Almighty sign in

Chapter 531 Cold Weapon Master

"You have completed daily check-in and get random rewards: the master of the cold weapon."

Today, the daily sign-in random reward will make Xu Qian don't know how to say it, or it is not good.

Master of the cold weapon, listening to the name, knowing is an increase in the cold weapon. It makes Xu Qian's use of the cold weapon to the master level, and the advanced fighting skills you have now have to be strong.

And the two are not only unable to conflict, but they can be brought to each other, so that Xuang is strong in fighting and using the cold weapons.

However, what do I want it?

As a young bodyguard, many bodyguards on the side have no chance to show, and the opportunity to show himself to the cool weapons.

Don't take the initiative to find someone to pick up a chance?

He will be bored without doing things, there is a small sister who is fighting with your own family.

Not right!

When Xu Xian fully received randomly reward information, after the accumulation of the cold weapon master, Xu Yun found himself too much.

Who said that the Cold Weapon Master is useless?

Cold weapons include the swords of knife guns that are often hanging on their mouths, as well as many wonderful weapons.

When a basketball was taken in his hand, Xu Yutu had a significant increase in his own balloons when he danced in his hand.

It was originally comparable to Owen's control. Xu Yun thought that it was impossible to have any improvement, after all, this has already touched the existence of the ceiling, but I don't want to sign in the random to the cold weapon, which is so violent. Directly I broke the ceiling and let Xu have seen the sky.

It took a long time in his own alley, Xu Yun returned to the main house.

At this time, three little sisters have woken up, Xiaoxiao and Xiao Qingzi have completed the wash under the supervision of thinking. Seeing three refreshing and clean little sisters, Xu Qian couldn't help but feel: a big child helped to bring a child.

"Brother, give your sister folder."

"The plane fly fly."

Xu Zhong just went home, the little sister rushed over, Xiaoxiao and Xiao Qingzi hug his brother's legs, twisted the little body in spoiled.

The paper plane Xuang did not fold, and he folded the little sister with a paper frog.

Light pressure with your fingers and let go, let the paper frog, the little sister will follow.

Between the jumping, they follow the little frogs to the outside, happy play on the lawn. Xu Qian took the table and chair, sunning the warm sun in the lawn, looking at these three silly children, waiting for the arrival of Vii.

The little sister is very happy. When Vi is arriving, they are learning a little frog "" "" ", I don't know, I thought that the little sister changed the race, becoming the puppy The little frog.

"The contract has been signed, the British people will arrive within one month, and you also need to handle the shares of the good fruit company within this month."

Don't look at Western consortia to see how bad assets in Hong Kong Island will think that these assets will not have buyers, this is not the case.

The presence of HK island is very interested in these, but British and Western consortions are not willing to sell their business in Hong Kong Island. Local people.

The British people are not willing to return to Hong Kong Island. They think that only their own rule can make Hong Kong Island prosperity, once Hong Kong Island will have a recession in Hong Kong Island.

But they must also be admitted that Hong Kong Island can have today's prosperous Hong Kong Island's local Chinese richers have contributed.

With the familiarity of Hong Kong Island local Chinese rich business, as well as their own measures, if you sell HSBC's business to them, it is never a good thing for Western consortium.

Li Zheng's happiness makes Western consortia to Hong Kong Island rich, and the fear is cheap by these Chinese.

They don't want to think, they buy out the bad assets that they think after evaluation, the Chinese can turn waste into the treasure after picking up, how can they say that they are inexpensive.

Can not sell Hong Kong Island local rich business, sold to Hong Kong Island Life, and Xu Yun with Hong Kong Island's capital, then there is no problem.

Not only no problem, it is also possible to get a big part of the equity in the future, how to watch it is cost-effective.

"Give money to give so cool, not because they feel that they can have a big cheap in this transaction."

I don't know how to do it.

These guys shook for so many years in Hong Kong Island, ingestted the wealth of the sky, and I have to brush the pattern. With various means, for the Huaxia left a chaotic Decree, the tricks played when they were withdrawn when they were evacuated.

Unfortunately, they forgot that Huaxia is not a native of Tianzhu. The people of Huaxia use sacrifices and struggled to cast recovery, rather than A San's non-violence.

The British trick is good about A San, and it is not available in China.

Titi did not accept the words of Yon, she kept her rhythm: "The listing of the blind box company is already talking, Wall Street hopes that you can let them put it."

"What do they want?"

"Goldman Sachs and Morgan have promised, they will allow the listing process to speed up as much as possible. As long as you open B Rounded funds, release enough shares to subscribe, the blind box company will be listed after Christmas. This way to cooperate with Pickers The success of the lower movie, the company's stock will surprise people after the listing. "

Xu Qian understood: "They just want to make more money."

It is also true that the capital is the capital, but if you can buy more money, the procedure is not a matter. It is said that it is not a white palace in the Rice, but the capital of Wall Street, this is not Hu.

Wall Street does not nod, you may not be able to touch the threshold of the listing of the list ten years, once they nod, the process can simplify you think is playing children.

"How much do they want?"


Xu Zhongyi attacked: "Let them roll. I have been shares, I will give them twenty-no money. I don't make money. When I was in the Bheet, I put 10% again. If you don't agree, don't talk."

Original blind box company is a binding of interest, and the product of the welfare of employees can be listed. It can be listed. Xu'an can make it live. Under such a premise, the capital of Wall Street wants to take the big head, let Xu Zhong become a worker, there is no door.

Viti wrote the conditions of Xu Qian, she reminded Xu Zun: "When the boss takes over HSBC, there may be a leaving price after the business of HSBC, you have to prepare for it."

"It's not possible, it is absolutely." Xu Qian determined and affirmed, "The British people gave me a certain thing, Vii, you contact me to contact the headhunting, I need to create a set of own management in Hong Kong Island Floor."

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