Almighty sign in

Chapter 529 Paper Aircraft and Four Writings

The strongest is too brain-made, and people will scare their own.

There are so many oldest departments in the world, more but because of the potential, the situation is.

Xuang gently pushed a chain reaction.

Doubled in the luxury house of the Buddha, Xu'an is folded on the lawn, Xiaoxiao and Xiao Qingzi, they looked at it, both anxious and desire.

It seems that the brother is not a piece of paper, but it is looking forward to a long toy.

Paper aircraft This simple and easy toy toy most people have played in their childhood, limited to materials and producer technology, and paper aircraft folding methods are divided into several.

There is the simplest three-fold pointed paper plane, and more complex flat head paper planes, and more mindful children have made an article on the wing, and have made a variety of folding paper planes.

Various common, remote, flowers, whistle, have four ways to write, sound is very powerful, actually there is no big use.

Of course, there is no much useful use.

It is like now, the same piece of paper, Xu Qian can fold several different paper planes, so that little sister has increased a lot of worship the brother.

On the importance of learning a craft.

The paper plane in the hand just folded, the phone rang. Xu Qian handed all the paper aircraft to Sisi, let her take Xiao Xiao and Xiaobi to play.

When Xiaoxiao and Xiaoxilai patted their hands, hip hoping, she walked away after thinking, Xu Yun was only connected.

"Do you look for me is a negotiation process, Vii?"

"I want to confirm one thing, the boss." Viri's voice came from the phone, "Is there a message that we are negotiating with the British people?"

"You are not going"


Ok, Viti understands.

"I think I know what to do, the boss."

Talk to smart people is simple, and smart people are more comfortable.

Xu Qian doesn't have to say more. We know what attitude should be taken in the next negotiation.

Originally in the negotiations, Viti, Titi, which came to the next negotiation became more tough. She patted the Boys on the table: "Mr., our business should not be external to the outside world. Confidential? But look outside, the news about this business negotiation is all. I want to ask everyone, who will tell the media, this person wants to achieve. "

Do not respond to the British people, Veti is quickly launched: "If someone wants to use public opinion to press us, try to influence this negotiation through the field factors, I can tell you responsibly, this is absolutely impossible. "

At the beginning, the British negotiation group has also reacted at this time, they asked: "The so-called someone tried to use public opinion to put pressure on you, all are your guess. Our members did not inform others, About the negotiation message leaks, or wait for the discovery and then conclusion. "


Vii bruises, giving people a feeling like an upcoming volcano.

"What do you mean by this, is it difficult to come out?"

The British Negotiation Mission has a mustache, replies: "Who knows. I said, before the survey comes out, we can't easily conclusion. That is to say, I know that this negotiation before I know. There is suspicion. "

"Very good, you mean, I understand, then this is."

Vi Ti stood up and announced that the British negotiation group was: "In view of the unpredictable changes in the negotiation, we have great disagreement on the contract provisions, and negotiations. This is what I fully consider the current situation, and fully respect The decision made after you will say. Just as you said, no one has suspicion before the results of the survey. It is not as wastes every other one to be wasting each other. It is better to wait until you have the results. "

After saying that Viti will take her team to leave, the British negotiation group horses the god.

"Please wait, Ms. Vii."

"About negotiations are more authorized to be over, please ask us time."

Vatty faces look at each other, until the other party is panicked, she only speaks: "You have five minutes."

This woman is evil!

The British Negotiation Mission was a half-dead, and the hearts were big: the death of the rice country, and there was no big respect for his own principal. Such a vulgar is rude, and it is really the country established by the following.

Gas is gas, it must be done.

Toylo brigade has been very dissatisfied with the calls of these people after the call of the negotiation group: "Negotiation is absolutely unable to stop."

This is a tone.

Toyo Judgment the negotiation message is that the possibility of a vulnerability is there, but very small, more is the hands and feet of Xu Yun.

, should he have to repent.

This is not possible.

No, the possibility is very large.

The world loves yourself and people, thinking that you are, what is it? I feel that one thing I have encountered, and others should also react.

Toyo can't help.

Accepting Western elite education, in Western money, enjoy the best of Toyo, who has grown up, and did not understand the Chinese culture, and did not understand the Chinese culture. It is also no concept of benevolence letter such as Renyi letter from the core of China.

He and Xu Qian values ​​are different, but how can it be ignorant.

In Toyo's view, Xu Qian put out the news of the two sides, and it has reached the purpose of its needs. It can be recognized and taken care of the upper level of China after it. As for the negotiations, Xu Sheng is now Is it not to give him Toyo in the pan?

It is your British people to engage, negotiating this has not been able to go, the responsibility is not in me.

If it is not Xu Qian's authority, Tiji is just a tool for business negotiations. How can she attitudes so tough, and how can I say that I will stop negotiation?

Toyu is very hated, or if he knows that the consortium will have a big movement next year, we will have a lot of people who will be brought by this, and he will not endure this.

"Tell that rice woman, the contract is coming in accordance with the terms given before. If she is asked to stop negotiation, then they are not sincere, we will disclose the details of the negotiations to the outside world."

That is, it is not Xu Qian with Toyo, Otherwise, Xu I will spray him a dog blood.

Terminal Terms proposed by Titi is based on the equality of both parties. It belongs to the benefits of both parties. The result is that Toyo is a grievance, and the signing contract is difficult.

What is going, don't let you take advantage of your heart?

I am not your aunt, I am used to you.

Xu Qian, who was done with the little sister, received a call from Vii: "The boss, the contract is signed."

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