According to the rules, the discretions are gifts.

This gift is not just the object of the probe, but also for the members of the crew, otherwise others will say that you don't understand.

After all, the crew is a workplace. It is a place for the entire crew. You come to the class to disturb people's work, add trouble to others, no matter what you think, you have to make a gesture, express your apology to others. And respect for staff.

In the case of ninety years, although there is a lot of materials in China when they have just opened the country, they can be thin, and life is not rich. In addition to a few people, everyone is hard to eat.

That is, every year, I have a sumptuous, or now I am so happy at this time.

Not because of the Chinese New Year, there is a table of chicken and ducks, etc., I will not be able to eat, so many people say that I have a good time, I have a tooth, and I have a meat. I have a big gain, but I will give to teeth. Nariary.

When Xu Lun, I was not else to the crew staff, and he was a hotel that he was looking for nearby.

What time to give a small gift is too time, now I don't have this, with it, it is better to benefit. Let the staff of the crew eat a good job, and then meet the head of the company on the dinner table.

It's just like a good time to go to the meal, and the Jiaogang director agreed to all the considerations.

At the dinner table, I saw the meal, the staff of the crew of the crew of the crew. It is necessary to know that the crew is taken out, otherwise everyone is a box of food.

Although the director and the star of the star, the food is better, but they are a few people after all. In addition to them, the entire crew is more about the undercurries in the circle, and their boxes do they know how quality.

Many people eat boxes to eat, but can not eat for survival, can have a good life, who is not happy?

Liu Ruoyu is very grateful. She knows that Xu Yun has supported the game in this way, but some people don't dare to find her trouble, and many people in the crew have been remembered.

After all, Xu Yantao is too far away, these people can not take care of Liu Ruo, which is usually taken care of.

Don't underestimate this. Think about that some film and television stars have been said to be sinned makeup artists, you will understand that these staff do not have the difference between hearts.

If you go deep into the study, you will find that in many film and television dramas, many of the lenses can actually do better, and some characters are incorrect, but because some shots of lights, etc., let the actors playing this role There is a deeper impression in the hearts of the audience, you will know that the relationship with the draft staff is very good.

Perhaps a lot of famous big-named women's small people do not affect anything, but the newcomers in the circle of Liu Ruoyu is likely to affect her future development.

"If you have a sister, I want to eat this."

The three little sisters were sitting in Liu Ruo, and my brother was teasing today. It was might as Malan blossom. My brother would be in chaos. They were very angry. I didn't talk to my brother when I was eating today.

Even Xu Yung clules a little sister love to eat beef Xiaoxiao to twisted the small head to the other side, whichever, said: "Don't you, if you want to feed."

My brother is used to buy little sister, and my sister is also principled. If you don't care, you will ignore you.

For the old sister, Xu Zhong has not advised.

He thinks it is very good now. At least it seems that Liu Ruoxi and Xiaoxiao are close, which will let Liu Ruoyu reduce a lot of unnecessary trouble in the crew.

The Mingdom of Fighting in the crew is a lot, and Liu Ruoyu is a small angle of action in the plot of the Jiaogang's director. It is not necessary to be involved.

And the little sisters have Liu Ruoyuan to take care of, Xu Qian can be more convenient to speak with the Jiaogong director.

"Jia Kong director, isn't it said that this" wind flower snow "is taken next year, how can I get it now? I remember that you have taken a" blood color marriage "this year."

"I am unable to take a rest, I don't have to be self-launched, or I still stay in the crew."

Xu Yun smiled: "You are high yield, industry labor model."

Jia Kong director is also laughing: "Hey, still say me. How are you, Xu Laiss. Domestic film and television people can hit the name to international, you can be lazy."

Since Xu Yung has also done a director, the "savage girlfriend" made Yang Xiaomi have a famous gas throughout Asia, and it is more unique, which is a lot of achievements. Only, after that, Xu Yun did not have a work, and there were many people who were young and said behind him.

These words are more or less floating into Xu Qian, and he certainly knows a lot of people in the circle that he is hitting the Universiade, this is a play. It's just that luck is not always, wait until Xu Qian's next film will look forward.

He thinks it is very good now. At least it seems that Liu Ruoxi and Xiaoxiao are close, which will let Liu Ruoyu reduce a lot of unnecessary trouble in the crew.

The Mingdom of Fighting in the crew is a lot, and Liu Ruoyu is a small angle of action in the plot of the Jiaogang's director. It is not necessary to be involved.

And the little sisters have Liu Ruoyuan to take care of, Xu Qian can be more convenient to speak with the Jiaogong director.

"Jia Kong director, isn't it said that this" wind flower snow "is taken next year, how can I get it now? I remember that you have taken a" blood color marriage "this year."

"I am unable to take a rest, I don't have to be self-launched, or I still stay in the crew."

Xu Yun smiled: "You are high yield, industry labor model."

Jia Kong director is also laughing: "Hey, still say me. How are you, Xu Laiss. Domestic film and television people can hit the name to international, you can be lazy."

Since Xu Yung has also done a director, the "savage girlfriend" made Yang Xiaomi have a famous gas throughout Asia, and it is more unique, which is a lot of achievements. Only, after that, Xu Yun did not have a work, and there were many people who were young and said behind him.

These words are more or less floating into Xu Qian, and he certainly knows a lot of people in the circle that he is hitting the Universiade, this is a play. It's just that luck is not always, wait until Xu Qian's next film will look forward.

Since Xu Yung has also done a director, the "savage girlfriend" made Yang Xiaomi have a famous gas throughout Asia, and it is more unique, which is a lot of achievements. Only, after that, Xu Yun did not have a work, and there were many people who were young and said behind him.

These words are more or less floating into Xu Qian, and he certainly knows a lot of people in the circle that he is hitting the Universiade, this is a play. It's just that luck is not always, wait until Xu Qian's next film will look forward.

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