foreigners.

"There is no walker" out, "there is no truth" is far away?

As an impressive classic port film, Xu Qian's story is not all remembered, but it can also think of a seventeen points.

That is still without any reference, there is a "uninterrupted" script in hand, use it to make a plot memories, Xu Qian can complete it completely.

However, restore is restored, but how to select actors is a problem.

Such as the classic police flakes such as "no trip" will inevitably leave a pen in the history of the Chinese movie, this is also a good thing, there is a problem on the Nai's actor.

If you come to select people according to the original actor lineup, it is unreasonable, so that Xu Zhong will go smoothly to restore the "no triad" original, but can be bungamed, and the guy who scatters the inland compatriots. There is a moving emperor who is a retrieving of the bonus, using such a person.

I am, there are so many film and television practitioners in China, and the old art good actors are all, can't you find someone to replace them?

As for the photography master town Kansai, it is also a few shots. Who is going to play?

Since the movie script is in the hands of Xu Yung, that is, he will come to the group, which naturally biases the mainland actor, more opportunities to the mainland actor, rather than the Hong Kong Circle Group, as long as people who can use their Hong Kong circles will not give Other chances.

You will play the circle, you will be a circle, you still don't want to use this set on you?

"Brother, see me!"

Every time I change a new package, I have to shine in front of everyone, let my brother's sister and my mother praise a few words to meet my heart-hearted dogs and discover my brother. She ran to my brother and gave a protest.

If you think that there are so many new bags, your brother is bought, my brother loves my sister, my sister is also a brother, Xiao Xiao, I have long debuted my little bar.

My brother dares to open a small, and my sister wants to flatten you.

PIA ~~ The sister's small bar is taken, don't believe you don't cry.

If you come to select people according to the original actor lineup, it is unreasonable, so that Xu Zhong will go smoothly to restore the "no triad" original, but can be bungamed, and the guy who scatters the inland compatriots. There is a moving emperor who is a retrieving of the bonus, using such a person. I am, there are so many film and television practitioners in China, and the old art good actors are all, can't you find someone to replace them?

As for the photography master town Kansai, it is also a few shots. Who is going to play?

Since the movie script is in the hands of Xu Yung, that is, he will come to the group, which naturally biases the mainland actor, more opportunities to the mainland actor, rather than the Hong Kong Circle Group, as long as people who can use their Hong Kong circles will not give Other chances.

You will play the circle, you will be a circle, you still don't want to use this set on you?

"Brother, see me!"

Every time I change a new package, I have to shine in front of everyone, let my brother's sister and my mother praise a few words to meet my heart-hearted dogs and discover my brother. She ran to my brother and gave a protest.

If you think that there are so many new bags, your brother is bought, my brother loves my sister, my sister is also a brother, Xiao Xiao, I have long debuted my little bar.

My brother dares to open a small, and my sister wants to flatten you.

PIA ~~ The sister's small bar is taken, don't believe you don't cry.

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