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Chapter 530 is waiting

I finally took it down.

Xu Yu Changshi tone, he has been waiting for Vi Ti today. After getting the results you want, he is relaxed.

Hundi, who is still staying in Xu Yun residence, is not free to say: "Do you look at Hong Kong Island?"

The whole West is singing in the island. Everyone is determined by Hong Kong Island, and the economy will naturally decline after being retracted by Huaxia. Xu Yun dares to take the sky.

Hengardli can't understand.

Xu Yun told him: "When everyone tells you that a industry is very profitable, then you have to be careful. Because if this industry can make money, people who understand the situation are busy making money, how Maybe there may be cared for you? The reason why they have appeared, but they want to make your money. Only, it is also established. "

"When all the West sing, the opportunity to make money is coming."

"Do not."

"It should not be said to make money, accurately, it is rich."

Heng Deli couldn't accept it. He admitted that he did not necessarily say Xu Zun, and Xu An mention did not make sense, but the whole West is not optimistic about Hong Kong Island, is Hong Kong Island that can not turn it?

"The West does not represent the whole world. As for the confidence in Hong Kong Island, it is better to say that I have confidence in Huaxia."

Heng Deli does not understand where Xu Yung comes to confidence, it can't be given to him in Huaxia, there is not much difference with Hong Kong Island with the country, not to say that it is more than Western developed countries.

"If you insist, I will do my best for you, but I will keep my opinion."

Heng Deli said.

Xu Zhong: "Time will prove that I am right."

Hendri: "I will wait and see."

How does the economy in Hong Kong Island will need to wait after returning next year, but the results of today's basketball games do not need.

The cheers of the treasure boat palace center is overworm, and the voice is very good, and there are many venues, and there is a lot of no more ball tickets that cannot be admitted. itch.

These people swear in their hearts, be sure to get the ball ticket for the next fast fleet.

Even someone still regret, I know that this season's fast ship team is so powerful, the game is so wonderful, I will buy a quarterly ticket.

Golden Bayler can't help but feel at a frenzy place: Sure enough, as long as there is a lot of participation in the competition.

The fan is watching the game, appreciating is wonderful, requiring a win.

Xu Yung can make the ball to play beautiful, and let the team win the game, saying that he is the most perfect for the fans.

Beautifully win a wonderful game, not a boring, a victory, seemingly required, not a few people can do it.

If you don't make it, Xu Qian is an exception.

Don't look at Xuang only played half a season, but also missed many times, but he bought the wind, the strength, and that there was a lot of yellow skin with the rice people, gave it. The front of the ball is bright, and then he is conquered by his strength, he has become his fan.

The strength of the arena is king. When your strength is powerful to a certain level, race, skin color, nationality and other factors will be ignored by fans.

I didn't even know that I have had enough influence in Miki.

Commercial elites are amazed in his business talent, sighing his business vision and business operation, and regards Xu Zun as an idol.

Sports fans were shocked to Xu Yato breaking the rate of human limits, and smashing talent in basketball in basketball.

The netizens admire Xu Yun's cerebral cave, is because Xu Yung's support, Tit, Netscape and other Internet companies will set up and make their lives colorful.

The fans are looking forward to Xicks, who is known as Xu Yun, can make more and better animations, so they will call friends, or accompany their families to spend a meaningful night, and have a common topic. Convenient to increase your feelings.

More civilian masses, their senses of Xu Qian are also very good.

Who let the country's single family, this country's civilian family has a large part of the father is irresponsible to take a role of the valley, only the mother's hard raising child grows up.

Just, Xu Qian is exposed by the media to make many rice people feel the same, and they consciously regard the Xuang as their own people. And Xu Yun's success is, which makes these people have a sense of dream.

But they don't know, the Chinese dreams of the rice dreams and Xu Yun born in their cognition are completely two concepts.

The rice dream said that the direct white point is a dream, and it is a lover. And the ancestors of Huaxia in this area have long been spotted - taking advantage of the gathering, the benefits are exhausted.

Huaxia dreams do not only have money, and their core is the national and national righteousness, and it is the value pursuit of life and self-realization.

105: 87.

This is the final score of the game.

Some Xu Zhong was defending their homely unbeaten myth again.

For Xu Lun, this game is just a game that does not need to be able to take it with fullness. It can be a new carnival in a new carnival.

Because Huaxia has returned to Los Angeles, because Huaxia has stepped onto the court, because the official announcement of the Clippers said, Huaxia Xu will stay in the next period of time, as long as he is at the home game of the Miki Express He will not be absent.

After the game, Jin Belle found Xu Yun and conveyed the meaning of the alliance.

"Xu, Mr. Stern wants you to participate in Christmas Wars, and hope that you can take time for the dunk contest and all-star."

Xu Qian is not a general player. Stern cannot use the attitude towards the other team to treat him, if things are involved in Xu Qian, Stri will work with Xu Yun, rather than treating other players in the Alliance Give a notice.

It can be said that Xu Qian and Jordan level.

It is worth selling NBA, in order to open the Huaxia market in the courtyard, it is still a bitter bitter, and he acts more comfortable than his successor.

"Then you will turn Stein, say that I promise. I will participate in the Christmas Wars, I will participate in the dunk contest and all star games."

Get Xu Yun promised to leave, he wants to go to Stern.

It is very busy to know that Xu Yun is very busy, wants to make Xu'an promised, let Xu'an specially clear the trip for the NBA Alliance, it is not an easy task, he is Golden Beller to force the power.

Will not express work, will not sell the employees in front of the leader, not good employees, not good, such people are hard to reuse. Jin Beller is well versed, otherwise, how can he take it in his position in the position of the Express Shipping Team.

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