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Chapter 493, big fat dog

In November, Beiping is early, and the people who travel will be tightly wrapped, and there is a small man in a mess.

"My sister is not a fat dog!"

Xiaoxiao struggled in his brother's hand, and the little person wrote three words on the whole body - did not cooperate.

She is a beautiful little dog, not to do a fat dog. You see Xiao Qingzi, all become a small group, silly, not well looking at it.

"Brother big bad guy!"

The little hand pinchs the little fist, Xiao dog, Zhang tooth dance, she wants her brother, take my brother.

She is not a small sainer, four years old, she is not a three-year-old child, nothing to say, she has her own little temper.

I took the little sister who created milk, and I used a common name for space clothes. Xu Zhong gladied my dog ​​and didn't forced her to wear clothes. He just told Karinna: "Turn the hatch."

The cold wind comes in, and the face is slightly painful.

Xiaoyang's thoughts of the spirit of the loud dog, a small mouth: "Aer sie!"

Put the Xiaoguzi, Xu Yun refers to the outside, says to her: "Let's go, go out."

I still haven't worried, the quarrel is the same as the root, standing in the same place.

"I am not a silly child, don't bully your sister!"

Xiao Xiao Chong brother protests, so cold outside, she can't go out.

"You don't go? Then you are here."

Xu Qian is going to go, Xiao Xiao quickly flutmed over, holding her brother's legs, looking up at the heart of the head, tip, brother, huh, huh, smirking: "Oh, my brother gives the sister to the sister."

"It's not beautiful at all, it's not beautiful."

In this mouth, Xu Qian moved quickly, and only spent less than ten seconds under Xiaoxiao's cooperation.

Xiaoyang didn't see the arrogance of the arrogance. I didn't listen to my brother's ridicule. She explored the small head to look outside, and it was quickly broken by the cold wind.

Xu Qian looked at this little sister pointed at the plane passenger bus machine that had been tied to the stairs, and lifted his little short leg to him: "Brother, you see my little jiojio."

Look at the little jiojio is a fake, tell my brother's sister or a child, then the long step can't let the sister go alone, or how the sister fell. You are a brother of your sister, to protect your sister, this is what you want to express.

"Little dog."

Know that Xiaoshen is afraid of Xu Sheng, who is afraid of this little dog, also reaches out: "I will hold you."

Xiaoyang left his own little hand in his brother, let his brother's big hand wrapped his little hand, and he didn't leave his brother.

When I finished the steps, my feet turned on the ground. She struggled to pick up the little hand, then opened his hands, stop Xu Yun's way, shouting loudly: "You turn your sister into fat dogs, Turning the small son into a chubby dog, your big face is big bad guys, you are a big fat dog! Slightly ... "

Say I am a big fat dog, but also to me, who gives you courage, little sister.

Xu Qian reached out to catch up, and Xiaoxiao, who was prepared, was going to run. However, she forgot, she is a fat man in the space suit, the hand is no longer flexible.

So, the brother is very easy to hurt the fate, the neck of the neck can only be shouted for help: "Help, save your life, mother saves my life!"

Hearing the help of Xiao Dog, Fang Shuying did not say, regardless of vain.

This can be embarrassed, and my mother doesn't save her Xiaoxiao, what should I do?

She is anxious to go straight in Xu Yung, in order not to let this timid puppy smoke my eyes, Xu Yen gave her a Xiaoxiao.

Two little sisters were taken one by Xu Zhong one, Yang Xiaomi and Zhao Xiaobang smiled and saved them.

Fang Shuying in the car looked at these two girls, and looked at Xu Qian, the meaning is complicated. She didn't wait for them, directly let the driver launched the car, first leaving.

Xu went to scratch the head. He knew that the mother will definitely see, and I know that my mother has opinion on himself, since the mother did not expressly expressed opposition, he would be a mother.

Hey, is this a solution to a heart?

Xia Xiaomi hugged in the arms in the arms, Xiao Xiao, who kept kicking his brother, and yelled in his mouth: "Bullying the big bad guilty eggs of your sister, you are a big fat dog, Wang Wang ..."

A good dog, look at her, or Yang Xiaomi is holding her, she will rush with my brother.

Xiaoyang is so excited, so that Xiao Qingzi, who is quiet in Zhao Xiaoyong, has decided not to make a gallbladder puppy. She decided to help her Xiaoxiao - she hugged Yang Xiaomi. "Well," "Well", the whole body is exhausted.

The strange Yang Xiaomi, who is strange to this little sister, really let Xiaoxiao out of his arms.

Xiao dog is .

She is holding her hands and raises the small bar. It doesn't work.

Xu Yun smiled huhe rushed to this little sister hooks his finger: "Come on, little sister, let us divide a victory."

Flying quickly puts up the palm of the palm, Xiaoxiao patted the seat of the front, anxiously shouting: "Great hair! Great hair! Big bear aunt we are fast!"

What is the difference between my brother, I don't do it.

"I am still a child!"

When I went to my brother, Xiaoxiao slipped back to Yang Xiaomi's arms and hoped to seek the shelter of Xiaomi sister.

Unfortunately, Yang Xiaomi disappointed her, and her Xiaomi sister couldn't help her.

"You are so big brother bully little sister, you ... you ..."

Xu Qian pinched the little face of the dog and asked her: "What am I?"

Xiaoxiao's little hand stretched, pinch the little face of Xiaoxilai.

"Xiaoxi, you say it."

Xiaoxi child: "???"

Yang Xiaomi and Zhao Xiaodou did not hold back, just laughed.

This is a dog, sometimes silly, sometimes it is very embarrassing.

Xu Qian juited and decided to let his own silly sister.

He just leaned his hand, Xiao dog did not stop. This little sister has a small head in Yang Xiaomi's arches, and he also greeks Xiao Qingzi: "Xiao Sizi, you come, Xiaomi sister soft, so comfortable."

Xiao Qingzi blinked Barben, she patted Zhao Xiaodi, and patted Yang Xiaomi, compared two women's mind, this little sister began to climb Yang Xiaomi.

Although she didn't speak, she told everyone to use the actual action.

Yang Xiaomi: "Hey."

Just smile at this time.

Zhao Xiaoshi: "..."

So, will love disappear, right?

Block your mouth with your hand, turn your head outside, Xu Yun works not to smile.

The two little dogs have their own characteristics. The Xiaogang is doing a dry, picking up the first place, Xiao Qingzi is the heart, Xu Wan is willing to call her is the strongest.

Chasing Zhao Xiaoshi, Xu Sheng said: Girl, there is a warm embrace to use you.

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