Almighty sign in

Chapter 492 Xiaofa

The little child relies on intuition to judge a good and bad, and their expression of their own emotions is also very straightforward.

"Little baby doesn't like him."

"He is a ghost."

Xiaoxiao and Xiao Qingzi's feelings of Toyo and Fat Peng are very bad. When her brother talks about these two people, they still have to give their brother face, not caught. Waiting until these two people are far away. These two little sisters immediately went to my brother, and the little face fried into a group, full of disgusting.

Even those who don't like the little sister, I don't want to come.

Little sister's small brain tame, Xu Qianzheng should tease them, let them forget to hate gods, Schmidt led his own people to come over: "Mr. Xu, we received a new instruction from the headquarters, next we will go to execute Another task. Before this, I will act on the gift of Sharilo. "

After finishing, Schmidte handed a copy.

It is the ownership transfer instrument of this half-mountain mansion in Xu San, all the procedures have been properly completed, and only Xuang sign is required.

Obviously, this is ready for the morning.

It's too small.

Take a file, watching Xu Qian slang, who left Schmidt.

Don't look at Toyo gives him a luxury home, Xu Qian's evaluation of this person is more and more.

Gifts are very payable, you can also see a person's gas. The same half-mountain mansion, the two parties are talking about the time or things, and the difference is not a general big.

Xu Qian Ming Yulu's mind, this half-mountain mansion is not to give himself, fully see this negotiation result.

If he reached the purpose now, he waited for Xu Yun's team to talk to his people, and then the two sides were signed to die, and this luxury Toyo sent it.

I want to come to Toyo, I know that the people in Huaxia are weak, and the luxury house is not regret.

If his purpose is not reached, this half-mountain mansion is impossible to give Xu Qian, even from Schmidt just now, saying that they will be passed by the master's tea, so that he is embarrassed. More harsh, this will be promoted by him, let Xu Yun become a laughter.

If Xu Qian guess is right, Toyo will let Fat Peng come, mostly in the latter case.

At that time, I really want to conflict, and Fayen this last Hong Kong Cancer will become another backhand. There is nothing that they can't do with the integrity of the British people.

"The risk of living in other people is really big."

I didn't hurry to read the instrument, and Xu Yuan will recruit his lawyer. If there is no problem in the above, it will only sign it.

Since some people are shameless, they may wish to think more shameful, be careful.

"The boss is my mistake."

Hendri, who was enrised Hong Kong Island, became difficult to look after understanding things.

Surprised, angry, fear ... waiting for his emotions to make him complicated.

How did Hundeli have never been thought that this Toyo, the Aubenhe's home is such a person, there is no half of the density, and it is not a gentleman.

Sure enough, the British people's so-called gentlemen just let others gentleman, the gentleman's style is also used to bind others.

Try the hands and feet of others, so they are more likely to take advantage of their robbers.

Hengdley and the other two lawyers took a cluster of the documents, there was no problem, Xu Yun was signed.

This half-mountain mansion will resemble the owner from this moment.

Then, Xu Qian said to the Hong Kong Island lawyer: "Mr. Chen, I want to give this half-mountain mansion to Miss Tang Wei, you help me with it."

The eyes of Chen Lao flashed a surprise, but the face was calm: "Okay."

The half-mountain mansion said to send it, and the rich people are so good.

Does the mainland are not very poor, as the country is the same as the country, howy you are chasing girls to come to this blood.

"You still have a little conscience."

Tang Wei did not refuse.

With her message, she will not know a chamber of Yang Xiaomi, although this girl is not as sought after by the HD island, but this is not a house.

Let He Xing sent the lawyer of Chen, Xu Qian's lawyer said: "Rosters Hello, hard you."

Unlike that Chen's lawyer, Luo Cheng is the mainland, but he understands the law of Hong Kong Island, this is asked.

Mainland, Hong Kong Island, plus Hengli, three lawyers from different places, this is a three insurance in order to prevent Toyo from playing contract traps.

"Rotary, I heard that you have the right to develop the law, you need to open it."

Luo Cheng listened to Xu Yun, his eyes were shining.


At this moment, there are only two words in Luo Cheng's heart.

What should I do when the opportunity is coming?

Of course, I caught it.

Luo Chenglian is busy: "There is really this idea, you have to make more help you in the boss."

"Rotary is the old man of Jun and, I believe in your ability, I will talk about this opportunity."

Xu Qian gave Hendeli made a look, which was just the body of Hengdi listened to him.

In fact, Heng Deli has long wants to admonize our, with Xu Yun's commercial layout gradually expanded, and he uses a lawyer to get more and more places. With others, it is better to use the resource to support a law firm. With the resources of the Allah, as long as people are not a waste, it is never a problem that the high-end lawparte is never a problem.

I don't even look at the law firm, I don't think that the law is a group of lawyers to fight the lawsuit.

With the development of the economy, the tentacles of the Law Order can extend to each corner of society.

As a partner's Shengxin, take Hengli, its business is not limited to Miki, Europa, Asia, and even Africa.

Their customers have international organizations, government agencies, multinational groups, large and medium-sized businesses, even banks, financial institutions, insurance business, etc. are also their service objects.

Its partners include not limited to securities companies, investment banks, other law firms, accounting firms, and asset assessment agencies, chambers, and so on.

It can be said that the collectives and individuals who need to deal with the law have all the business of all business.

So, you can see their figure in all fields such as financial and banking, investment and securities industry, telecom space.

Such agencies know that they don't know, in fact it is an ubiquitous gather, weaving a big network throughout the world.

Quiet and horrible and suffocating.

Looking at Xu Yun's face, Heng Deli fell into a paralysis.

When I met, the woman wearing a white dress was squeezed in an old bobbin. The teenage of the house is so high.

The first time I met myself for the first time, and the time was less than two years.

"The world has changed too fast, I need more effort to keep up."

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