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Chapter 507 Monitoring and Producer

When the competition of the entertainment circle became increasingly fierce, some people had deep feelings: "The actors spelled the final fight."

The actor is the case, the director is not, but the directors spell the final fight.

Under the environment of the director's director such as Huaxia, I want to be a top leading. In addition to your own directive skill, you have to have the ability to write scripts.

Laozi and Kaizi are because of the short board in this area, this is that they have made them two thousand years, and the domestic edroses can not meet the growing spiritual demand changes and can't meet the audience. The work is not accepted by the audience.

It is not lacking this ability in this area with a small steel gun to appear "Editor's Story". So he can write the story you need, or to adapt a story according to your own grasp of your market, this has a director of the most important box room in China in those years.

In a comprehensive ratio, the old prescription and Kazi brother with a short board have become a brigade.

If the so-called sixth generation collective pulls, the old man and Kaizi have been shot on the beach early morning, which can still be supported for so long.

Ok, it is actually the old man who has supported it for so long. Because Kazi only has a tree and C tree in his heart, so the "Shantou Blood Case" script, the reputation and the public feelings will be a thousand feet , Achieved life of life falling ...

Do you have any troubles like this?

I really didn't.

The skill of the guided surface has, and the ability of the screenwriter is in addition to relying on sign-in rewards. When he really needs, he can write scripts according to memory. So many big sale of movies in the later generations, I can remember the memory.

Xu Qian said to Jiaogang director: "The work must be there. After all, it is Hong Kong Island to return to the return of Hong Kong Island. It is to understand the spirit of the return of the return, let them feel the warmth of the motherland."

"To open a new show!"

The Jiaogang director is interested in awakening, letting him return to some people with a work, so that these guys shut up. I have not thought about it, I have been quite unexpected.

This is not just that he is paying attention, and the "Fenghua Snow Moon" at the same table has starred in Jing Lei, and they also cast curiosity.

Just a lot of the drama of the director, they really want to try themselves to get a chance from Xu Qian.

Regardless of some people in the circle, people are successful, and people are now successful. Looking at that Yang Xiaomi is more red by him, the actors in the circle will have more people to know.

The baggage director Question: "I didn't hear the news, are you still not taking it?"

"On the past few days, I have written it. However, this time star has been finalized, it is the artist of Hong Kong Island. The reason I have said before. The specific news Xiao Xiao Media will announce, when you have everyone Interest can try it. "

The Jiaogang director laughed: "Then I am waiting for the new works."

"Will not let everyone wait too long, this will try to shoot fast." Said, Xu Yun sent an invitation, "Jiao Gang director, is there interest to be supervised. My new Director is Wang Jin, system The slogan is Dragon 5. It is necessary to carry out monitoring such as the company. "

Although Xu Qian has enough confidence that he can live in the field, you can't do anything. For balance, the crew needs an inner land. The position and experience of the coast director in the circle, the location of the supervisory gives him right.

The Jiaogang director did not immediately promised, but he hesitated and asked Xuang: "When is the speaking time to start shooting, how long?"

Xu Yu was estimated, replied: "I'm shooting very fast, starring Liu Tianwang and Di Wei Di, they also dedicated old skins, mid-December, strive for a month end. Even if there will be delay, can also be in the festival I will never delay everyone for the past. "

The Chinese New Year is the most important festival, no one.

Now it's not the era of the future of the world, it doesn't matter, this holiday is that others are too much.

Try to control after a month, it is really tight for movies.

I have to consider it, I can't refuse, because he feels that the work from the work is mostly crude, he doesn't want to break his reputation.

However, Xu Zhong is director, and starring Liu Tianwang and Di Di Di, and Wang Jin's famous fast gunman helped, such a film is really unable to say crude.

In case it is a boutique?

Jiao Gang director scaled, nodded and promised: "Xu said, how can I not agree. Hong Kong Island's film industry has developed better than us, it is better than us, I can get a week this time. The windmill is long-term knowledge. "

If you can listen to you, you will be a fool.

With the status of the company, he really wants to work with Hong Kong Circles, it is not a word. People participate in the bureau of enlining Xugang group, nothing more than giving Xu Qian facial, wants to make a job.

Monitoring this position is coinctered with the producer. Many people are unclear, and they don't know who they are very small.

Regarding this problem is actually very simple, just remember a sentence: the producer is not listening to the manufacturer, the producers and supervisors are listening to the producer.

The Jiao Gang Director and Xu Zun talking to the new play in the same table, they seem to be talking to the neighborhood, and all the ears listen to the two people. Talk.

The entertainment circle said that Xiao is not small, saying that it is not big. Especially good projects, good resources, that is scarce.

If Xu Qian wants to shoot a new play, if it is passed, there will be no countless actors want to enter the group. I don't want to do the second Yang Xiaomi?

What's more, the starring is still Liu Tianwang and the DPRK, which will have a remarkable movie, let alone two people play a drama, it is definitely good.

If you have a lot of ambition, you can get a higher event on this road, how can you get this opportunity.

Just let the quietness are concerned that there are some entanglements between her greatest reliance in the circle.

But it is just a guess, it is very clear that it is very clear that Wang Shuo has bored someone to play his banner, and he is rumored outside his relatives. I heard that someone taught the guy, Wang Shuo can be very happy.

The night cannon is all good, and it is also a relative, and the back is called fast. It will never show it, otherwise it will be mistaken.

Perhaps Xu Zhong did not take this time, and even he had already forgotten, but there was such a layer of separation to be unassured in Jing La.

I directly find Xu Qian explained, Jingle felt that she was not so big, so she could only take curve to save the country and put the goal on Liu Ruo.

For this little girl, I will release my good idea, and I will take it with her as soon as possible.

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