Almighty sign in

Chapter 545 gives a small classmate

The hatch is opened, the blem of the cold wind, can't help but hit a cold.

Xu Yuan stood in the door, cold wind blowing him, he didn't feel, but the three little sisters he felt narrowed his neck.

Xiaoxiao and Xiao Qingzi reached a small hand to help my brother: "Brother hugs."

Such a child is privileged, this privilege is reflected in walking, do not want to go, the next step ... is like this moment.

At this time, my sister's brother will send it, and the little sister needs her brother. I need her brother to do their teaching tools. If my brother, if you don't agree, you will feel wronged, and you will tears, you will cry, you will cry, you will cry. Three people came out and seeing my brother promised.

Holding two little sisters, Xu Qian placed them on the commuter car, and let the thinking of his clothes, taking two little dogs for yourself.

This sent Zhao Xiaoxue and her team a second commuter vehicle.

"Zhao Jie, next you and your team will use our negotiation."

"Okay, boss."

When the two were, Xu Qian's results were recruited to Zhao Xiaoxue.

Another team started.

Xu Qian was very happy. He and his team did not open the airport after Zhao Xiaoxue, but waited for half an hour until Zhao Xiaodou appeared.


Luo Yao brushed the way to drive, and then picked up after Xu Xu's team, and Zhao Xiaodou sat into Xu Yun's car.

Didn't ask Xu Yun, why did you go today? After the car, Zhao Xiao sat next to Xu Qian, the small half of the body leaned him, his eyes became the moon, a happy look.

It's rare that I didn't have Yang Xiaomi and Tang Wei when I was together, and Zhao Xiaoying had a good mood to fly.

Of course, if there is no three puppies that have been constantly talking to her, she will be better.

With the shoulder of this girl, Xu Yun Yu, she: "Going to the area in front of Hong Kong Island."

No reason, Zhao Xiao nodded without hesitation: "I remember."

It's a sensible girl.

Can a girl like this?

Xu Yun said to her: "I only stay in Beiqing for a long time, I have to take off to Los Angeles in the morning. My mother didn't see Xia Xiao, waiting for me to send them to the Years."

Zhao Xiaowe: "Then I am waiting for you with Luoyao first to the Siheyuan?"

This girl's scorpion is hidden, but she can't show it. Unfortunately, she didn't hide the eyes of Xu Yun, so Xu Yun took her shoulder's hand slightly, took this girl to her arms, and the other hand stickers her belly around her waist, head Buried in her hair, smelling the fragrance of the hair: "No, you will take my car with me."

The enthusiasm of the man when breathing is in the ear, so that Zhao Xiaoyuan is red, I feel that the body is in the soft girl, I have been like the shake, I'm going to see Fang Shuying. After sending three little sisters to my mother, I was leaving.

When Zhao Xiaon was turned over, she found himself in a familiar room, which was her accommodation in the House.

"Small classmates, I am teaching them all these days, I didn't take care of your homework, now let me know you, see if you are lazy."

The door is closed, and then the lock, Xu Qian began a trip to the work of labor.

In view of the difference in small classmates, in order to adapt to her level, Xu Yong out is the addition and subtraction.

Of course, in order to increase the difficulty, the small classmates were also examined for several mouthmed.

A test is serious, one is used, and the time is like this.

When Xu Xu leaves, the sky has come to night.

Sitting in the car, I blew the cold wind of the night, and Xu Qian is in this excitement, and I can see how much he has before.

Sure enough, learning this kind of thing is a lot of people who are taught or learning.

On the way to the airport, Xu Qian asked Li Ke: "Is it here?"

"They are already at the airport."

"That is."

After getting the answer yourself, Xu Yuli will no longer talk, and start to close his eyes.

When I arrived at the airport, Xu Yun met Zhang Aga and Bai Mountain that had already been waiting here, and two men of Zhang Aju.

Zhang Aga saw Xu Yun's first time to welcome: "The boss is good. This is my small generation, the big column and the dog, some coarsely lived."

In short, these two men are doing mixed.

Bai Mountain has a detention: "Hello, you have a place where you have used it."

Xu Yun came, asked them in one side: "Is there anything on the store?"

"No, there are two pillars and people who have done, delaying the period."

Zhang Aga and Xu Yu are more familiar, and he answers Xu Qian 's question.

This is called the old brother, it seems that these two people have been mixed in this time, and the relationship is nearly a lot than before.

Xu Qian did not care about it.

His ancient play is not to make money, but to have a reasonable source of replacement of the old ancient substance replacement channels, and it is also a reasonable source of the treasures like the ancient Old things or the jade cabbage. Therefore, the relationship between Zhang Aga and Bai Mountain doing things close or not, he will not be as nervous as some company boss, feel that the relationship between the hand is too bad, it is easy to join the boss of the boss.

"Will not delay the store to come into the best."

During the speech, a group has passed the special channel to the apron.

Looking at the front of the airport airline plane in front of the airport, Zhang Aga and Bai Mountain are amazed: This is the legendary private plane, I didn't expect that I also had a private airplane.

Bay G550 light is outside, Zhang Agong is just amazed, really walking into the door, entering the inner inside of the plane, and their laighted will become a do not know.

His ancient play is not to make money, but to have a reasonable source of replacement of the old ancient substance replacement channels, and it is also a reasonable source of the treasures like the ancient Old things or the jade cabbage. Therefore, the relationship between Zhang Aga and Bai Mountain doing things close or not, he will not be as nervous as some company boss, feel that the relationship between the hand is too bad, it is easy to join the boss of the boss.

"Will not delay the store to come into the best."

During the speech, a group has passed the special channel to the apron.

Looking at the front of the airport airline plane in front of the airport, Zhang Aga and Bai Mountain are amazed: This is the legendary private plane, I didn't expect that I also had a private airplane.

Bay G550 light is outside, Zhang Agong is just amazed, really walking into the door, entering the inner inside of the plane, and their laighted will become a do not know.

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